He can Sing!!!!!

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It was the beginning of the winter holidays for UA High School, and the students of Class 1-A were relaxing in their dorm. Bakugo was wrecking Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, and Sero in Super Smash Heroes 32, Jiro was listening to music, and Shoji and Tokoyami were both reading. In the kitchen Koda and Sato were cooking lunch in the kitchen, whilst Shoto watched, eating a bowl of soba. Asui and Uraraka sat at the dining table, chatting about their plans for the holidays, Ojiro, Hagakure, and Aoyama sitting a few seats down, with Yaoyorozu and Iida helping them with their studies. Mineta was nowhere to be seen.

“Ha, suck it Pikachu! Nobody can beat me!” Bakugo screamed out, as Kaminari’s Pikachu was sent flying by Bakugo’s Bowser.

“It’s not fair, how has Bakugo not lost a life yet?” Kaminari whined, watching as Mina’s Samus was currently trying to avoid Sero’s Pac-Man.

Sero shrugged, “Who knows, let’s gang up on him.”

“That’s not very manly.” Kirishima says.

“Say’s the one who chose Meta Knight!” Kaminari retorted.

“Must you be so loud? Some of us are trying to focus on our academic achievements.” Iida called from the table.

“Shut it, Four eyes!”

“How vulgar.” Momo mumbles quietly.

Suddenly, there is a ding, as Izuku Midoriya steps out of the elevator, suitcase in hand. Izuku had changed a bit. He was taller, now standing at five foot ten, and most of his baby fat was replaced by a more muscular physique, a result of his extreme workout routines. He still muttered a lot, but he had mostly gotten over his stuttering problem.

“Hey guys, I’m going to be gone for a week, .” He walks to the door with his suitcase. As he opens the door, he turns around, “Also, make sure Mineta doesn’t go through my room like he is doing for Kacchan’s.” Then he leaves, as everyone in the room freezes.

Slowly, all heads turn towards Bakugo, who was sitting motionless. His normal expression is replaced by a seething rage, as mini explosions start to dance across his hands.

“DIE!” He jumps over the lounge, and explodes up the stairs, his explosions propelling him towards his room. The rest of the class is following behind him, some to be able to stop the enraged bomber from destroying the dorms; the others to watch him severely injure the midget grape.

As they all arrived at Bakugo’s floor, they see Mineta rapidly tapping the button to the elevator, freaking out as Bakugo slowly moved towards him. As the walking explosive reached the purple haired boy, the elevator chimed, and Mineta rushed in, but not before Bakugo sent an explosion at him, singing his backside.

“He’s going to his room!” Sero shouted, eager to see where this would end up.

As the class descend the stairs, the elevator opens, revealing Mineta. “I’m going to roast you alive, you midget bastard!” Mineta rushes to the first door, but it was locked. Moving to the second door, he quickly opens the door, before hurrying inside, locking the door behind him.

“That’s Midoriya’s room.” Kirishima pointed out.

That didn’t stop Bakugo, as he kicked down the door, his hands sparking. The other students poke their heads through the doorway, watching as Bakugo drags a squirming Mineta out from under the bed.

“Get out here and face your punishment!”

“Wait, I’m sorry, don’t hurt me! I didn’t even find your porn stash.” He cried, angering the spiky haired boy even more. Mineta starts flailing, trying to grab onto something.

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