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Joker stares blankly. His mind felt nothing but the answer he said yesterday and Akai's true feelings. He felt, hurt and regret. He doesn't know what to do now. He look at Akai looking at his book and sometimes at the bird nest besides the window. Everytime Joker tried to talk to him, Akai left him or didn't look at him at all. Joker can feel pain in his chest. It hurts.

"Why did I say that... Why did I say that...?" He kept asking himself. He wasn't focus in class and the others left him so he can think his answers and actions. He was all alone. Joker wanted to talk to Akai but he just leave him alone.

"Why are you guys leaving me...?

"Joker, you need to figure it out. Akai is hurted because of you. Try get that in mind."

"Queen is right, Joker. You've hurted Akai now. We have to let you guys some space so you can think of the actions you've done."

"But, Spade... Hachi you too?"

"I'm sorry Joker, but we can't interfere with this mess. Rose?"

"Mhm, they're right. Brother..."

"We need to go now, time for our test."

"Wait, don't leave me alone!!! Guys wait, I'm sorry!!!"

Why did I say that...

"It will be graduation soon, what should I do?" He asked himself as he was answering the finals. He tried to sustain his tears from flowing out.

He couldn't.

His tears fell down on his paper. He can feel the hot stream of tears, hurting and bothered his test. He wiped in away and answer the papers.

Soon, the exam ended. It's now or never. He needs to talk to Akai before he break down again. He kept looking for him, the toilets, other classes, but none. He arrived at the rooftop and saw Akai with a girl. A girl? She seemed to confess to Akai and he looked away. He was about to leave when the girl pulled him into a kiss.


Joker felt his tears flowing again.


Akai pushed the girl away from him. Her face is all wet and Akai was angry.


Joker took one last step behind, accidentally sent a signal to the people in front of him. Akai saw him and look away in regret. The girl was being the clueless one as she holds onto Akai's arm to her. Akai tried to let go and it triggered Joker.

Too late...

Joker took a wrong step and fell down from the school rooftop. Akai immediately pushed the girl away and saw a body landed on the ground. His tears flow down from his eyes. He saw red on the ground. Blood around the silver hair boy, the boy he truly love and waited for his answers again. Why did he leave Joker earlier? He was giving him space and time. Why do you think a lover waited for their crush's answer? They love them.

"JOKER!!!!" He screamed and rushed down by jumping towards the body. He safely landed on the ground and hold onto Joker dear life. He cried as the teachers called the ambulance and trying to calm Akai down. His heart is breaking into pieces. He felt pain like how his family left. Blood. Only psychopaths love those.

"JOKER!!!" He screamed again as the ambulance took the body towards the hospital. Akai cried more, and soon Joker's supposed friends came.

"What happen?" Queen asked worriedly. Spade and Shadow was confused as well. Rose and Hachi looked at each other before asking Akai about the splattered blood around him. Akai sniffed.

"Joker... He fell from the rooftop..." He cried again. Queen was tearing up by this. Spade couldn't believe it as well as Rose, Shadow and Hachi. Silver Heart came towards them sadly.

"Come on, guys. Let's go back to class. We'll visit him soon." He said to cheer them up. Akai got up and look at the hospital Joker was sent to. He can only wish for the best and couldn't do anything else.

Joker in the other hands, literally, in a surgery. His body was very fragile but thankfully Joker can still be managed to be safe. They did everything they can to save him. They complete the surgery and try to see any signs of life.


A voice called Joker in a white void. Joker got up and look around. He was wearing a white robe and pair of wings behind him. A yellow halo floats on his head, following his directions. He looked everywhere but couldn't find the source of the voice.

"Who are you, where am I?" He asked. The voice giggled.

"It's me, Jack dear." A woman came with a sweet smile. Her white wings flow through the void and Joker cried.

"Mom!" He called out and hugged his mom tightly. He can feel so much happiness from her. But why there's something missing?

"Mom, where are we?" He asked. His mother smiled and wiped his tears away.

"We are in your mind, darling. Your body is at the hospital. They seem they are trying to revive you. Take a look." She showed him the scene in front of him. The doctors tried everything they could, even electrical. Nothing happen. Joker was shook.

"Mom, am I dead?" He asked, his tears fell down as he think of his actions. Is he ready to leave everything behind to be with his family again? He wasn't sure. His mother smiled and hugged him dearly to calm him down.

"My child, you won't leave yet. Wait for your friends, especially Akai. Your childhood friend. He is part Phoenix and the blood of a phoenix can save you." His mother explained. Joker nod.

"But, how can I get them to come here? I need to do something mother." He said as he think of a solution. His mother giggled.

"My dear, you will find a solution. I suggest, walking dream?" She pointed a door towards Akai's sleeping body. Joker prepared to go towards Akai's dream to call him so that he can save him. He has to. He has to fix his mistakes.

"I'll be going now, mom. I'll miss you. Say hi to Akai's family for me and him." He hugged his mother tightly. She smiled and hugged him back.

"Good luck, my child." She said and saw his son's body going to Akai's dream realm.

Now, let the process begins.

School Love Jackai (Joker x Akai)Where stories live. Discover now