Save Me-EJ x Sibling!Reader🎮

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Relationship: Siblings

Genre: Hurt/Comfort

Trigger Warning: Self harm (If you do self harm, hey, sugar, you are loved. I'm sorry that shit has happened to you. Self harm is a bad way to cope, I know it may be hard but try to stop please sugar? Pfft, can't really judge you tho since I myself have multiple crappy coping mechanisms. One day, it's going to be fine for you. I will hope the best for you. Stay strong.)


(3rd Person POV)

EJ could sense that something was wrong with his sibling. They smelled of blood these days but whenever he asked, his sibling would just say that they went out killing.

EJ cared for them and wanted to know what was wrong, but of course, he didn't want to overstep their boundaries. It won't help on the fact that his sibling had trust issues.

Walking pass the all to familiar hall, something suddenly triggered his senses.

Was that blood? That smelled like a lot of blood. Turning to where the smell was coming from, he stopped at y/n's room.


Knocking on the door aggressively, he yelled, "Y/N?!"

Y/n flinched. Shit, they knew that was EJ.

"I'm coming in!" EJ twisted the knob and opened the door.

There, in front of the mirror was y/n with a razor blade in hand, both of their upper arms had multiple cuts.

EJ's heart ached at the sight and he rushed to his sibling.

"Y/N!" Quickly taking out bandages from his hoodie pocket (He puts them there just in case he needs them), he started to tend to their wounds.

After he finished, he looked at his sibling.

"Y/n...What's wrong...?" He asked with worry.

Tears started to resurface to y/n's eyes, they leaned over on EJ's chest.

"Save me...This feels like hell..." They managed to choke out.

EJ puts his arms around his sibling and hugged them tight.

"Hey, we'll go through this together. I'll be here for you. I'll save you."

(Not me writing hurt/comfort so I could project myself into these characters and feel comfort- Sksksk, anyways, damn, this headache sucks. I'm okay. Bye and have a nice day/night.)

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