Chapter 2

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     The sun finally arrived to shun the kingdom and towards the castle the windows, Wyborn stared at the sky in a daze, watching the clouds move slowly when his eyes caught a flock of birds flying above


He suddenly remembered what happened yesterday along with thw whole parrt fiasco and the wild hunt chase..

Especially with the peculiar Swan

Even as to himself couldn't figure out as to why the image of a common specimen was still engraved inside his mind, as why it affected him way beyond the things that happened during his twenty three years of existence...

"Knock knock, yohoo?" A sound coming from the door dismissed his thoughts, allowing himself to walk and pulled the handles, only to be greeted by Neil already in his full gear of hunting suit with a wide suspicious smile on his face

"Neil? Is there something that bothers you?"

The red haired man shook his head with a chuckled, he spoke with pure excitement

"Oh come on now...does visiting my friend is a bad thing?" He teased making for Wyborn to roll his eyes at him

"Ha, ha very funny.." he replied with sarcasm

"Actually, I was about to give you this..." showing off two pairs of metal with thick straps dangling on the side attaching specifically for the arms and two pairs of hidden hooks placed at the center, Wyborn noticed that his companion had already worn his

"Ah...I don't know how to use them yet..." he chuckled

"As do I!" Neil laughed "but it looked us more divine than we already are.."

Hearing his friend usual joke, he laughed as well

"Well I better get going now, might better to familiar with this thing, it might be pretty handy someday..." Neil smiled, giving the two maneuvers to Wyborn before backing away as he waved his hand

"Indeed, you are absolutely right my friend..."

Waiting for the red haired man to disappear from his sight, he carefully examined the present that the King had given to him and to his surprise their was am initial "W" written at the side of the metal

The King must have personally ordered the blacksmiths to strictly forge initials letters for each and every huntsman in the castle

They didn't deserved a King like him

So does a Prince like Eggs.. like Arthur...

Wyborn sat on his bed as he remembered what happened after he had left him and chuckled as he guessed that the noble ladies would flutter around to impress him with their charms and words

From that minute, thank Lord he's not in Eggs' shoes

He would have already melted away in fright and embrassment when everyday he would be greeted by every women either in nobility or at the village..

Fixing and changing himself, he quickly put on his vest and cloak along with the two newly made maneuvers, carefully wrapping the straps and pulling them securely around his arm, the feeling of another heavy material caused him to sigh, he quickly put on his cloak and weapon when he suddenly passed through his mirror, only to step back and stared at his reflection for a moment

But he got to admit

Neil was right.

They DO look Divine wearing it

Realizing as to what he was doing, he scratched his head and embarassingly pulled the door handle "I look ridiculous..." he mumbled, walking down the stairs

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