Happily Now

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"Huh? Where am I?" Akai asked as he woke up in a void. Did he fell asleep in class? He wasn't sure yet. He looked around and saw someone. A white robe and wings were visible and a yellow halo. That person, Joker?

"Joker, is that you?" Akai asked as he walked closer. It is Joker.

"Akai, I need you to save me. I don't want to die yet." He teared up. His wings flowed and spread wide. He is crying. Akai got worried.

"But, what can I do, Joker?" He asked, comforting him by hugging him. Joker hugged back.

"I need you to use your blood and place it in my mouth. A Phoenix's blood can bring back the hurt and dead, so please." He begged. Akai nod and kissed his forehead.

"For you, I will. You're in the hospital right? I'll go there." He said. Joker sniffed.

"Akai, hurry. I don't have much time left. I only have until sundown or I'll be gone forever. Please, save me!" He said and Akai woke up in shock. He looked around to see other students wondering why he fell asleep. He looked outside and stunned. Sundown, he needs to go to the hospital before sundown. He looked at the clock, 1 hour left. The run towards the hospital is 30 minutes, but he needs to get there soon. How? Then, he thought an idea.

"Sir, I need to go to the hospital now!" He said, in a begging tone. The teacher nod, understanding the situation.

"Very well, Akai. Go on and bring your friends too." Akai left with Queen, Hachi, Spade, Rose, and Shadow as they all run towards the hospital. There's a traffic jam so he can't go there by car. He needs to go faster than that.

"Shadow, we need your motorcycle now!" Akai asked. Shadow called over his motorcycle on command and it came. Akai took the motorcycle and helmet. He has a motorcycle license so it's fine.

"I'll borrow this, okay?" He asked. Shadow nod and gave him the keys. Spade opened his phone and called Dump.

"Brother, we need help. Any shortcuts to the hospital where we are?" He asked. Dump received their location and smiled.

"There is, give the phone to Akai. I'll direct him from here." He said. Spade gave his phone and Akai looks at the GPS system. The corner alleyway.

"I will be going now, meet you guys at the hospital asap!" Akai said and drove towards the hospital. The rest nod and ran to another alleyway to see Dump, smirked and with a vehicle to get to the hospital.

"Hope in." He said.

Akai rushed using shortcuts and found his destination to the hospital. He looked at the sun and clock, 40 minutes before sundown.

He rushed inside and asked the nurses to Joker's room. They told him the way and he rushed inside. He can't let Joker die, he just can't. He arrived at Joker's room, where the doctors said they couldn't bring him back.

"I can!"

Akai rushed inside the room, not bothering the doctors. They were shocked and begged him to get out, but his eyes revealed them who he is.

"Shut up and let me help!" He said angrily. The doctors went quiet. Akai looked at his clock again, 5 minutes!

He breath in and out before cut his finger, dripping a drop of blood that turned into a marble like medicine. He placed it in Joker's mouth and hugged him tight.

"Come on, Joker. Don't keep me here yet. Not yet. I still love you please!" His mind wondered until a glowing effect happened to Joker's body, completely healed up the wound that Joker had and he open his eyes slowly.

"Ugh, what?" He asked, got up and hold his head in pain. Huh? Didn't he fell from the school rooftop? He saw Akai's happiness and hugged Joker quite tightly.

"Oh, Joker you're back! Oh thank goodness!" He cried, and Joker cried as well. He hugged back as tears fell down on Akai's shoulder. It's wet now, but Akai didn't care at all. The doctors were surprised.

"What just happen?!" They asked. Akai looked at them, muttered a few words and snapped his fingers, making them fainted down. Joker was confused.

"Akai, what did you do?" He asked. Akai smiled.

"I mind wiped them so they won't know about my abilities. Trust me, Joker. I can only trust you and your friends for this secret." He said, caressing his lover's cheek. Joker smile and kissed him. He was guilty for everything and now Akai had saved him. Akai kissed back happily. They broke it off with a smile.

"Finally love me?" He joked. Joker smiled.

"Always have been." He admit. Soon, the doctors got up and were confused on what happen. Thankfully the security camera were hacked. After making a fake story to cover everything up, the doctors finally gives in. Soon, Joker's friends came in, happy to see them together again.

"Joker-San!!!" Hachi cried on him. He's like a brother to Hachi, so why shouldn't he cry? Seeing him dying is the worst nightmare. Joker smiled as he got off from the bed happily.

"It's okay, Hachi. See? I'm better now." He said and picked him up like a child. Akai smiled sweetly until something knock on the mirror. Load and behold, it's Acrux.

"Hoshii!" It yelled and sat on top on Joker happily. Joker panicked ran around the room to get rid of the pseudo cat.

"Get it off!!" He yelled panicky. Spade tried to grab it but it's too squishy! Soon, Acrux got off as Joker bumped into Akai and fell down in a weird pose. Akai is right below him and Joker can feel 'it' right under his butt. His breath hitched. The others started to blush hard and left them alone.

"Wait wait wait!" Joker begged them Nd rushed out from his room, trying to talk to his friends again. Akai on the other hand, had a very uncomfortable situation with his 'friend' at the moment. He sighed embarrassingly.

"This is all Joker's fault."

A few days later, graduation came in. Joker is free from the hospital and finally graduated with his friends happily. Akai hugged Joker tightly, feeling his curved up body next to his. It felt amazing.

"Hey, Joker?" He asked with a sinister smirk.

"Yeah?" Joker asked innocently at first, but blushed when Akai pinned him against the wall.

"Be prepare at your home, Joker. I'll make sure you feel good under my touch. You won't mind, will you?" Akai asked, flirting and made a husky sound against Joker's ear. Joker moaned a bit and nod.

"O-okay, Akai." He said. Akai chuckled, oh my Phoenix that's hot, Joker thought.

"No, Joker. You'll call me Phoenix for a while."

"Yes, Phoenix." Akai let go of Joker and kissed him sweetly and teasingly at his cheek.

"See you at home, babe." He said and walked away, leaving Joker with an uncomfortable moment.

"Calm down, Joker. One more hour. That's all." He said to himself and sighed.

"This is a nightmare."

School Love Jackai (Joker x Akai)Where stories live. Discover now