Chapter 5

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"Dad, Pop, I'm home!" I call out as soon as I step through the door. I'm greeted with silence, but the lights are on and both of their cars are here, so they're around somewhere. Maybe I've watched a few too many horror movies, but a little ball of anxiety forms in my stomach when there's still no answer after calling out for them a second time. "Why don't you pick a movie while I go see if I can find them?" Connor nods and I lead him into the living room to get set up before making my way through the house.

The entire first level is empty so I slowly make my way upstairs, my eyes darting around like a serial killer is going to be waiting around the next corner. Their bedroom door is closed at the end of the hall which is weird because it's always open during the day, so I take slow, cautious steps towards the door. I'm a few feet away when I hear something that makes me freeze and stare at the door in horror for a beat before scrambling back downstairs and plopping myself down beside Connor.

"You okay? You're really red," he says as he presses the back of his hand to my forehead, but I bat his hand away and hide my face in my hands.

"I'm traumatized," I mumble as I draw my feed up to the couch and hug my legs.

"What happened? Do we need to call the cops?" he asks cautiously, clearly thinking the same thing I initially thought, and I glance over at the stairs before returning my gaze to him.

"No, but I'm going to need extensive therapy going forward." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion before his eyes widen and he starts laughing.

"Oh my god, are they... are they fucking?" he squeaks out between laughs and I cover my face with my hands again as I let out a little whimper. "Fuck, please tell me you didn't see anything." My eyes widen as I'm reminded of how much worse it could've been.

"No! Thank god I didn't make it that far, I just heard... stuff... and ran back down here."

"That's hilarious," he sighs as his laughter finally subsides and he relaxes back against the couch.

"I can think of many words for this situation, and hilarious is not one of them." He rolls his eyes and pokes my side.

"At least you know they still love each other. Hell, I'm convinced that my parents don't even sleep in the same room anymore, let alone do the dirty. I think it's sweet that they still feel that kind of attraction towards each other after so many years – not a lot of people get that."

I sigh and finally relax against the couch as the temperature of my face starts to decrease. I know he's right, and I'm lucky to have parents that still act like love sick teenagers around each other as opposed to parents who are constantly fighting and clearly can't stand to be in the same room as each other. It's very sweet, and it gives me hope that maybe one day I'll find my other half like they did, but it doesn't mean I want to hear them... love each other.

"It's gross, they're like forty," I whine and he rolls his eyes.

"When you're their age, you'll have a very different perspective, my friend."

"Probably, but still, they're my dad's. It's weird." I grimace and he snorts as he nudges my shoulder with his, then pushes play on some fantasy movie on Netflix.

We're about twenty minutes in when I hear giggling followed by footsteps coming down the stairs, and I can't help the small smile from forming. I'm over the trauma of hearing my dad's going at it, and now, just like Connor said, I'm just happy that they're so in love. It's disgusting, but it's cute.

"Dalton! You're home early," Pop says when they reach the living room and I look up to see his cheeks flushed while he avoids my eyes.

"The game was boring so Connor and I decided to come back here and watch a movie. I called out to you guys when I got home, but I guess you didn't hear me." Pop's face gets even redder as he glances over at my dad who just smirks in return and I roll my eyes as I try not to gag. They're happy and in love, it's fine. "Is it okay if Connor stays for a bit?"

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