Chapter Two; das verzauberte Schulleben

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"the enchanted school life"

"Potion's class will be the death of me!" Hermione exclaimed loudly as you came back from the first day filled with lessons. Professor Snape had very clearly explained, that the class would neither be easy nor a place for mischief. You patted her shoulder, a look of sympathy on your face.

"You'll clearly going to ace every class", she then sighed and you starred at her with confusion.

Yes, you had known most of the subject matter the teachers announced for the school year.

You had also required 10 points for Gryffindor, Seamus Finnigan had tried to ask you out, as well as a student from Slytherin and you had given Draco a harsh comeback, which landed a following applause by several students. However, many classmates still seemed a little intimidated by your presence. You were able to disarm the teacher in defense against the dark arts, which was impressing and they had starred at you with bewildered expressions. All in all; a pretty good first day. Almost perfect. Almost.

"I don't know, but you can find me in the library", Hermione added and grabbed a few of her books and notes.

"I think I'll catch some fresh air or explore the school a little more", you replied.

"The Gryffindor quidditch team has try out's today and some practice, you should watch them! You've never even seen a game!"

You followed Hermione's advice and made your way to the Quidditch pitch. Together with the history and traditions of Hogwarts, you had obviously learned about the sport as well. Yet, you were taken back by the sight of the pitch. The oval form measured five hundred feet long and a hundred and eighty feet wide, with a small central circle in diameter. At each end there were three hooped Goalposts of different heights. The pitch was surrounded by wooden towers with the house colors, seats for spectators. You found your place in the Gryffindor tower, next to a blonde girl with long hair and round, pink and blue colored glasses. She looked up when you sat down, eyes curiously inspecting you and then offered you a polite smile. "You're the princess."

You nodded slowly. "I'm Luna Lovegood, you're here to watch the team, aren't you?"

You agreed again and noticed her dreamy tone and her soft nature. "So am I, but watch out for the nargles."

With anticipation you watched as the players flew across the pitch through the air. Harry and Ginny, captains as you found out, had an open position. You watched as several contestants gave their best in showing their skills. Fred and George, both playing as beaters, didn't pay much attention to them however. Instead, they trained on their own and played back and forth. You admired their athletic spirit and skill, but realized that you wouldn't be a Quidditch player. The brutality and the hectic timeframe was thrilling to watch, but nothing you wanted to participate in.

After the practice, you left the tower together with Luna.

"What are nargle?"

"They're small creatures, mischievous thieves really, you have to be careful."

A smile spread on your lips; you found a liking in the rather odd Luna Lovegood. From afar you watched how the Slytherin team, who's time to practice had now come, approach. After them, contestants who wanted to try out for their team. August was one of them. You said goodbye to Luna and joined your brother in watching how the team held their meeting.

"You're trying out?" It wasn't a question, the broomstick in his hand said enough. "I thought you didn't even want to talk to them." August huffed and rolled his eyes. He knew well what you were doing, lurkinh him into resistance and talking

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