Well, alright then.

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I had to choose between Tubbo, my son, or Dream who could kill me as soon as I turned my back.

"Y/N what are you gonna do? Die or let him die?"

He says this, but I have other plans. As I started to run towards Dream, I threw a pearl behind my back in Tubbo's direction. I stopped and got into position to defend, instantly being teleported in front of Tubbo.

"Leave me son alone."

Punz tried to hit me but, I deflected it.

"Tubbo run!"

He got up and started to run.

George went after him, but I grabbed him but the collar and yanked him backwards.

I saw Dream coming in the distance.

"A 3v1? Now that's unfair!"

"All's fair in war."

Dream came after me, and tried to hit me with his axe. I was lucky enough to dodge it. Punz charged me while Dream regained his strength. Punz swung his sword, and as I turned to face him, George hit me on the back with what I could guess was his shield. I threw a pearl away as I landed on the ground.

"Punz, George, stand back I want to fight her."

"Alright Dream, good luck."

He approached me as I laid down, winded from being hit on the back.

"Hello, Y/N."

I glared at him since I could barely breathe. 

"Not so strong now, are you?"

I was just about recovered.

"Stop glaring at me. You know you're beat."

He placed a finger on my chin. THAT pissed me off.

I swung my legs up and hit him, his face smashing into the ground. He rolled over, blood dripping down the side of his face.

"The roles are reversed now. Not so strong now, are you?"

"Shut up, you were like me a minute ago."

"I know, but now i'm not. I'm also not an asshole like you."

I gave him a smug look and stood up, holding out my hand to help him up. He looked at me like there was something wrong.

"Uh, hello? Are you getting up or not?"

"I don't need your help."

He slapped my hand away and tried to stand, falling over. I started walking away. I heard him let out an arguable groan.

"Fine, come here, help me."

"But, you said you didn't want any."

"THAT WAS BEFORE! Now help me."

"Calm down. I'm coming."

I helped him up and put his arm around me. I could just feel the amount of anger growing every step we took.

"Getting angry?"

"Shut up."

I dropped him and he let out a groan of agony.

"What the FUCK?"

"Well, i'm gonna leave you there now."

He sprung up, and came at me with his axe, pinning me under it.


"Expect the unexpected, unpredictability, like you always say." 

"You bastard, you weren't hurt."

"No, but I could pretend, sweetie."

What. The. Actual. Fuck. WHAT?


I used all my strength to push him off of me, of course it was hard to do. 

"Awww you look so cute right now trying to fight me with your pouty little face. I could just kiss you~"

"Aight bet." I stopped and just waited.


"I said bet. Come kiss me, you wont."

"Are you serious right now-"

"Did I stutter? Stupid bitch?"

"Y/n this better be a fucking bit or I swear to god-"

I looked around and looked back at him, raising my arms.

"Hey, I'm not the one that said i'd kiss the enemy."

"I didn't mean literally."

"Then why say it?"

"To throw you off!"

"Well, now you've practically just made a deal, get to it." 

He mumbled something and took a step forwards. 

"What did you say?"

He mumbled again, and took another step.


He was by my ear, I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"I'm not gonna kiss you, stupid fool. Rather something else."

Heehee. I want to say thank you for @__Curious__for the story idea!

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