Hello Again

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Y/N's POV again

I made my way across the desert, running full speed. The night was coming upon the world and mobs started spawning. I dodged arrows and attacks from all angles.

I finally reached the taiga biome and soon saw the bamboo coming into view. I smiled as I had an idea for entering the war.

I saw the L'manburg wall come into view. The beautiful black and yellow wall. I smiled as I knew I finally was home. I dug into the wall and closed it back up. I kept low and got to the van that Wilbur had built.

I took off my armor and knocked the door and Tubbo answered.


He stood there shell-shocked.

"Well? Are you gonna let me in or not?"

"Y/N's here!"

"No possible way."

Wil stood up and hugged me, as did everyone else.

"We thought you were dead!"

I took Tubbo by the shoulders.

"I never die."

Tubbo was like my son. He is now my adopted son.

"I'm adopting you Tubbo."


He giggled.

"Yes, Tubbo you are my son now. If anyone harms my son, I will have their head."

Everyone clapped as I hugged Tubbo.

"Y/N, how did you live?"

I turned to Niki.

"As the ghast shot the fireball, I threw a pearl and got away, dropping stuff to make it seem like I HAD actually died. "

"Why did you go to the nether though?"

I put on my armor.

Everyone's mouth dropped.

"Is that...?"

"Netherite? Yessir. Also, important information. I do have extra netherite, but I can't give it to you guys."


"They're expecting it. I'm lucky to have heard them ad they were talking in the fortress. They're also gonna be in fully enchanted diamond. Get enchanted iron. With me, no way they win."

"I think Fundy got all the iron he could and enchanted it."

"Ok, the war takes place in about 10 minutes. I need to stay hidden until then."

I have an idea on how I'm going to come into the war. I need their help though.

"Ok, I'm going to stand behind the wall and walk out after Wil says 'You won't win, we have a secret weapon' I'll come out, with no armor and stand in front of you guys. If they question it, i'll put on my armor and prepare to fight. Wil, and Niki stand on one side diagonal from each other, Tommy and Tubbo, on the other side, leaving a space for me to walk into at the front. Fundy, stay back, Wil wouldn't want you getting hurt."

"Ok, Y/N. What about Tubbo? He's your son."

"Yes, but I can get to him if he calls me. You're unpredictable."

I heard footsteps slowly coming to the wall.

"They're here, go, go, GO!"

They scurried out of the door. I could hear them talking.

"Dream! Nice to see you again. Like our armor?"

"Iron? Seriously? We have diamond! What else do you have? NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!"

"You're wrong. We do have something."

"What? What could you POSSIBLY have?"

"I'll tell you this, you won't win with what we have. We have a secret weapon."

"What is that?"

I walked out the van and sprinted to the front of the line up.

"Y/N? You have Y/N, she has NOTHING on though? We're gonna win."

I looked at Dream.

"You underestimate my abilities? Ok, so be it."

I put on my enchanted netherite armor and equipped my shield and netherite axe.


They backed up.

"What is it? Were you having trouble finding some? Try going past the nether fortress and even further."

"How did you know I was at the fortress? More importantly, how did you live?"

"I pearled as the fireball hit. I did however, spawn an endermite, Mr Detail. I heard you and George talking in the fortress."

"Whatever, we'll still win."

"Sure. Ok, alright. I CALL BULL!"

Dream charged at me, our swords clashing.

"Good luck, Dream."

I backed up and saw Tubbo already being cornered by Punz and George. I looked at Dream and back to Tubbo. If I run, Dream can easily kill me. But if I stay, Tubbo could be hurt.

Where do I go?

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