Chapter Three: luftige Turbulenzen

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"breezy turbulences"

Having siblings, especially brothers wasn't always easy.

But the true meaning of how different Hendrik's and August's thinking, wasn't fully apprehended by you until the Quidditch game two days later. The impact of the letter hadn't left your body.

In the two days, you hadn't talked to either of them. You hadn't even seen them, they avoided each other as well as you and Ruth. The youngest of the four of you, grasped the situation barely. It didn't help that she felt even more left out. Hendrik and August were stubborn in their own ways and knowing you couldn't convince them to talk, you at least decided to show up to the Quidditch game. Ruth sat with you in the Gryffindor tower, together you shared a bowl of salted caramel popcorn, which your little sister happily munched on.

The tower wasn't as filled as the week before, the game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but the true Quidditch fans still showed up. However, it still surprised you when Fred and George joined you.

"Oh Ruth, this is Fred and George Weasley, friends of mine." You turned to the Twins and gestured towards your sister. "Guys, you know my sister Ruth, right?"

Gentlemen-like in a humorous way, just like their personalities, they shook her small hand. "Pleasure meeting the second princess", Fred smiled. "Always at your service!"

Ruth blushed and giggled; you could already tell, that she liked them.

"How's the game going anyways, Y/n?" Fred now asked while George tried to steal popcorn from your sister. You peered over the pitch, furrowing your eyebrows. Last week at the game, it had been warm and sunny, but today? Thick, gray clouds hung over the school and individual, cold droplets of rain started falling. The wind was hollering around the towers and felt like a whip against your skin.

"They play back and forth, but it's not really coming together." Fred followed your eyes and shrugged. "They had worse weather conditions before, I'm sure they handle it."

"No, there is something else going on between them", you shook your head and Fred, who noticed your wary eyes on your brothers, raised his eyebrow. He could only guess that some kind of argument had involved between August and Hendrik, but he realized, that you didn't want to talk about it. At least not with Ruth there. A look of worry spread in his face and you pressed your lips to a thin line, not knowing how to answer it.

Soon the rain became thicker and gusting wind pushed the players around. Hendrik, who had apparently caught sight of something, which you only guessed as the golden snitch, August left his position to follow him. Draco, Slytherin's actual keeper seemed to shout something at him, but you couldn't hear the words. August continued to ignore him and follow his brother. Shoulder to shoulder they bumped into each other and Ruth hissed in fear they'd crash.

"Solche Idioten!", you muttered in between breaths. (What idiots!)

The entire audience watched captivated. Whatever was happening, it didn't have much to do with the actual game.

"Vielleicht solltest du einmal auf mich hören, jedenfalls bevor du deinen Arsch auf den Thron platzierst!" August huffed and Hendrik's eye shot angrily at him. (Maybe you should listen at least once to me, before sitting down your ass on the throne!)

"Albrecht wird uns ausstoßen noch bevor Vater es merken wird, siehst du das etwa nicht?" (Albrecht is going to expel us before father will even realize, don't you see it?)

He continued while they circled the towers. Hendrik tried to get rid of him, but August was determined.

"Das ist Schwachsinn, Albrecht hat kein Recht auf die Krone und das weiß jeder! Nur weil du ihn nicht leiden kannst, ist er nicht gleich der Bösewicht!" (That's nonsense! Albrecht has no right for the crown and everybody knows it! Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he is a villain!)

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