Chapter 4

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own this story The original story I called 'Slapped', It was written for the Austin and Ally Fandom fandom by @ThePenIsMighty. This story belongs to her and I take no credit for the story line. Names and places have been changed. No copyright infringement intended.

A/N: I actually did write chapter 1 to 5 then the rest are not mine.


I don't get it. He thought. Why does she hate me so much? What have I done to her to make her hate me so much?

I just wanted to be nice. I even stay to play with her children. She didn't even thank me. She didn't even thank me for that!

He gets out of her house- Oh sorry I meant mansion and stop a taxi passing by. He gets in and gives the driver his address.

When he arrives at his apartment his manager was there waiting for him and he was not happy.


Matt rolls his grety eyes and said, "Come one not the middle name"

Jorge walks angrily toward him and shove a magazine on Matt's hands. It shows a big picture of Adeleide slapping Matt. Jorge sighs deeply and said in a calm voice. "What the hell HAPPENED?" He yells the last part.

"I don't know" Matt said nonchalantly while going to his kitchen to get something to drink. Jorge follows him to the kitchen.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asks. Matt just stays there drinking his water. Damn his head feels like it's going to explode. It hurts like fuck.

"Well I was at the bar then I got up to get another drink when I bumped onto someone. And the person spilled their drinks on me. When I took a look at the person I saw that it was Madeleide Carson. Hey did you know that she has kids. Two of them. They're twins, a boy and a girl called Maia and Micah." He saw Jorge's annoyed look and he continue to tell him what happened. "Anyway, I yelled at her for spilling her drinks in me. I was being a douche and she got mad and slapped me." He finished.

Jorge looks at Matt and said, "I don't blame her".

Matt look at him confused. "What?"

"I said 'I don't blame her'" Jorge repeated. He run his fingers through his sulky hair. "Matt listen to me. You're 30 and you have to act like one"

"I am acting like one can't you see. I go to club, I sleep with girls, i waste my money on stupid shits and stuff"

"You don't get it do you? You have a different girl every week Matt. EVERY DAMN WEEK. What kind of role model are you? If I were your father, I would be ashamed to call you my son." With that he was out of the apartment.

He knows that Jorge is right. But come on it's not his fault that he's sexy, handsome and a sex god. He's irresistible. Girls throw themselves at him, literally. He decided to forget about what Jorge told him and went to take a nap and wake up later because he's attending a party. Apparently there's this guy called Dallas, who has a crush on, invited him to his party. He heard that he throws great parties, though.

On his way to his bedroom he started to think. Are his parents ashamed of him? I mean sure he had a lot of hook ups and night stands. But he's not that bad. He decided to forget about everything and went to take his nap.


It was 8 at night and he was arrived at Dallas's party. He was talking to a few hot young women when he saw her walk in. She looks so beautiful in that bodycon dress, he thought. He was about to go and talk to her- Well bother her not talk to her- when he saw a guy walk toward her. He couldn't see the guy's face. He saw that she smiles widely when she saw the guy. Then they hugged and kissed each other's cheeks. He clench his jaw.

Probably her boyfriend, he thought.

It's 9 and the party is still going on. But the guy haven't left Madeleide's side a bit. He was looking at them ever since she came in. He saw them looking around the room and then he saw the guy's face.

Wait! Is that Dallas? He squint his eyes to see more clearly. Oh yes! It is him. He sigh in relief.


He doesn't know why but he feels really over protective when it comes to Madeleide. He feels like he needs to protect her and the twins.

He saw that Dallas left her. He decides to go and talk to her. She couldn't see him because her back was facing him.

"Well looks like we meet again" He whispers on her ear. She stops drinking her drink and slowly turns around to face him. She gasps a little because they were so close. Their noses were touching.

He chuckles when he heard her gasp. Then he saw her roll her eyes and turn away from him. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me or something?" She asks him. Even though she wasn't looking at him, he knew that she's annoyed by his presence. He doesn't care.

He chuckled at her questions and took a seat on a stool since they were at the bar. "I would like a Black Velvet" he said to the bartender then the bartender look at Madeleide asking if she wanted a drink but she shook her head no. Matt turn to face her. Her back was still facing him so he scooted closer to her and turns her stool so she could face him. They're seating so close that their knees are touching. "I'm not stalking you, and I was invited by Dallas. Man that guy has a big crush on me."

"You telling me." She mumbles. "You were mostly the only thing he talks about when him and I were talking."

He laughs and Maddy couldn't help but think that his laugh is beautiful and a music to her ears. She mentally slaps herself.

The bartender came and gives Matt his drink. "So, how did you and Dallas meet?" He asks her. Even though Dallas is gay he doesn't like him around her.

"Dallas and I met in high school. He's my best guy friend" She said nonchalantly.


"Yeah. Listen Matthew. I don't know why you want to be friends or talk to me but stay away from me okay. I don't need another man in my life. I'm perfectly fine on my own."

There was an awkward silence. Matt was about to break when Dallas came.

"There you are Maddy. I've looking everywhere for you" He said as he hug her from behind. Matt growls. They turn around to see a red faced Matthew. Dallas' eyes widen. "Oh my god! Hi Matthew" He said.

"Hey" he said still looking at Dallas's which were still around Madeleide's waist. Dallas quickly pulls away knowingly. He smirks to himself.

"Hey Dal. Why were you looking for me?" Maddy asks Dallas.

"Jimmy left so I wanted to hang out with you. But since you already have company..." He trails off looking at Matthew.

"It's okay. I was about to leave." He gets up give Maddy a glare and left the building.

Dallas took Matt's seat and asks, "What was that all about?"

Look at the door where Matt disappeared and said, "Forget about it."

"Okay. Remember that blonde chick who's been following around? She..."

Maddy doesn't listen to any of the word Dallas is saying. She couldn't help but feel sad that Matt left.

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