Jingle Bells and Firewhisky

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*Art by trowicia on deviant art

Harry didn't drank much, but when Seamus showed up with bottles of fire whiskey everyone celebrated. Minus Hermione, she was concerned that they would end up being caught by McGonagall or the staff.

Harry took a few sips while looking around. Everyone who was there was from the seventh and eighth year, and not far from him Seamus and Dean passed the fire whiskey and started some game.

"Have you got a date for the dance yet, Harry?" asked a Gryffindor that Harry didn't remember the name, but noticed she was too close for his taste. Trying not to roll his eyes, he gave a weak smile to be polite and went to sit in some quiet corner where no one would disturb him, much less ask about the dance.

It looked like couples were everywhere. Luna and Gina were whispering to each other on one couch and Neville and Hanna on another. It seemed that even after everything Harry had been through, he still felt lonely.

How could he could expect someone like Draco to be interested in him this way, he didn't even know if the blonde was gay. Not even Harry had the courage to come out to his friends.

The brunette only realized that he had already drunk too much until a group of hufflepuffs started to sing Christmas songs and he joined them without thinking, even risking some dances moves while at it. All of this was due to the fact that hours had passed since the party had started and there was no sign of Malfoy.


"But why didn't they show up?" In another corner of the party Hermione was huffing while Ronny stuffed food in his mouth,nodding at her, he knew better than trying to say something and pissing her off even more. "I think we better take Harry to bed. I mean... Look at him!" Ronny looked at where her friend was pointing and almost choked and started to laugh.

 Harry Potter, 'the boy who lived', had a Christmas hat on his head while dancing "Jingle Bell Rock" in pure excitement.

"Leave him alone, he seems to be enjoying himself." said the redhead.

Hermione was even more annoyed.

"Ronald! He's like that because he drank too much waiting for that idiot and his idiot friends to show up! Honestly, I even thought Pansy was nice and also beautiful. Do you think she's beautiful? Well ..." she started chattering on

"Hermione..." Ronny tried to interrupt. Apparently it wasn't just Harry who drank a little too much.

"It doesn't matter! Because not even the decency to appear she and those other two had!" with an irritated movement, Hermione took the scarf off her neck without stopping to breathe.

"Hermione!" Ronny interrupted her again. When his friend opened her mouth to speak again he gave up trying to catch her attention and simply spinned her around by the shoulders towards the door of the common room.

"What? Ronald!" she exclaimed in confusion. When Hermione pulled her brown hair out of her face to find out what was going on, she spotted Pansy, Draco and Zabini at the door.

"Oh..." was all she said in response.

On the other side of the common room, Pansy was looking around, her gaze roaming the room and stared at Hermione when her gaze rested on them.

"Too late to hide Harry ..." said Ron.

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