Kakashi and Obito adopt Naruto (Angst and than FLUFF)

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The small child shivered bloodily bruised and cold, tears began to run down his face as he shakily heaved trying desperately to breath choking on his own spit and misery.


Naruto Uzumaki. Age 5 looked up watery blue eyes afraid. Where they back again!?

Crouched before him was an ANBU, Naruto couldn't help but tremble even more, the ANBU where elite scary Ninja. He had dropped a plastic bag in front of Naruto and peered at him although Naruto couldn't see for his face was covered in a frightening mask.

The ANBU stood up leaving the bag in front of him, sending him one last glance then leaping away.

Naruto waited a moment before walking shakily over to the bag, had the ANBU forgot it? No that didn't make sense. Opening the bag he saw an orange jacket and some food.

The jacket was for a child.

Did- was this for him?

💚💚💚💚💚 💚💚💚💚💚.

"Kakashi calm down-"

"Minato's child I swear I'll kill them"

"Kakashi don't do anything you'll regret"

Kakashi whipped around eyes blazing eyes sparkling with unshed tears " Just watching Naruto from a distance and not doing anything is making me regret- he's just a child and he's Sensei's son!"

"Well what can we do?" Asks Obito amiably. He had to admit Kakashi freaking out over something was a very rare thing to see, for once their positions where switched.

Kakashi swore under his breath sweeping back his hair. "I don't know Obito"

"Take me to him?"


"Let's go check on the little guy right now"

"I just visited him, I dropped off some warmer clothes and some food-"

"You just said you wanted to do more" reprimands Obito "let's start now"

Kakashi blinked. Took a deep breath. Silvery eyes sharp and suddenly teasing he nudged Obito "Stop being so reasonable your taking my job in the relationship" Obito smiled glad that he had managed to comfort Kakashi the wrinkles of his scars making it seem like he had early crows feet twinkling with happiness.

"Stop looking so pleased" Kakashi sniped without venom "Let's give the old man Hokage a quick ... visit"

Obito was suddenly very glad he wasn't the hokage.

💚💚💚💚💚 💚💚💚💚💚.

Sarutobi Hiruzen the third Hokage was settling down for the night.

He was undeniably the oldest hokage to remain, after all when shinobi hit a certain age they either died or retired and settled down. He had to admit he was no longer the young energetic and slightly Pervy youthful Jonin he used to be and he knew he was getting old when he could quite literally tell when a storm was coming due to his joints.

Sorting through the last of his paperwork the third Hokage felt his head start to droop and a deep ache settle in his bones. He was still spry for his age of course but he was tired.

Really really tired.


The door slammed open forcing Sarutobi to jerk upward abruptly casting an alert and wary gaze at two figures, both rather tall and imposing.

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