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The water bites against my skin, raising goosebumps all along my legs. My arms lift by habit as Eden begins splashing around in the water. I don't know how she does it; she just throws herself in with no second thoughts. I slowly descend in, trying my best to acclimate my body to the cold lake.

"Watch out!" Eden shrieks and I spin around to see a giddy Ezra and Hero running towards us. Both boys are fit and toned, but Hero till stands a good two inches above Ezra. Ezra's rich, mocha skin contrasts against the ivory tone of Hero's, but I can clearly see muscle definition in them both. I also notice that Hero's traits are much more linear; long limbs and stacked torso. I find myself entranced by how he looks without the white t-shirt. Before I know it, I'm trying to dodge away from their trajectory, but they're both aiming for Eden and I. Before I can protect myself any further, two huge waves attack me. Ezra and Hero both splash us with full force, drenching me completely. I gasp as the cold water shocks me, catching my breath last second before I'm encased in water.

Once the water has cleared, I open my eyes in order to place a target of revenge on the two guys. I glance around and a slight gasp escapes my lips when I'm met with the bright sun and a beaming smile. Hero's shining white teeth are on full display, and a rumbling chuckle echo's around me. I notice two very prominent dimples on either side of his mouth, and his eyes have crinkled. His pink lips are spread devilishly in a smile as he rakes his hand through his wet hair.

I scan for Ezra, who has already begun his way to splash Eden. I hear her yelp, followed by his deep laugh. I search for sand beneath the water to rest my tiptoes on it for support, barely keeping my chin above the surface. When I face back to Hero, I see a mischievous glimmer in his bright green eyes.

"Oh hell no! This means war!" I shout and push my arms under the water and pull them back right before aggressively pushing them out from my chest in order to conjure up as much water as possible. A wave builds and rises, engulfing Hero's head. I laugh out loud as he regains himself from the shocking splash. He shakes his head like a dog to try and remove the excess water. I can't help but smile wildly.

Suddenly, Hero's lips pinch into a tight line and his eyes narrow. Under his dark, thick brows and the dark look in his eyes, a part of me panics. Uh oh, have I taken it too far? In one swift motion, he dips his head under the water, disappearing from sight. I try to look around, but the dark green lake and the reflecting sun make him invisible. I can feel my heart racing as I frantically search for him underwater.

All of a sudden, two large hands grasp the outside of my thighs and something protrudes between my legs. Without hesitation, I'm lifted out of the water and into the air. I let out a shriek from the surprise, and I realize what has happened; I'm now sitting on Hero's shoulders, above the water. In a panic, I grip onto his broad shoulders, flexing my entire body in order to keep my balance. I feel his warm fingertips press into the flesh of my upper legs and a heat wave travels through me. For a second, I feel like his skin has molded with mine and I can no longer tell the difference between ourselves. A few meters in front of me I meet Eden's wide-eyed gaze. She looks just as shocked as me, except she has a huge smile plastered on her face. Ezra is beside her, trashing in the water, laughing out loud. I can't tell if I'm scared or excited... maybe a bit of both?

"Now this is war!" Hero shouts from below me, his London accent cutting off the 'r' sound. Confusion wipes over me, but before I can comprehend, he jumps and launches me off his shoulders and into the cold lake beneath us. Everything flashes before me in slow motion, and I gasp to hold my breath and pinch my eyes tight just as the water envelopes me. I summersault under the water and emerge again to breathe. Holy shit. My jaw drops open as I open my eyes to see Hero laughing hysterically with his head thrown back. It's a genuine laugh, like a kid on a rollercoaster, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

Summer Sun // Hero Fiennes TiffinWhere stories live. Discover now