Boss and subordinate. SMS bonus

678 29 1

From; Tine ; To: Fong
Fong, are you coming?

From; Fong ; To: Tine
But I don't understand where and why.
A friendly business meeting at the bar?
For which you were promised a bonus?

From; Tine ; To: Fong

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Tyne, are you worried about this situation?

From; Tine ; To: Fong
Yes, it does.
I don't know what to wear.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Those sexy black skinny jeans.
And a shirt with a large neckline.

From; Tine ; To: Fong

From; Fong ; To: Tine
And a gift ribbon on the head in the form of a bow.
You're just being lured to the bar!

From; Tine ; To: Fong
I would think so too, but ... why?

From; Fong ; To: Tine
You should know this better than me.
Okay, I'll meet you at the bar.


From; Sarawat ; To: Tine
I'll pick youu up,.

From; Tine ; To: Sarawat
I can get there myself.

From; Sarawat ; To: Tine
I'm onn mty way./

From; Tine ; To: Sarawat
You are always on your way to me.

*** ONE BAR LATER ****

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Tine, did Sarawat take you home?
All is well?

From; Tine ; To: Fong

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Tine, are you drunk?

From; Tine ; To: Fong

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Why are there so many typos?
You never do them.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
... drunk j.,

From; Fong ; To: Tine
By the way, you didn't put a ribbon on your head.
But you dressed as I told you.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
SDid youu say dress like that?./

From; Fong ; To: Tine
You are really drunk.


From; Fong ; To: Tine
What's this?!

From; Tine ; To: Fong
Fong, what are you doing?!
Why do you swear in the morning?

From; Fong ; To: Tine
I then play on a new game console.
You better take a look at your instagram.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
What's this?!

From; Fong ; To: Tine
That's what I said, Tine.
Or should I call you Sarawat's wife?

From; Tine ; To: Fong
It was Sarawat who posted my photo!
He also signed so badly ...
I hate his weird humor.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
.... yes, humor.
We all got drunk yesterday.
You say he couldn't give a bonus just to lure you into the bar?
By the way, gave Tine an bonus?

From; Tine ; To: Fong to say.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Just say.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
He kissed me.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
So, did he give you a bonus?

From; Tine ; To: Fong
He said that the kiss is my bonus.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Wait... did he kiss you?!!
And after that he's just weird ?!

From; Tine ; To: Fong
Not just weird.
Sarawat is very strange.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
... even I already understood.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
Come to think of it, a bonus is given for a successful transaction.
And no deal was discussed in the bar.

From; Fong ; To: Tine
How to say.
It was like buying a bride.
Sarawat tried to coax us with gifts.
We keep your relationship with him for small friendly gifts.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
And you?

From; Fong ; To: Tine
Of course, we all refused gifts.
We're your friends.

From; Tine ; To: Fong
what relationships?
Understood nothing.
Where did you get your new game console ???

From; Fong ; To: Tine
...I have to go.
Urgent business!

From; Tine ; To: Fong

From; Tine ; To: Sarawat
Do you really like me?

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