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REALLY SENSITIVE TOPICS LIKE S-CIDE WILL BE INCLUDED INTO THIS BOOK, AND WARNINGS WILL BE PUT UP SO THAT YOU CAN SKIP THAT SPECIFIC INTERACTION. each chapter will have a few interactions at a time, divided by a "---" inbetween. Except for longer plot-related ones, those get their own chapters.

Roleplay Started on

Roleplay Ended on

also uhh heres a list of who was roleplaying who:

8-ball - Zapz
Balloony - Tin
Barfbag - Zapz
Bakset Ball - Zapz
Bell - Tin
Black hole - Tin
Blocky - Zapz
Bomby - Tin
Book - Zapz
Bottle - Zapz
Bubble - Zapz
Cake - Tin
Clock - Tin
Cloudy - Zapz
Coiny - Tin
Donut - Tin
Eraser - Tin
Fanny - Zapz
Firey - Zapz
Firey Jr - Zapz
Flower - Zapz
Fries - Tin
Gaty - Zapz
Gelatin - Tin
Golfball - Zapz
Grassy - Zapz
Icecube - Tin
Leafy - Zapz
Lightning - Tin
Liy - Zapz
Lollipop - Tin
Loser - Zapz
Match - Zapz
Naily - Tin
Needle - Tin
Nickel - Tin
Pen - Zapz
Pencil - Tin
Pie - Tin
Pillow - Zapz
Pin - Zapz
Puffball - Zapz
Remote - Zapz
Robot Flower - Zapz
Roboty - Tin
Rocky - Zapz
Ruby - Zapz
Saw - Tin
Snowball - Tin
Stapy - Tin
Taco - Zapz
Teardrop - Zapz
Tennisball - Tin
Tree - Tin
Tv - Tin
Woody - Tin
Yellowface - Tin

Purpleface - Zapz
9-ball - Zapz
Anchor - Tin
Avacado - Zapz
Battery - Zapz
Blender - Tin
Boom Mic - Tin
Camera - Zapz
Clapboard - Zapz
Conch Shell - Tin
Discy - Tin
Income Tax Return Document - Zapz
Kitchen Sink - Tin
Leek - Zapz
Nonexisty - Zapz
Onigiri - Tin
PDA - Tin
Price Tag - Tin
Rubber Spatula - Zapz
Salt Lamp - Tin
Scissors - Zapz
Shampoo - Zapz
Shopping Cart - Tin
Snare Drum - Tin
Tape - Zapz
VHSy - Tin
Winner - Zapz

One - Zapz
Two - Tin
Three - Tin
Four - Zapz
Five - Tin
Six - Tin
Seven - Tin
Eight - Zapz
Nine - Zapz
X - Zapz

IF I FORGET ANYONE I WILL ADD ON + I WILL ADD ADDITIONAL NOTES IF NEEDED OKAY HAVE FUN!! also please kill me i have to make up each interaction name for a chapter so thi wont be fun :]

-i have given up on trying to grammar fix it because emojis are deleting my work so i gotta be careful, i will only fix important spelling errors 

TimeWarp | PART 1 | BFB AU / RPWhere stories live. Discover now