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Jennie come back teaser....

"Ugh I'm so happy my baby's solo works teaser is coming ugh connect the phone we can't be late" tea yelled

"HYUNG stop for your baby's sake we are connecting" jungkook said

"UwU our kid also can't wait" tae yelled and everyone spoofed.

They connected the phone and after sometime the teaser dropped

"She's pretty,hot,beauti-" jungkook cutted off tea and said

"Yeah yeah we know now don't make us fall for your life"

"Yah kook" Lisa said and went upstairs

"Oh no I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to disappoint you" he said and followed her

"That's What you get" tae said

Comeback day...

"Ugh we can't wait for Jennies comeback connect fast kook" Lisa said

"Last time tae hyung and now them" jungkook said

Then he connected the phone and waited

Then the comeback dropped

"She can rap, she can do any-" tea was cutted of  was Jennie entering and saying hi

"Ohhh my baby is here"
he said and hugged her

"Let's watch your dance practice video and cuddle" are said

"Okay" Jennie replied with a smile and they watched her dance video

Please read my boyfriend is an artist|treasure|everglow by ChoiKimWrites

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