Chapter 8 ;''(

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     "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHY WOULD YOU HURT NIALL, HE'S BEEN NOTHING BUT BE KIND. DO YOU GET SATISFACTORY FROM BEING A COMPLETE ASS TOWARDS HIM". This speech sounds all to familiar to a one a gave about a week ago. Then I hear a whimper. I look down to see the person I hit...was...Niall.





    Im such a monster. The thing I always hated the most. I hurt my best friend.

    "Niall dearest, Im so so sorry, I didn't mean it, you know I will never hurt you, I love you too much, if you can find it in your heart to at least forgive me a little bit. Uggh, I'm such a horrible person"

   "Your not a horrible person, and no need to be sorry, its OK" Niall says in a half hearted voice. I go on my knees and hold his hand. I rub his hand and hold it tight. I try to forget the world but that's hard to do. I felt a slight kick on my back. I lay Niall's hand gently on his chest and stand up. I turn around slowly and I'm face  to face with Zayn. I smell the scent of an old cigarettes and alcohol on his breath. The over use of cologne lingers around him. And his after shadow just adds on to his douche appearance. A cocky smile then grows on his face. "Your friend seems to be a little hurt, you should really help him". A look down at Niall, to only see bruises, cuts, stabs, and open wounds.

    I turn back to Zayn...he still has the same cocky look. All the anger in me just fads away and all that's left is sadness. I could punch him, I could slap him, I could choke him right now..but that wont solve anything. He'll still hurt Niall. I sigh out loud, letting Zayn know..he won. I turn around to see two guys, Zayn probably don't even know there names. Then I see Harry and...Louis. What the hell is he doing here. Then the sadness in my heart, turns into anger again.

   I then ask calmly

Chelsey: Louis..what are you doing here

Louis: Um...erm, well you see umm..

Chelsey: JUST SAY IT! *she yells losing her cool*

Louis: Its not what it looks like Chelsey.

Chelsey: Oh really, because you look like your hear with Zayn hurting Niall!

Louis: OK, its looks like that but I didn't hurt him.

Chelsey: THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE *she says partially crying*

*Zayn looks at Louis in a some what evil way*

Louis: I-I cant say.

Chelsey: Your just like him (Zayn).

     Can you hear my heart breaking.

     I try to pick up Niall, but once again I cant. Liam the picks him up and begins to walk the opposite direction.



"Ummm uhh, uuh" Is all I manage to say.

"Come on spit it out..we are all friends here, am I right boys". Zayn says.

Nobody answers


Harry and Louis begin to mumble 'yes" and 'sures'

"So Liam, why are you helping them" He ask once again.

"I'm in-love with Chelsey"

Harry P.O.V


Louis P.O.V


Zayn P.O.V

"What the hell"

Chelsey P.O.V

"I know he's lying'

Nialls P.O.V

Still un-aware of his surroundings due to his harsh beating

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