End of the Beginning

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The kids made it back to the home barely in time for the reset, and continued to live in their glen upon a hill in peace and harmony. Well.. who am I kidding. A bunch of rambunctious kids do not equal harmony, but they definetly had a family bond like no other. Sure, they were forced to spend the rest of their days together, but they had excepted that long ago. Now, they were simply stronger, more united together. Even Victor got to be there with them, and Bronwyn never left her brother out of the important moments.

Jake ended up staying in the loop with them once they returned, though he did take a couple weeks with his parents before leaving them forever. He and Emma finally got together as well, making two happy happy couples in the home. Well.. three if you count Fiona and Hugh's flirtatious banter. The older kids were taking bets for just how long it would take them to finally make it official.

As for Olivia and Enoch, they both continue to live their lives together and will for the rest of eternity. Enoch had finally dropped the whole tough-guy act, but the younger boys still feared him in an older-stronger-brother way. Olivia on the other hand, finally allowed her heart to be free of walls and vulnerable. Sure, she was still protective as ever, but she was more lenient with her hold over the younger ones. They were happy though. They became for open with their affection as the other kids grew accustomed to it.

This is how it stayed, forever being the start of their new chapter and the end of their old, all on the little house upon a hilly glen, where the days were always sunny and time never passed. A place where they could simply be peculiar.

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