We taking a break from Le angst-

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Soft poking wakes Kakashi up. Grumbling he sits up and eyes Obito who looks like he's just daring Kakashi to throw the pillow at him.

Kakashi does.

He loses all impulse control when it comes to Obito. It's sad really.

"Pfft Baka-" Obito tosses the pillow back, lightly. The scarred part of his face crinkling even more with his smile. Kakashi loves that smile.

It's always so wide and bright. It makes up for the lack of his.

And he smiles quite often now, but its not like anyone can see.

Kakashi fondly remembers the first time Obito took of his mask.

He had never seen Kakashi without his mask. He looked shocked. Kakashi was never a self conscious person but if there was one person who he wanted to have a good opinion of him it would be Obito. He assumed the former thought the same.

Obito leaned forward. "We're dating now can I please see?"

"See what?" Obito pouted "You know what I'm talking about" he rolled his eyes. Kakashi's dirty mind stumbled and fell into a ditch. "Uh-" He knew he must be turning red

"Oh gosh Kakashi you pervert no- Your face. Without the mask, kami!"

"Well be more clear next time and don't make me guess around" hissed Kakashi trying to cover his embarrassment. a beat.

"So can I?"

"Can you what?"

Obito was used to the behavior now, he rolled his eyes "Can I see your face without the mask please"

"Hmmm" Kakashi fake mused. "I don't know how do I know you will stick around after the mystery that you've been dying to know is revealed?"

"Your driving me crazy right now Kakashi"

"Well not as crazy as when you went on that murdering spree"

Ouch. Kakashi didn't hesitate to go for the low blow.

"It was loss, I was hurting"

"Yeah well you tried to kill me too"

"Let's call it aggressive flirting" Kakashi leaned forward so he was peering down at Obito his eyes glimmer mischievously. Making a show of it he grabbed Obito's hands and instructed them upwards towards his mask. Curling his fingers around his he pulled down his mask.

"Oh...wow" it was silent. Obito's eyes where wide.

"I thought you might have some disfigurement or something- I'd love you anyway but-" he sounded breathless "Wow..."

"Is that all you have to say?" Kakashi murmured teasingly

"Why would you wear a mask?" Obito still sounded breathless but a note of incredulity crept into his voice. Tracing his lip. Skin against bare skin.

"It helps with the whole aura of mystery" he says straight faced.

"You just love driving people crazy don't you?"

Kakashi leans closer to Obito intoxicatingly close Obito freezes. "I like driving you crazy" he states. "You do" and than they are kissing.

Part of Obito's mind documents the fact that he's never kissed Kakashi without the mask never even seen him without it. It makes him feel special. And without the tight fabric of the mask Kakashi's lips feel more lush, more full. Softer than they have any right to be.

Their soft and warm and firm and Obito enjoys every second, Kakashi's arms are strong and safe and they pull Obito towards him with some strength Obito can't even comprehend. Strength he needn't use Obito will come willingly.

He canvasses Kakashi's face like he's seeing it for the first time.

In a way he is. Arched pale cheekbones and that mouth.

Obito has never been one to deny himself. He leans in and kisses him again.

"Kakashi?" He blinks Obito is looking at him worriedly.

"I'm fine I just spaced out"

"I thought you told your therapist that, that was getting better?"

Disassociation. A result of trauma from a young age, even the mighty Kakashi didn't get out unscathed.

"It is. I don't disassociate as much anymore I'm happy, It just happens sometimes Obito I'm fine" Obito bites his lip creasing his brow. He has beautiful eyebrows. They knit together creating a small crease that Kakashi wants to kiss.

"I know you have a therapist and all, that's good, I had one too"

"Until you chickened out" Kakashi reminds him Obito sticks out his tongue childishly "I feel uncomfortable telling a stranger my problems, plus they where all terrified I did start a literal war"


"If I have any problems or something going on I'll talk to you"

"I don't have the appropriate background to give you therapy" Obito laughs its a joyous sound. "You make me feel safe. Someone as ruined as I don't even deserve that"

"You deserve the world"

"And I have it"

"You disgusting flirt " but he's smiling

"Therapy could help with that Y'know"

"With what?"

"The guilt" Obito's silent. He looks sad "I deserve that part though. It's what keeps me human"

Kakashi supposes he's right just this once, Obito may have changed but if he can pass up all the losses like they where nothing he would be a monster of some sort.

"Emotions are what make us human, the good, the bad" Kakashi states. "We make mistakes and if we are good people, which you are- we feel bad for them and strive to improve ourselves from them." Obito's eyes shined in an unreadable sort of way. "Do you think I'm a good person?" He asked finally, hesitantly.

Kakashi didn't even pause.

"Yes I do Obito, I love you."

"You're one of the people I've hurt the most-" Obito began guilt yet again bubbling up into his throat and heart and gushing over spilling out of him. Kakashi pulled down his mask. He'd been doing it more often around Obito, kissing him skin to skin was different, better more real so he'd been taking it off on occasion.

"Obito. Look at me" he did so. With eyes slightly watery. Kakashi graced him with a sweet small smile, soft and full of love, his eyes seemed to hold the depths of the world. "I Love you. And I've hurt you just as much. Do you think I'm a bad person?"

"How have you hurt me?" Obito began already ready to defend Kakashi- if need be- from himself.

"I Killed Rin" he says so factually even though the sweet smile on his face has faded into something more serious.

Hot. Obito blush's.

"You didn't she jumped in front of you and-"

"I put my hand through her chest. And watched the life leave her eyes" Obito could tell how much it hurt for Kakashi to say this "Kakashi I"

"If I've hurt you and you've hurt me" he says solemnly his voice a deep soothing timbre "And we can still forgive each other, still love each other maybe we do deserve more than what we are given"

It's a selfish thing. And Kakashi knows it. But just this once he won't let the world take everything from him. He will fight tooth and nail. He will be selfish just this once. Because he wants Obito. He wants a life with him, and even though its horrible all the things they have done they need to heal.

"The dead are gone. It's only the living that suffer".

Obito looks at him awestruck as Kakashi takes his hand leaning forward.

"Let us suffer together than"

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