[2] Mere Arcade Games

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WARNING: NSFW LIKE FULL-ON NSFW (yes this early on)

Liy was running, she really needed to find him. God, she hated that bitch so damn much but she needed to just resolve their conflict.. Temporary truce, yeah, that'd work. She stopped where the plains were and called out. "Stapy! Where the hell are you?!" She shouted.

Stapy was probably sat by a tree in the plains and heard her yapping. What did she want? Whatever, he didnt care. Foldy was eliminated, AND marker was eliminated. He had nobody.. he sat, his knees to his chest. The last thing he needed was that bitch. "Stapy come on and stop being a bitch! I know you need your 'GIRLFRIEND' or whatever to support you, but she isn't here right now!" She was getting impatient. Where the hell was he.. He pulled his legs closer to his knees.. just fuck off  he was thinking to himself, pitting his head in his arms as he sat, letting the wind breeze at his body. He didnt feel it on his legs though cuz they were robotic, only up to his thighs.

She continued to look around, noticing a figure leaning on a nearby tree in the distance. She wasn't sure if it was Stapy, well it was, but she doesn't fuckin know that. She began to run up towards whoever that bitch was aka Stapy. he could hear someone coming and wanted to stand up and go.. knowing it was liy.. he didnt need her right now, he hated her. He bit his lip softly, just keeping his head in his arms. "HEY! STAPY!" She noticed him in the distance. "What the fuck man? You could've just.. Oh I dunno, COME OVER? How hard is that?!" 

He wasnt in the mood at all.. he had just been crying for a while, not even taking part in the challenge. He didn't look up, frowning at her voice.. he wanted to run away. He gripped his sleeve sorta. "Hey, are you listening to me?!" She crossed her arms, irritated over his lack of response. "If you MAYBE listened to me than things would be so much more easier!" He sat up a bit, turning away from her "go away liy," was all he said. He hadn't spoken in his team for ages, or anyone really, just being upset over those two. He didnt want to talk to liy but he wanted her to FUCK OFF. "Come on! Is it so bad I just want a temporary compromise??" For sakes of being annoying / comforting, she walked over and sat right by him.

He leaned against his arm, his knees still to his chest.. "look liy.. not right now.." he mumbled.. but it did feel nice for someone to finally talk to him.. or be nice to him. Sure fries came over once but fucked off after he didnt talk to him. He didnt look at her.

She leaned her head against Stapy's shoulder. "Are you still upset about them leaving..?"

He blushed lightly, not expecting her to lean on him. He averted his eyes still.. "..yeah.." he mumbled softly. She softly touched his robotic thigh or whatever using her fingers, and looked at him. "Hey, it's alright... You could always see them after the competition, or even when you get eliminated yourself." She mumbled something along the lines of "Which probably will be soon.." He couldn't feel the touch, but his shorys were really short and some skin showed. He liked the comfort up until the last lines where he just turned his head from her, angry but also just more upset.

Liy got off of Stapy, "Anyways, how about we make a little compromise? I won't bother you, and you won't bother me. Alright?" God why was she comforting this bitch again- He paused.. "i-i guess.." he choked on his words after holding back tears, angry still. He held his legs closer.. "Right. See you, probaldy never. Asshole." She nudged Stapy playfully before getting up and walking off. He looked up a moment, going to ask her to stay but didnt. Oh well, he just wanted more time alone he supposed.


Coiny grinned. "Thats all of us!" He said, looking at Pen.

Pen smiled, "Cool! Any of us bring the arcade coins?" They go here pretty damn often, most of the workers know them there. Coiny smiled. "Yeah! Got a bunch of them!" He grinned. Blocky grinned. "Right, we splitting the coins to each of us or are we going in groups again?" He looked at Coiny for any answers.
Coiny shrugged. "Wanna go in groups??"
Snowball shrugged. "I don't caree, just hurry up!"
Coiny frowned then looked back at blocky "lets just split up into two groups, yeah yeah??"
"Yeah sure. Me, Pen, and Eraser will go and you can two can go together. Does that sound good?" He suggested, looking at the 4 other boys for any approval.
"I'm good with that!" Pen said.
Eraser nodded, "yeah im cool" he smiled. He didnt want to go with snowball anyway, they werent too keen with eachover.
Snowball nodded, "yeah, sounds good"

TimeWarp | PART 1 | BFB AU / RPWhere stories live. Discover now