Mini chapter!

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Alright! So to sum up what this is, someone requested a chapter where team avatar is placing bets on Kyalin. And so I thought about it....and here it is! Enjoy!

Air temple island used to be a fairly quiet island...that is, until Avatar Korra and her friends came to visit. They were certainly a rowdy bunch but still, people enjoyed the energy they brought to the place.

One night after a VERY long dinner, team avatar was huddled around the dining table. Korra's arm was draped over Asami's shoulders in such a way that made Mako uncomfortable. He knew they were together and had been for a while, but sitting there watching his two ex girlfriends be all over each other seemed like too much for him. To put it simply, he was being dramatic.

Bolin was too busy cracking jokes with Korra to really notice her arm around the non bender. He had been the last to know about their relationship and when they had told him, he cried out of joy for them. Asami was just listening to Korra and Bolin goof off together and enjoying the way the avatars arm felt around her. They were all finally at a point where they could be happy and the thought of their happiness led to the thought of someone else's.

"Okay, hear me out," Bolin started. "I think the chief has a crush!" The entire room went silent until Korra busted out laughing. Mako scoffed at the idea his brother had thrown out.

"The chief doesn't like anyone, Bolin. I think maybe you're just overthinking it," he said as he continued to sulk in his chair of self pity. When Korra finally calmed herself down from laughing she said, "no, no, Bolin's got a point. Lin is head over heels for someone!" Asami gave a mischievous smile.

"Oh, no. You're right. She's got it bad, Mako. Haven't you noticed the changes in her behavior lately?" The nonbender asked. He rolled his eyes very dramatically.

"She's acting normal to me," he shrugged. Korra reached across the table to lightly punch his arm.

"Just because she doesn't like you doesn't mean she doesn't have a crush on someone," the avatar teased. The fire bender sunk further into his chair and frowned.

"Whatever," he said as he tried to brush off the joke. "Who do you even think she has a crush on anyways?" Korra and Asami looked at each other and grinned.

"We think she's falling for Kya," they said together. Bolin's eyes went wide and he slapped the table loudly.

"YES! SHE MOST DEFINITELY IS! And you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and call it. They're going to end up dating and I think the chief will make the first move," the earth bender said confidently. Pema, who had previously been silently washing dishes in the other room, poked her head in to listen to the conversation. Tenzin was trying his best to ignore them.

Mako scoffed once again. "I think I know the chief better than any of you civilians, so trust me when I say she doesn't like anyone romantically."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Mako!" Pema chimed in. Her hands immediately flew up to her mouth to stop herself from saying any more. Korra started cracking up laughing again at Pema's comment.

Asami turned back to Mako and said, "I think she does. I'd go as far as to say that they might even end up together. But before anything happens, I'd bet a good sum of money that Kya would make the first move." Bolin raised an eyebrow.

"How much money are you willing to bet?" He asked curiously. She smirked in response.

"Maybe...three-thousand yuans?" She said to him. Younger Bolin would've been dumbstruck with just the mention of that much money, but now that sum didn't seem like a lot. He thought about the offer she made, then smiled. 

"If you're being serious, then you're on Miss Sato!" he said excitedly. "Korra, Mako, you want in on this too?" Mako rolled his eyes like the DRAMATIC little bitch boy he is.

"Bolin I don't think-" Korra quickly cut him off as she elbowed his gut.

"Of course we would! C'mon Mako, learn to have some fun. Lighten up!" He continued to grumble and whine as he rubbed his now sore stomach. He started to glare daggers at Korra until Pema gently swatted his shoulder. 

"Be nice Mako! You know she was just giving you a hard time." He just grumbled in response. 

"Pema, if you're thinking about entering this silly contest they're blabbering on about don't. It would make me highly uncomfortable. Just leave my sister out of it," Tenzin said as he went to bed for the night. Pema kissed him lovingly on the cheek. 

"Goodnight dear." The second he left the room the young mother slipped a wad of yuan's into Bolin's hand. "I think that Korra and Asami know what they're talking about," she said as she winked and followed her husband to bed. 

All bets were finalized with a sum of cash and that was that. Now the race for Kyalin was on and all of them (except Mako of course) could not be more excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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