Chapter 1: Meeting for the first time

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"Ugh.., this mask is so annoying!" the girl said while throwing the mask away

"Shut up and put it on before something happens!" Her brother said covering his eyes with his hand

"Fine!" She put her mask on and went downstairs with him

"Good morning sweetheart" Her dad said while he was

"Good morning dad, Maid could you bring me my crown?"

"Sure thing darling" She smiled and left the room

"Sweetheart I have something to tell you.." Her dad said with a low tone

"Yes father? Is something wrong?" She said while putting her crown on her head

"I want to protect all the realm and you, that's why I'm getting you a knight as a bodyguard so you won't you know... kill anyone" He said worriedly

"W-what!?" She was shocked, she couldn't believe that her dad didn't trust her

"He will come in 3 hours... Please don't do anything that you'll regret in the future" He kissed her forehead

"O-okay" She tried containing her tears "I'll go to my bedroom.."

***With her***

"Ugh! I can believe it!" she said really mad "I don't need a bodyguard!" she threw her mask "I don't care if anyone dies!" Tears started coming from her beautiful eyes

"Miss?" A boy said with his eyes covered "Could you please put your mask on?" he asked her with a friendly tone

"S-sure.." she said while putting the mask on "You can come now I guess"

"Thanks!" He entered the room "My name is Jake, I'm your bodyguard" He was really friendly and nice, his hair was blonde and peach hair and he had light brown eyes

"M-my name is Hailey.." She said while her face was turning and little bit red

"Are you embarrassed? You are a little bit red" he giggled and sat next to her

"N-no! Hmph!" She looked away making Jake giggle

"Whatever you say princess" Grabbed Hailey's hand and attached her to him "Would you like to dance with me?"

"Uh.. Sure" She took her crown and heels off

***They both started dancing around the bedroom until they got tired***

"That was fun!" He sat on a chair that was next to him

"Yeah!, I never knew a dork like you could be a great dancer" She giggled

"Hey! I'm not a dork!" He said offended

"I'm sorry charming knight" she giggled

"That's way better" He giggled and looked at her, sadly he couldn't see her face but he knew she would be beautiful with or without it

"Guys? We need to go and meet the {Insert random realm name}" Zander said entering the room

"Oh okay" She put her heels and crown on and fixed her hair a bit and grabbed Jake's hand "Let's go!" She looked happier

"I can walk, you know?" He giggled

"You're too slow!" She happily said

"I've never seen her so happy..., he must be really important to her" Zander smiled and went downstairs with them

**When they arrived**

"We arrived!" The king said while getting out of the carriage

"Okay father" Hailey and Zander said while getting out

"Let me help you princess" He gave her his hand to help her

"Thanks Jake" She smiled and went with Zander and her father, "Bye!" she waved

"Bye!" he waved back at her

"So you have a crush on the princess hu?" one of the maids said

"I d-don't!" His face turned red

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