12| The Traffic Jam

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"So much for getting back home in three hours, huh?"

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"So much for getting back home in three hours, huh?"

Micah continued to stare out of the windshield at the traffic jam in front of us. All we could see for miles ahead was the glow of red brake lights.

Even though we woke up early this morning, we didn't actually get on the road until after lunch. Micah thought it would be best to wait a little while because he thought that the traffic would happen earlier. His theory was that, as soon as the snow plows cleared the road, the traffic would be crazy. So...we waited it out.

"If you're going to keep badgering me about it, Aria, then feel free to get out of the car."

"Very funny. I'm just messing with you," I teased. I honestly didn't mind the traffic jam. I was just happy to be out of the dorms.

"Yeah? Well, just wait until you meet my mother. Then you might wish you actually had gotten out of the car."

When Micah first told me I was welcome to stay with him and his mom, I was surprised that I wasn't more nervous. Considering who my mother was, I should have been terrified about meeting someone else's.

Maybe it was because I knew who Micah was as a person. Or maybe it was because there have been a few times that I've seen the way his mom interacted with him when she came by to pick him up from school before he started driving.

"As long as she isn't like my mom, I think I can handle it."

Silence greeted me from the driver's seat. I turned my head towards Micah.

"I was expecting at least a witty remark or sarcastic comment."

Micah chuckled and kept his eyes on the non-moving traffic in front of us. "Oh, I have questions. A lot of them."


"But I know you, Aria. You come off as a closed book and tight-lipped. I feel like trying to get personal information out of you would be like playing a game of Zelda or something."

My lips twitched with amusement. "Did you just admit to being a nerd?"

"On the contrary, I just admitted to knowing the real Aria. Well, more of the real Aria then I knew in high school at least."

"I'm not a closed book, Micah. I just...like to keep to myself."

He shifted in the driver's seat before he sucked his teeth and turned towards me with a cocky grin. "Alright then. How about you put your money where your mouth is?"

"That sounds filthy."

He ignored my smart-ass remark and asked, "Tell me something. Yeah. Tell me something personal about your life."

Shit. Questions like that made me anxious. I subconsciously started whipping my palms on my jeans. Then I started picking up my fingernails.

"You first," I said quietly.

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