Chapter Eight

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When Ishimaru woke up, Mondo was, yet again, absent from the bed. He got out of bed and went to the living room. Mondo laid on the couch and Daiya was making waffles. Mondo looked up at Ishimaru.

"Oh morning Taka. You really are a deep sleeper, aren't ya?"

He smiled when he saw his boyfriend. "Yeah I guess so."

Mondo sat up so there was room for him on the couch. He sat and Mondo laid back down, resting his head in Ishimaru's lap.

"Do you mind if I turn on the TV?" Ishimaru asked.

Mondo grinned. "You don't gotta ask me, bro. You live here now, you can do whatever you want."

Ishimaru thought about that. He had been there for two days so far. Though it had only been that short period of time, it seemed so long ago he was at his actual house.

He turned on the TV. Animaniacs was the first thing that came on. He went to change the channel but Mondo stopped him.

"This show's the shit bro, leave it on."

"I've never watched it before."

Mondo's eyes went wide. "YOU'VE NEVER WATCHED-" He stammered in surprise. "Oh my lord dude you *have* to leave it on now, it's fucken hilarious."

Ishimaru shrugged. "Okie dokie."

After a few minutes the pancakes were done. They all sat on the couch and watched The Animaniacs. Afterwards, Daiya took all their plates to the sink and began to wash dishes. Mondo leaned against Ishimaru. "So what did you think? Did you like it?"

Ishimaru smiled. "Yes, it was pretty funny."

Mondo suddenly sat up straight. "AW SHIT!-" He quickly stood up. "WE GOTTA GO GET MY BIKE! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT!"

Ishimaru stood up as well. "Well let's not waste time then."

They both quickly got changed and began heading for the park. When they got there, the bike was right where they left it the previous night.

Mondo sighed in relief. They both hopped on and began to ride back home.

While on the ride, Ishimaru thought about something weird.

"Hey Mondo. How come the police haven't come to your house yet to look for me. I would think that'd be the first place they'd go."

Mondo chuckled. "Cops are useless, man. Theyre all pussies."

Ishimaru was confused. "What are you talking about?"

Mondo scoffed. "Hello? Ultimate Biker Gang Leader? The cops are scared of anyone associated with the Crazy Diamonds. Especially me and Daiya. They wouldn't dare come near our house."

This somehow felt comforting to Ishimaru. Even though Mondo was a law breaker and was exactly what he went against, he felt happy to have him protecting. Like his own personal bodyguard.

When they got home, Mondo parked the bike in the garage and they went back inside. Mondo sat back down on the couch with a sigh.

"You wanna play video games or something?"

Ishimaru sat down next to him and smirked. "I dunno bro. I don't wanna have to deal with you crying like a baby when I whoop your ass." He covered his mouth in surprise.

Mondo started laughing in disbelief. "DID KIYOTAKA 'NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS' ISHIMARU JUST SAY ASS-"

Ishimaru put his hands up defensively. "I DID NOT SAY THAT! YOU NEED TO GET YOUR EARS CHECKED!"

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