1 | The SU Unicorn

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"You're coming to this party Friday night right, Micah?"

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"You're coming to this party Friday night right, Micah?"

My first response was a grunt, followed silence. Instead of looking up at my roommate, my eyes continued to scan over the page in my physics textbook.

"I already told you I'm not going."

"Why not? It's going to be the best party of the year."

I didn't know about that. While Vince was known as a 'party God' in these halls, I wouldn't say they ranked high. It wasn't because Vince didn't know how to throw a party; it was because I hated parties. 

"It's the last party of the year," I said flatly.


I finally lifted my head from my textbook. Vince was leaning against the headboard of his bed, knee bent with his hand testing on top as he stared into the screen of his cell phone. His finger went up and down—no doubt scrolling through his Instagram. I didn't need to see the screen of his phone, or even his finger moving, to know that.

I put my pencil in the crease of my textbook to save my page and set it aside. "Are you sure about this party, Vince? Its really close to winter break." Like...the day before, actually. "People are probably going to be packing to go home or catching flights."

Even though he rolled his eyes, they never left his phone his phone. "That's the point. This party is all about the end of the semester. After everyone takes finals. Right before winter break. That's why it's going to be fucking awesome—and why you need to come."

I shook my head and fell back on my bed. Senior year. It was finally my senior year and I was almost outta here. Out of school. Out of Seattle. Just...out.

Vince had been my roommate since freshman year, and as far as roommates went, we got along pretty well. When I first met him, I thought I was going to have to request a replacement. Vince was The Party Guy. You knew the type. He was the guy you saw at every party, every weekend, and hanging on every hot girl.

I tended to be more mellow and couldn't really afford to concentrate on anything except school. That's where we were polar opposites. Vince was here on a full ride, while I was here accepting financial aid and taking out student loans.

When I graduated high school, my mom gave me a used car she got from a friend. It wasn't anything special, but it was perfect for me. I knew how tight money was for her and tried to return it. She wasn't having any of that. She said she wanted me to be able to get around Seattle and to have a way to come visit whenever I wanted. 

My hometown of Richland was luckily only a couple of hours away. My mom and I both were born and raised there. She worked two jobs. One was as a waitress in a breakfast cafe, and the other was also a waitress in a regular dine-in restaurant. My dad left before I was born, so it's always been just the two of us.

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