Chapter One: Potions

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         There she stood, proud and tall. Along the line with the famous Harry Potter, waiting to be sorted into one of the four houses by the Sorting Hat. Oh, how she hoped to not be sorted into Hufflepuff, she didn't believe she was Hufflepuff. But they don't get to choose, the hat chooses for you. It's based at how what type of person you are. Guess you could say, she didn't really fit in at all.
        "Harry Potter!" Professor McGonagall called. She stood tall with her emerald green coat and put up, blonde hair. As she watched the famous Harry Potter walk up the stairs, she thought he was pretty adorable. His little scar that poked out between his bangs and his circular glasses. How odd.
        "Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat announced and everyone clapped. There he ran to the Gryffindor table and sat next to a red hair boy and a young girl with large hair.
        "Aurora Prince!" McGonagall shouted and Aurora skipped a heartbeat. She slowly stepped towards the hat, then finally sitting on the stool. It was slightly uncomfortable. In the corner of her eye, she was being stared by a man who sat at the edge of the High Table, the table where the teachers sit, he had long, pitch black hair, snow white skin, with a hooked nose. He wore a black robe so long that you couldn't see his feet. At first she was staring at her, but then quickly shifted to another soul.
        "Ow," Aurora turned her head and saw the Potter boy tend to his scar, as if it pains him.
         "Slytherin!" The hat yelled and it almost startled her. She almost stumbled off the stool before Professor McGonagall caught her and guided her to the Slytherin table. Aurora sat at the edge of the table, by a young boy named Draco Malfoy, who has gone right before her, and on his side were his goons, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. And across Aurora, was a girl named Pansy Parkinson and a dark-skinned boy, Blaise Zabini. He smiled faintly once they both made eye contact. Aurora smiled back when he quickly turned away.
        Dining was almost finished after Headmaster Dumbledore finished his toast, it was quite boring actually. Aurora finished her dinner then later tried talking to Pansy. But she would rather talk about herself than ask anything about Aurora.
        "Slytherin!" That man with the long hair approached the table and slammed on the edge to get everyone's attention. Aurora looked. To her side to the see the other tables, Gryffindor wasn't guided by their head, but by their prefects. Hufflepuff was guided to their dorms by their head, Professor Sprout. And Ravenclaw was guided by Professor Flitwick. And Slytherin was guided by this man.
        "Listen to my words a listen to them clearly," he had a deep voice with a darkening tone, "I will not have any disobedience in my house. Our one goal for this year is to win the House Cup, do we understand-Good! We cannot let Gryffindor take, I will not allow it. There will be fun, let me assure you, but there will be no disrespect towards me and only a little with the other teachers. I will like you to have good grades, if not, you fun privileges are revoked, do I make myself clear!" He faced Aurora, Aurora smiled, he faintly turned his lips on one side, everyone else on the table nodded their heads, "good! My name is Professor Snape and I am your head."


        It was the next day, and Aurora barely got any sleep. They could hear the boys yelling and screaming from the girl's dorms. Pansy was cursing them silently from their room. There was another girl there, a girl named Izzy Dazzlum. She was quiet and mostly focused on spells than fun. Aurora tried talking with her but she swished to the other side of her bed and ignored her. Aurora rolled her eyes and just went to bed. Still hearing he boys play. But no matter, because it is over.
        Her first class with Arithmancy with Professor Vector, then she was off with Potions with their head, Professor Snape. She walked with the Slytherins, Draco cracked jokes about he was Snape's favorite because he was his godfather and he's good friends with his parents, but Aurora begged to differ.
        Snape entered the room, which was in the dungeon, with a slammed door and rushed toward the front of the class. He swiftly turned and faced the class, he called roll call and skipped Aurora's name because he knew she was here. And paused at Harry's name.
        "Ah, yes," he said softly, "Harry Potter. Our new-celebrity."
        Aurora sitting behind them, noticed Malfoy and his goons chuckling at Harry.
        "You are to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he continued, "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, endearing the sense. . . .I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even out a stopper to death-if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
        Aurora snuck in a chuckle when Snape completely turned a head, "Potter!" He yelled, "what would I get if I added powerdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood." He didn't know, "I guess fame isn't everything. Let's try that again, Potter. Where would you look if I told you find me a bezoar?"
        He didn't know. But the girl next to him, Hermione Granger, held her hand high as if she wanted to touch the clouds.
        "Thought you wouldn't open a book before coming, eh, Potter?" He formed his mouth into a devilish sneer, "what is the difference, Potter,  between wolfsbane and monkshood?"
Again, he didn't know. Hermione stood up from her chair and impatiently waiting for him to call on her.
"Sit down," he snapped at Hermione, "Pity, Potter. Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant which goes by the name of aconite. Well? Why aren't you all copying this down?"
Everyone grabbed their quill and quickly wrote everything he said rapidly down. And soon after Potions left, the ones left in the classroom was Aurora and Draco.
"Draco," Snape called to him, "give my regards to Narcissa." He swiftly turned around and flipped through his book, Draco nodded and soon left, leaving Aurora and Snape alone.
"You taught well," she smiled, Snape eyed her sharply, "why do you treat me like the rest of you students."
"Because, they will think you as my favorite," he answered boldly.
"But I am your favorite," she walked to his side.
"Yes, and we don't want Malfoy to get any ideas," he said, "how was your day."
"It was pretty good. I loved Potions," she smiled once more, "how you snapped at the Potter boy was hilarious-"
"I am glad you found amusing, Aurora. But assure me that you knew all the answers?"
"Of course," she nodded, "and the Potter boy, he's very-"
"What, Aurora. He's very what?"
"Nerdy," she stuttered.
"Hmm," he toned, "let me assure you something, my Aurora. Stay away from boys like those. Matter of fact, stay away from boys from that house in particular. Potter is just as oblivious as his father. A no good who never knew anything. Malfoy's father and mother taught me everything I know and I will teach you everything I know. Clear?"
"Yes," she paused, "Father."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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