5. The new girl

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It had already dawned, it was another day in the city of New Donk and everyone began their day-to-day routines, and it was not the exception for Mario's family, they got up, ate and the two brothers left for another day of study , but this time there would be something a little unusual.

One of Mario's teachers, named Geno, realized what Peach did to Mario, and he felt very sorry for what had happened, so he sent him to call Mario for an important job:

Geno: (happy) I thought you wouldn't come.

Mario: Of course, if the teacher was going to come, what happened?

Geno: (Sighing) Well, I found out what happened with you and Peach, and sorry for what happened to you.

Mario: (sad) I don't want to talk about that anymore.

Geno: Ok, let's not talk about it and that's it, dead issue; I just wanted to ask you for a little favor.

Mario: What is it about?

Geno: Well, it turns out that new students arrived, and as you already know, at school there is a tradition that their classmates give them a little tour of the school, you know, so that they know both the facilities and new friends, and I would like to do it this time.

Mario: Okay Professor, what time? .

Geno: At recess.

Mario: (smiling) I think it's fine, thanks for the opportunity, teacher.

Geno: No need to.

And so it turned out, recess time began and Mario went to the place where he had been indicated: At the address.

Mario: Here I am, teacher.

Geno: It's good that you arrived, Mario, you know what to do.

Mario: Hello everyone, welcome to the school of JOSE MIGUEL VASCONCELOS, My name is Mario Bros.

???: Hello my name is Yoshi Sauro Muncha Koopas.

???: I am Toad Mushroom and this is my sister Toadette.

???: Hi Mario, I'm Super Mario Glicht Four or Smg4.

They all said their names, except the last one, she was the tallest of them all, she had blond hair and blue eyes and she was very shy or so it seemed; They tried to ask him his name, but he did not answer, so they stopped asking him, and at once the tour began, they showed them the whole school, and when the tour was over, they thanked them:

Smg4, Toad, Toadette and Yoshi: (happy) Thanks for the tour Mario.

Mario :( also happy) No need to.

When everyone had left, Mario felt a finger touch his back, and a sweet and pleasant voice began to speak.

???? :( shy) Ehh Hello

Mario turned to see and it was the girl who did not say the name before.

Mario: Ohh, hello, welcome aboard.

??? :( chiveada) Ehh thanks

Mario: (They started walking) And what's your name?

???: My name is Rosalina Estela Star.

Mario: ohh hi Rosalina.

And suddenly the doorbell rang and they said goodbye and everything was very normal.

Mario after a long day of school, Mario was waiting for Luigi who for some reason was not coming, and he ran into Smg4:

Smg4: (happy) WHAT DOES MY CUATE WAVE ?.

Mario: (surprised, but not scared) Hello Smg4, how are you doing?

Smg4: Well, I'll tell you, very well, this is my best start to school.

Mario: Wait, how?

Smg4: It is that the one in the last school is where I studied, they left me to my fate in the corridors and since the school was exaggeratedly large, there was a day when I lost so much that I spent the night at school.

Mario: That is horrible.

Smg4: Yes, but there are others who do worse, right?

Mario just sighed and remained silent while Smg4 stared at him

Smg4: (sadly) Sorry, did I do something wrong?

Mario: (sad, cutting and with a knot in the throat) No ... already .. he came .. my brother ..... goodbye.

and Mario left without saying anything the whole way home.

A balm for my wounds (Mario x Rosalina)Where stories live. Discover now