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"Yeah I guess, maybe I'm just overthinking it." Renjun yawned, closing his eyes and wanting to take a quick nap before he starts his assignments. He needed to rest a while. He couldn't sleep the past couple of days because of his heat. It was unbearable having to use those damn things to get past the waves. He didn't like it, but he needed to do it to get it over with.

"Just hope that Jaemin doesn't sign up for the musical so he can kiss you."

"Ugh, don't even remind me."


Renjun was bored out of his mind. His cousins had left his house after a while since it was getting pretty late. He finished up the homework he had due for tomorrow and was getting tired of mindelssly scrolling through Twitter. Twitter was fun, but it quickly got annoying really fast.

He grumbled for the fiftieth time in that hour, getting up and looking out his window.

It was getting dark, yet it wasn't too bad. If he so wanted, he could probably go out for a quick run. His body was feeling sluggish after his heat and it would be a nice way to prepare for his track practice tomorrow. He shuddered, at the thought of getting yelled at yet again by Coach Seo.

His Coach was nice, but he was still kind of rough on him. Mostly because he knew Renjun was capable, but just needed to be pushed a little in order to do his best. Renjun was flexible, he could jump pretty high compared to his small height and he was light.

Sighing yet again, he goes to his closet to change into some loose track pants, and a hoodie since it was still Feburary. There was no snow, but the crisp wind was what caught him off guard most of the time. It made it hard to breathe, especially when his body was just overheating not even a week ago.

He needed to get back into shape after his heat. His legs felt cramped and he knew he lost some of the progress because of that week of torture.

"Mom I'm going out for a run." Renjun said, putting on his AirPods and putting on his shoes.

"Alright, be careful honey." She said back, seeing him leave his house. Renjun began stretching, hearing his back crack and getting ready for a run. He'd probably just take five minutes to get his lungs used to the crisp air and then start his usual "at home training" where he'd run around different blocks before going to the park and practice hurdling over some things. The park would usually be empty by this time, figuring he could get a lot done in preparation for tomorrow.

He started running up and down his neighborhood street, getting used to the cold and practicing his breathing method. The cold made him feel a little dizzy, but it wasn't anything too bad. He continued to run down his street, turning onto another street and continuing to keep his pace. He checked his time on his Apple watch, checking how fast he was going.

He pushed on, running around the block and zig zagging through different streets and sidewalks. After a good half hour, he decided to turn around and head towards the park getting nearer, he could make out a figure nearby. He didn't pay it much attention, heading towards the grassy part of the park.

He didn't have any actual hurdles to set up at the park, but there were specific objects already set up like benches, boulders and even those springy ride-ons that he would jump over. He even practiced with those bike racks that were set up. He made the most of what he had available.

Renjun had always been told that he tended to run away from his problems. His whole family was pretty well-off and his friends said that was an understatement. Renjun and his cousins were the only people who would probably show up to school in designer jackets because it went with their outfit.

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