Angel and demon 1/2 Love songs

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     When he first saw this angel, his figure was as if enveloped in snow-white light. Although, of course, it was just an illusion and a play of light, because angels do not shine, this is just a myth. Sarawat was a demon, and each of the demons is famous for his arrogance and desire to get what he wants. But it turned out that being a demon in love is more difficult. Now he sang songs for only one, but he was never in the crowd.

     This went on for a year, until Man and Boss came up with an ingenious plan, in which Green and Dim helped them. As a result, Sarawat became the guitar teacher for Tine. He could finally look at him close, close, listen to his voice and laughter. Sarawat even started singing love songs more often.

     Their relationship should not be called simple, but still Sarawat is a demon, it is too difficult to get rid of him. He himself did not notice how he began to do cute and sometimes stupid things, just to embarrass, please, or protect Tine.

     He still remembers how worried he was when Tine first came to visit him. Sarawat understood that the gloomy atmosphere of the apartment, decorated in black and red colors, was not the most comfortable place for an angel. Therefore, for the sake of Tine, he added cute things and a few plants to the decor, but Sarawat is still not sure how to evaluate Tine's reaction to these angelic details in the interior of the demon's apartment. Well, he was definitely surprised ... Most likely he liked it.

     And the best part is that Tine also took care of him in return when Sarawat first came to visit him. The demon was very proud of this event, because this is the personal territory of the angel. And although, unlike the demon, Tine often received guests, for Sarawat it still seemed like something special. In fact, it didn't matter to him what the interior of the Tine's house was, it is in any case the best place in the Universe. True, Sarawat still experienced a deep shock when, among the cozy little world of the angel's room, on a white table next to flowers, an eerie candy bowl in the shape of a skull was discovered. He was not ready for this, but he was pleased. He knew that Tine had added this detail for him. Although Sarawat was a little embarrassed by the angel's idea of ​​demons. Seriously, just because he's a demon doesn't mean he's in love with creepy skulls.

     But such small misunderstandings were inevitable, because they were just beginning to recognize each other. By the way, when they moved to a shared apartment, Sarawat threw out this skull-shaped candy bowl without a twinge of conscience. For some reason, he wildly disliked her, as if he had some strong claims to her, but still did not understand why. Tine either pretended not to notice the loss, or was too pleased with the gift from the demon. For their housewarming party Sarawat gave Tine a cute puppy, their first pet together. The demon generally liked to give the Tine romantic and cute gifts to please the angel. And once he gave him a ring ... The demon asked his angel to share eternity with him. True, Tine said nothing, put on the ring and ignored the demon's proposal. Sarawat did not know where he got so much stubbornness, but this angel answered him only a few days later. Tine didn't say anything, just gave him a ring with the inscription "My demon" in return. It was a welcome yes.

     And you know what? Now Sarawat understands love songs.

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