A young squid with a parlor hat, and a striped shirt ran into the shoal. "Sorry I'm late!" three kids stood there. A girl with pilot goggles and a double layered tee, a boy in a regular t-shirt and a black long sleeve shirt under it, and an octoling with a jacket and a turtle neck stood there waiting.

"You're always late GG!" said the goggled girl. This was Splatuber Fyrus, who was hosting the game. "It's not his fault, you know. He has like...3 jobs." said the boy. This was another splatuber named Viantastic. He was bored. 'Doesn't he have two?'

This was Octoboy, a splatuber as well. They were going to play some turf war. "Excuse me...there seems to have been a problem. Your party will have to disband." Everyone groaned. They walked out of the shoal and sat down. Octoboy sat down and polished his Inkbrush. Off the Hook was nearby.

A young octoling holding a rubber duckie came up and said, "Urchin! More friend?" This was the 10 year old Octoling, Bridget, who Vian adopted. Vian smiled and said, "Bridget, I want you to meet my friends. This is Fyrus, GG, and Octoboy."

She smiled and said, "Hmmm...Canada, Fry, and Octo!" they stepped back for a second as Vian facepalmed. Everyone laughed. GG smiled then said, "I hear that Tsunami will be playing today in ranked!" Everyone rolled their eyes. They all knew(except Bridgett) that GG had a crush on Tsunami ever since she helped him out in salmon run. He left.

They started to talk as another young squid started to run, screaming. It was Failboat. Somehow he answered the call and arrived. But why was he screaming? Another figure, a Squid, was there. It was a girl with long sleeves with yellow reflective cuffs. It was cut off at her ribs. She had long navy blue pants. She had one tentacle in a bun reaching down to her waist. "Who is that?!" Skul yelled.

In her hand, she held a bow looking thing. She shot it and a huge thing appeared. It was a box with aluminum foil. Everyone in the square looked at it and started to freak out. Then, she said, "Get out of here! The new Squidbeak Splatoon will handle this!" The splatubers got out of the way as two more people showed up.

One was an octoling. She had pink ink, a light tan, orange eyes, and a weird uniform. The uniform had one long sleeve on the right and no sleeve on the left. It was cut off at her ribs. She had a skirt which had a belt. She wore heels. Also she had yellow bands on.

The other one was an inkling. She had light green ink, and had weird headphones on. She had a life jacket suit thing on. In her hand, she held a cool looking gun. They went next to the inkling and started shooting the box.

As everyone evacuated, something was flying up above. Music started to play. Everyone who was running stopped. The three looked up, and seeing something bad, super jumped up there. The other inkling cursed. The box fell.

Up in the sky, there was a scream.

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