I'm Just Me

15 4 1

My heart be black,
Just like my bat.

My eyes be red,
Just like your head.

My brain might be dead,
But don't worry,
We'll all become dead.

I'm just me,
With all my quirks,

I might be a bitch,
But atleast I won't lie.

Don't doubt,
Don't sigh,

fuck that,
here's a fucking pie.

You're so blind,
It hurts my mind.

Are you fucking insane?
I know ya don't lie.

Every speech you speak,
Makes me cringe.

You're very breath,
Makes me wanna scream.

Fuck that,
Fuck this,
Peace out ma'dam.

Made on: December 2nd, 2020. 7:27pm (est)

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