{Switch} semishira part 1

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Not my art work ^


No one POV

"Semi semi~" shirabu called from the living room

"Tendo?" Semi joking replied back

"Shut it! Anyways~, semi would you let me top you~", Semi's eyes widened

"If you ride me I'll let you top me" he replied smirking

"Semiiii, that's a lot of effort!!" Shirabu moaned back at him

"Then no sir Shirabu Kenjirō you may not top me~"

"But I want toooo"

"Ride me then~"

"Do I have to?"

"Yep! Deal or no deal~"

"Aaaaaa fine!"

"Come on here then~"

"Hold up I'm doing something~"

"Oh Sir Shirabu Kenjirō what ever could you be doing that's more important that riding your  gorgeous boyfriend~" semi said smirking

"You will see~"

A few minutes later Shirabu walked into the bedroom wearing a short skirt. Semi looked up form his phone and licked his lips at the sight. Semi looked up and down noticing were the skirt was raised slightly. He lied down putting his phone on the side table. He lowered his eyes noticing Shirabu's  hardened member.

"You like what you see Eita~" Shirabu said as he climbed on top of semi

"I like what I see a lot~" semi licked his lip again and grabbed a hold of shirabu's member. Shirabu moaned quitely and leaned down to kiss semi. Semi moved his hand up and down over the other boys member. Shirabu moved himself so he could feel  semi's clothed member, rocking his hips and seeping the kiss.

Shirabu pulled away kissing semis neck. He sucked down on his pale skin leaving hickeys down his neck. Semi sat put slightly and removed his shirt. Shirabu pushed him back down and kisses around his nipples. He bit down leaving teeth marks around both of semis nipples. Shirabu pulled back and was about to take off the skirt off before he felt semi grab his arm
"What do you think your doing your fucking me with the skirt on" Shirabu smiked at semi demand

"Your wish is my command" he said before undoing semi's jeans getting up slightly to pull them down

He threw them on the floor before he ran his tongue over semi's clothed member receiving moans form semi. He bit down on the rim of semis boxers pulling them down with his teeth. He smirked feeling semi's member hit him in the face. He carried on pulling his boxers down until they were off he threw them on the floor sitting up and held semis member at his entrance
"I need to prepare you don't I?"

"I already did it why do you think I took so long to come to you~" Shirabu lowered himself down on semis member letting his entrance take the hole thing

Semis threw his head back while Shirabu rocked his hips pushing him self off semi member then pushing himself back down. Semi moaned loudly he placed his hand on shirabu's hips thrusting into Shirabu entrance

"S-semi I'm gonna cum" Shirabu moaned

Semi thrushed harshly causing both boys to cum. Shirabu panted, pushing himself off semi's member with a smile

"My turn~"

Part 1 😏

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