11 - The fatted calf

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Tori wasn't trying to be nosy when she saw Trey arrive. He didn't stay long and after he left, Jonathan was talking to someone. She couldn't make out his words through the walls. Her heart hammered, wondering if it could be Tommy.

As if in control of her body, her legs walked her across the back entry to his door. Before she knocked, she could hear him laughing. He didn't seem like a man who laughed a lot. The Jonathan she knew before was never serious. He teased her and Tommy constantly, especially after he learned they were having sex.

Looking back, sixteen was too young, but they did it a lot. She had developed an unusual philosophy over the years. She treated sex as something to do, but always and only between two consenting, unattached adults. She preferred the guy who was good-looking. She had dated a few guys through the years, but none measured up to Tommy.

The past year had been hard for her. It was a combination of Ted and Sloane finding love, and Tommy being done with the five years he owed the army. She kept thinking he'd come back to her. She had forgiven him, so hopefully he had forgiven her.

When Jon opened his door, he didn't have his phone in his hand. Did she think he would usher her in while Tommy talked to him? She was glad she could see his face even if he wasn't smiling at her.

Stepping inside his apartment, she bent her neck to look up at him. He didn't speak as he looked back at her.

"You know you used to like me and now, I feel like you wish I'd go away."

He sighed. "I did and do like you. Not that I really know you anymore than you know me. I'm just adjusting to being back. It's more stressful than I expected."

She hadn't even considered coming home would be hard. Was she thoughtless? "I'm sorry. Tell me. What's the hardest thing about being back?"

"Besides my neighbor, who keeps showing up?" She felt that like a jab to her heart and pivoted to the door before the tears which were burning the back of her eyes started to fall. His voice shattered the silence. "I was kidding! See, I don't even know how to joke anymore."

She turned back to him. He looked pained. He had a story, and it intrigued her. It was not a good thing, because she was like a dog with a bone when she wanted something. Ask the fountain.

She convinced herself if Jon showed up Tommy would soon follow. As a kid, he always followed Jon around. She knew this because she was right there with him.

His apartment looked sparse. "I have your new clothes in my car." He nodded. "Did you eat? I have food if you want to come over."

"I was going to order something. Food and I haven't been getting along lately. My body isn't used to anything which isn't bland."

"Why did you stay for so long? It's like you didn't even like it."

"I did for a long time. It wasn't until the end when I realized my time was up. I guess that's the part I remember. I'll get my clothes and take you up on the offer of food."

She smiled. If she was there for him, he might report back to Tommy how helpful and kind she was. Did it make her a bad person if her motivation was Tommy?

When he entered her apartment, she watched as he looked around. Her space had started out as Mia's, and she left some of the furniture. Sloane had purchased very little in the short time she and Dom lived in the large apartment. When her older sister moved in with Ben, Victoria took her place. She and Dom were roommates for a few months until he moved out to live with his boyfriend, Joel. Now it was only hers.

"Nice. How long have you lived here?"

"Since the first of the year. Sloane lived here until she moved in with Ben. They're planning a November wedding, after the season is over."

"He's nice."

"He's great, and he loves her."

Jon cleared his throat. "So tell me about working at the school."

She smiled, because she loved her job. She talked about her co-workers. They were a small staff and got along. She had a group of close friends.

"It will be a culture shock for me, proper desks and books and children who have been fed. But everything is a culture shock to me."

He stood by her counter as she pulled food from the refrigerator. She followed her brother's lead and hired his housekeeper to clean and leave meals for her. She couldn't cook and didn't like takeout.

His jaw dropped. "Did you make that?"

She answered with a laugh. "I can't cook. My housekeeper leaves meals. Do you want her number?"

"I think I would." He nodded.

"See how much you've accomplished with me as your helper. Tomorrow you'll have a job."

"And a car."

"You'll be fitting in like you never left. There's a party at Bea's on Saturday night. You should have your suit back."

"What's the occasion?"

She smiled as if she had a juicy secret. "You. It's a welcome home for you."

"Is she serving beef?"

Tori shook her head. "I don't know what she's serving. You aren't vegetarian." He was eating chicken she had just heated in the microwave.

"No." He smiled a genuine smile. "I meant the fatted calf like the..."

"Oh." She laughed. "The bible story. No, she'll save that for Tommy." Why did she say that?

She wiped the frown off his face. "Victoria."

She forced a smile. "Forget I said that. I was trying to joke. I know you don't know or don't want to talk about it."

"How many proposals have you turned down?"

"What? None. Why?"

"You've dated?"

"I haven't exactly been a nun. Not that it's any of your business." He shook his head. "I know he's dated too. I overheard your mother telling Bea about the time she went to see him. I missed where he was, but I assumed the US."

Jon nodded, confirming. He smiled. "I'm picturing you hiding behind furniture."

She shook her head. "No, they were in the garden and I had been at..."

"The fountain." She nodded. "How many wishes have you made?"

She sighed. "Millions. More than I have dollars in my trust fund."

Jon laughed. "I was working for next to nothing. I'll be lucky to have much left by the time I settle into life."

"Um, newsflash. My teaching job doesn't support my lifestyle. Ted is making it hand over fist. Sloane too, plus Ben's contract is obscene. Me, I'd be poor if not for my grandfather. It's not something I can talk about with just anyone."

He nodded. "I didn't advertise my background when I was over there."

"My friends know. I mean, little Edward Calhoun is my nephew."

"I'm glad not to be the oldest. I won't be forced to name my son after me."

"No, little Jonathan?"

She'd like a little Thomas. Her ovaries quivered just thinking about having Tommy's baby.

"Nah, and the Richard name is going to end with the third."

She laughed. "There is no way Jessica will ever have a baby. I hardly see Trey. They only show up for big events. I know he missed you both."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because he and I talk. I always felt like he was the only one who understood."

Based on the expression on Jonathan's face, she clearly said the wrong thing again.

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