Looting Up

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I came through the nether portal and saw Dream standing and staring at me. I gasped and took off running in the direction of the nether fortress, seeing him chasing after me. 

I took a sharp right turn and almost fell. I heard the cry of the ghast. 


I gave the ghast the middle finger, an idea clicked in my head. I turned around and saw him still running after me, sword and shield at the ready. I paused as the ghast slowly floated down, him pausing a few meters away from me.

"Y/N, we meet again. And so soon?"

"I could say the same, but not for long."

The ghast now about 7 meters away from me.

"What do you mean?"

I heard the ghast screech as it's fireball came dashing towards me. I waited until the fireball was about 2 meters away from me. I started dropping blocks and items to make him think I died.

"I mean this."

"You fool!"

I threw an enderpearl towards the direction of the fortress and as the fireball hit, I was teleported. I let out a sigh of relief as I landed on the edge of a lava pool.

I looked around the corner and saw him hit the ghast with it's own fireball. He walked to the loot I had dropped and burned it. I know knew I had to stay under the radar, he'll most likely tell everyone else. 

I quickly ran to the fortress, which I could see in the distance. 

After about 10 minutes of walking, I could finally step foot into the fortress. 

I went straight, took a right and saw a wither skeleton. I hate those motherfuckers. I managed to evade it and, my luck was on point, it dropped a wither skull. I took another right and counted eleven steps, digging into the wall after. 

I entered the secret room I had built and took my helmet off the armor stand. The beautiful black and purple went well together. I put it back on the stand and opened the chest which had my enchanted tools and my crossbow with the instant harming arrows. 

You could say I was stacked. Fully enchanted netherite armor, which took about a week to fully obtain, non stop digging of course. I also had about a stack and a half of extra netherite ingots.

I took the armor off of the armor stand and put it on myself, also grabbing my netherite tools and my shield. The armor was fairly light for being netherite. 

Wait. That's probably what Dream was doing here, trying to get netherite. He'll have to go pretty far though. I cleared all the netherite within a 10k meter radius of the portal (1 block = 1 meter). Have fun buddy. I could very well be the only one with netherite armor in this war.

The war was in a day's time. I couldn't go through that portal now, he'd probably have guards around it, just in case I wasn't dead. I grabbed the obsidian from my chest and made a portal right where I was. 

I heard muffled voices through the wall. I stopped what I was doing and closed the hole in the wall.

"George, what are you doing here?"

"Dream? I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm looking for netherite."

I knew it.

"As am I. Any luck?"

"No. It's almost like there is none."

"L'manburg must've gotten here before us. They'll be powerful. Get everyone on our side to go and get fully stacked diamond armor. We know Y/N's dead, they'll most likely surrender or die trying."

"Y/N's dead?"

"Fireballed into lava."

Perfect, everyone thinks I'm dead.

They walked off talking about how easy it would be. I continued making the portal and lit it, going through and exiting through in a desert. 

I checked my compass and it pointed behind me. That's where I was headed.

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