Chapter Five; Gold und Silber (final)

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"Silver and Gold"

At last, it was Fred's voice, that you heard and his soft eyes staring down to you, before blackness swallowed you whole...

When you finally woke up again, coming to ignore the sharp pain shooting up from your side, you quickly scanned the room. It was empty though.

However, it wasn't unfamiliar to you; you were still located in Silberstein.

It was very similar to the infirmary to Hogwarts, light walls and beds and shelves with books and healing potions.

You couldn't help but feel your thoughts slip, did everyone survive the battle?

Just as you were to sit up, the door opened. King Michael entered in all his glory and a gasp of relief left your lips.


He wore the king's attire, sophisticated and graceful, as it should be.

He chuckled at your response, and gestured you to stay seated. He was wearing the crown, it fitted him perfectly and he looked much healthier. But as he took a seat on the side of your bed, he placed the heavy metal on the bed stand.

"It's good to see you awake again."

"How long was I out?"

He breathed steadily and held eye contact with you, his hand grabbing yours. It was warm and soft.

"Three days, we were all worried if you'd make it", he explained calmly. For you, it had barely felt like a couple of hours.

"Hendrik, August and Ruth! Are they-", You stopped, before continuing even hastier. "Fred and George!"

Your father let out another snicker and placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "You shouldn't worry about them, as much as you should maybe take more care of yourself. They're all fine and they're all back at school."

Your face dropped once again. "At school?!"

"Yes, you all abandoned the school regulations and not only snuck out, but you even left the country. As your father, I cannot endorse such behavior."

He sighed, but then he began smiling as well.

"I'm very glad you did though. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be here."

Finally, you lunged a little forward, embracing him tightly. You felt how tears formed in your eyes and his familiar warmth radiating against your tired body.

"I missed you dad!"

He hugged you back, his chin on top of your head. "I missed you too."

When you let go of him again, your brows furrowed.

"Albrecht, is he?"

"Dead, yes, for good this time. The guards that were in cahoots with him, were banished and their memory was removed. Everything went back to normal."

It was like a heavy rock falling off your chest, it was over.

"August was right by the way; he did have mother's ring. All those years, he planned it all out. Killing your mother, poisoning me and when the idea rose, to send you children away, he had me thinking it was the best solution. But the moment you were gone, I knew the mistake it was."

He sighed and his hand pushed back his hair, just as dark as Hendrik's.

"I was left helpless, knowing he had too much power at this point. My last hope laid with you children."

"What about Silberstein? Are you still planning to turn this place into a school?"

He nodded, starring out the window for a few second, bemused, before turning back to you.

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