july 20th 2018

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WHOOP WHOOP! It's beach day! I have been looking forward to this day all gosh darn summer. Going to the beach is one of my favorite things to do, and getting to go with my best friends is just even better. I mean come on, a day doing my favorite thing with my favorite people? It doesn't get much better than this. My mom drove me, Alexia, Kali, Abby, Abby's sister Marissa, and my sister Lauren. Wait, I just realized I always refer to Lauren as "my sister" instead of just saying her name. I mean, I've talked about her before, guess I'll drop the "my sister" from now on hahaha. The drive to the beach we were going to was just under an hour and a half long. I don't mind riding in the car for that long cause I just listen to music and talk to my mom. Alexia and Kali are the same way. Abby on the other hand gets really car sick so she has to sleep in order to get from one place to another. She takes something to help her fall asleep and to help with the nausea so she's ok. Her mom is coming too, but she's taking the other car with our other siblings and all the beach stuff. We just talked about random things in the car on the way there. Nothing I even remember really.

It felt so good to get out of the car and smell the ocean. The beach wasn't as busy as we thought it would be. But hey, I'm not complaining hahaha. The first thing the girls and I wanted to do was try our sun tattoos. I have been trying to find the best way to do it, and I started seeing a lot of people were using nail polish to draw and then scrub it off after being in the sun. So we painted little suns on our shoulders and got our sun tanning on. We were laying there for a long time with an occasional switch of course. Alexia ended up getting really sunburnt. She always does. She always burns at first but those burns turn into really pretty tans. But we didn't scrub off the nail polish until we were about to leave the beach.

But we did a lot more before we left. We took a walk down the jeti to the lighthouse and took some pictures. As we were walking there we saw this really cute guy with yellow sunglasses. Abby and Kali ended up talking to him and I think Abby got his snap so they've kinda been chatting since. After we took pictures and walked back to our spot on the beach we saw another really hot guy, who was definitely a senior or older, and he had on striped shorts. I would've gone up to talk to him if I was older and didn't have braces lmao. So at this point, I was crushing on striped shorts (a code name if you will), Abby was HARDCORE crushing on yellow sunglasses (another code name), and Alexia mentioned how she was crushing on some guy from the show Survivor  that I got her into. She played onto this joke when she made her insta post captioned: "yellow sunglasses, striped shorts, or sebastian noel??" It's just a funny joke within the four of us now hahaha.

We ended up getting burgers at the snack shack for lunch. I honestly don't even remember what we talked about lmao. But I can assure you we were not silent. After we ate lunch Abby and I's mothers gave us an hour warning cause my brother Jack, who came with us today, had a soccer lesson. So we quickly made our sandcastle for the bucket list, collected some seashells, and went to scrub off the nail polish to reveal our sun tattoos! I was actually kinda disappointed at how they came out. Because Kali and I were already really tan, ours didn't really show up. However Abby and Alexia's came out really well and they were so pretty. Granted Alexia's was surrounded by a sunburn but it still looks good.

Literally all of us slept the ride home. And to be honest, I slept some more when I got home. The girls and I texted a little bit later but we were all really tired from our adventures that we just decided to go to bed. And that is what I'm about to do.

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