Torn between two hearts

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 2

P.O.V./ Cheyenne Miller:
Lakein looked at Taryn and said" Touch her again and I'll vanquish you". I held out my hand and a fireball appeared in my hand Taryn hissed at it I said in Jade's voice" Turn around and walk away or your gonna swallow this fireball". She stared at Riley evilly and walked away I heard a door open and Megan came walking out with Sam. Riley looked at me while she was looking at Sam Lakein noticed her looking at Sam and said" I never knew you had a fraternal twin when Megan brought her here I thought she was you she's hot but you're hotter". Lakein put her hand on Riley's cheek she moved her hand down lower between Riley's boobs she kept moving her hand lower until she got to Riley's belt she looked up at her seductively Lakein said as she was holding onto her belt" Would you do anything to save your sister"? Riley said" I'm not having sex with you Lakein". She said" Come on I can make you feel things Nicole never can". Riley said sarcastically" Yeah sure you could". Lakein smiled evilly then She said" I love that you're a smart-ass I believe you are on the wrong side like that half-demon Cheyenne Miller
she'd be a great demon if she would give in to her evil destiny". Riley said" Cheyenne isn't evil so that's never gonna happen". Lakein said" Cheyenne is evil she has evil growing inside of her Evan gets strong every day inside of her and she can't stop it when Evan is ready to come out she will and Cheyenne can't control her". Morgan was staring at me I said in Jade's voice" What"? She said as she got closer to me" Something is different about you". Riley is standing a few feet away from me Morgan said as she looked at Lakein" This isn't Jade". Lakein said" It is". Morgan said" This isn't her I know my sister and this sure as hell ain't her". Morgan waved her hand infront of my face and my face changed back to it's self Lakein and the others are pissed I saw Riley out of the corner of my eye get free from the rope around her wrists with her power of Telekinesis. But nobody noticed her get free Morgan said" It's Cheyenne this is a trap they are here for Sam"! I drew my arm back quickly and slung it towards Megan and she went flying across the room hitting the wall Riley drew her arm by using her power of Telekinesis
she slung it at Lakein sending her flying back a few feet She went over to Sam and Megan threw a energy ball at Riley and She slung her arm at it the energy ball was covered in white lights as it was headed back at Megan it hit her in the shoulder and she flew back a few feet away from Sam She grabbed Sam's arm and said" Come on Sam we are getting out of here". She yanked her arm loose from Riley's grip and said" I'm not going anywhere with you fuck off"!! Sam held up her hand and shot electricity from her hand at Riley when she did Riley shot one back at her when the electricity hit it caused a medium sized explosion that sounded like a bomb purple sparks rained down. Morgan threw a energy ball at me but I slung my arm at it using my power of Deviation to send it flying back at her but she dodged it and it went through the window She said" What did you do with my sister bitch"?! I said" I didn't do shit to your sister I don't even know where she is"! Morgan came running at me extremely fast using her power of super human agility she pointed her shoulders at me tackling me into the wall behind me
I grabbed her neck holding her in a head lock she was struggling to get free from my grip around her neck I turned her around holding her hair in my hand and smashed her face against the stone wall and she fell to the ground flat on her back unconscious with her face bleeding. I looked over at Riley who is still fighting with evil Sam Megan had left the warehouse while Riley was distracting her I came up behind her and grabbed her from behind in a bear hug Lakein shot fire from her hand at Riley but she held her hand up and when the fire hit her hand it instantly turned into ice she used her power called Thermokinesis. I yelled" Come on Riley follow me"! I started teleporting with Sam and Riley teleported following me Lakein shot fire from her hand at Riley again but missed we teleported back to Nicole's house into the living room where the others still are I still have a hold of Sam who is fighting and thrashing against me tying to get free She yelled"Let go of me you big bitch"! I said" Shut the fuck up.. Jenny freeze her when I let her go"! When I let her go She turned around and punched me in the mouth I stumbled back a few feet then Jenny froze her and She stayed frozen.
Riley said" How did you freeze her she's part witch"? I said" She's not under Hypnosis she's possessed there is a demon inside of her". Nicole's mom Jane, came out of the kitchen with a vile in her hand with red liquid in it She said" Your right Cheyenne there is a demon in her this will scare it out stand back this could hurt you if it gets on you". I stood back a few feet and Jane threw the vile at Sam and it busted on her she unfroze dropping to her knees. She is making these god awful demonic sounds as the demon was in her came out it was like fire was coming out of her body and it swirled in front of us until the demon appeared with her back facing me She is looking at Sam who is sitting on the ground and Nicole's mom then I heard her speak and I couldn't believe it She said as She looked at Jane" Nice try you old bitch I'm not that easy to get rid of". Nicole said" Your the bitch now get the hell out of my house"! She turned around slowly and looked at me evilly I'm in shock I thought she was dead. She said" Well hello traitor". Jenny said" Traitor? What in the hell is she talking about Cheyenne"?
She looked at Jenny then She said" She hasn't told you has she"? Jenny said" Tell me what"? She looked back at me then She said" Do you want to tell her? or should I"? I said" She use to be my girlfriend back two years ago but she is an evil bitch". She smiled evilly then She said" You must be Jenny I'm Peyton nice to meet you". Jenny said" It's not nice to meet you". Peyton said" Call me sometime Cheyenne". She winked at me and that pissed Jenny off She said" In your dreams bitch"! She flicked her hands at Peyton to blow her up but it didn't work it was like a small firework blew up on her back it didn't phase her Peyton said" Your tricks don't work on me bitch Happy Halloween". Peyton started teleporting and ashes started swirling around her like a tornado and she disappeared leaving ashes that disappeared as they hit the floor. Jenny is kinda pissed off she walked through the kitchen I said" Jenny". I followed her outside into the backyard I closed the backdoor and walked up to her she is standing in the middle of the backyard I said" I'm sorry I never told you about Peyton". Jenny turned around and looked at me She said" Why didn't you? you know about my ex-girlfriends". I said" Peyton is an awful evil person and when I was with her Evan almost took me over completely I don't like to talk about Peyton that's why I never told you about her". Jenny said" It's okay I'm not mad at you she pissed me off when she flirted with you she obviously still likes you".
I said" I don't like her like that anymore whatever I felt for her is in the past she's ancient history I love you Jenny I always have and I always will". She wrapped her arms around my shoulders hugging me I held onto her waist I put my forehead against hers for a minute and she turned her head to the left a little bit and kissed me passionately I kissed her back. We stood there kissing for a few minutes when we pulled apart She said" I Love you too Cheyenne more than anything when my parents died I almost lost it if you hadn't been there for me I don't know where I'd be I miss them so bad it hurts". Jenny started to cry a little bit I wiped her tears with my hand and said" It's okay Baby girl I'll always be here for you". Jenny said" Thank you I'm always here for you too". We walked back towards the backdoor I opened the door for Jenny and She went inside walking through the kitchen and into the living room where Sam is sitting on the couch and Alex is standing in front of her with both of her hands out she is healing her. I said" We're gonna go home it's 10:00 pm". Nicole said" Okay we'll see you at school tomorrow thank you Cheyenne". I said" Your Welcome". Riley said" Yeah thank you if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have found Sam". I said" Your Welcome Riley sorry that Taryn busted you in the mouth". She said" It's alright you had to pretend to be Jade so we could get Sam". Nicole said" Taryn hit you"? Riley said" Yeah but Cheyenne scared her away with a fireball then Lakein threaten to vanquish her if she hit me again".
Nicole said" I can't stand Lakein she flirted with you didn't she"? Riley said" Yeah she tried to get me to have sex with her to get Sam back but I turned her down". you could tell that Nicole is jealous She said" I swear I'm gonna vanquish her one day". I said" I'm gonna take Jenny home to her aunt and uncle... Carly? Dani? do you want me to teleport you guys home"? Carly said" Yeah sure". I held onto Jenny's arm, Dani held onto Carly and I teleported out of Nicole's house. Alex's P.O.V./ Riley said"I guess me and Sam are gonna head home too". I said" Do you want me to heal your lip"? Riley said" Yeah sure it's split kinda bad". I walked over to her and held my hand over the wound and it slowly disappeared like it was never there after I was done She walked over to Nicole and said" I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow". Nicole said" Okay I'll see you in the morning". Riley put her hand on the back of Nicole's head and pulled her into a passionate kiss she kissed her back it kills me every time I see them kiss they pulled apart and Riley said" I love you Nicole". She said" I love you too Riley". She held onto Sam's hand and white lights started swirling around them and on them until they teleported out. When they disappeared I said" Well I guess I'm gonna head home bye Jane.. bye Nicole"... I started to teleport and Nicole grabbed my arm stopping me She said" Your not going anywhere you are staying here tonight".
I looked at her then I looked at Jane and She said" Your more than welcome to stay here Alex". I looked at Nicole and said" Are you sure you want me to stay the night"? Nicole's eyes flashed that amber gold color then She said as her eyes went back to brown" Yes you are staying here tonight". Jane said" Well good you guys can hang out and catch up". the three of watched a movie and at 11:30pm we started getting ready for bed cause Nicole has school tomorrow. Nicole and I walked upstairs to where all the bedrooms are we walked straight down the hall and the first door the left is her room she opened the door and walked inside but I stood outside in the doorway she stopped a little ways away from the door and said" What's wrong Alex"? I said" I'll wait here". Nicole walked over standing in front of me She said" You can come in". I stared into her room then I said" I'm fine here". Nicole is confused She said" Why don't you want to come in my room"? I said" This was the last place I was the day I died in there with you". She said" Yeah we had an agruement". I said" It was about Riley having a crush on you I was jealous and you told me that I shouldn't be cause you loved me but I guess that's changed now". I could see the guilt on her face she walked over to the closet opening the door she pulled out a white pillow and a grey cover. She walked back over to me and put them in my arms I said" Good night Nicole". She said" Good Night Alex".
I walked down the hall to the guest room before I went in the room we looked at each other I opened the door and walked in closing the door behind me. It was about 12:00am and I was laying the guest bed all I can think about is Nicole and how she's in her room all alone in her bed I can feel my sexual urge growing for her stronger and stronger I can't hold in anymore so I got up and teleported into Nicole's room I teleported at the foot of her bed she asleep on her side facing the door I held my hand out and white lights started swirling around in my hand and an eight inch red strap on appeared in my hand. I pulled off my pants and I stepped into the harness tightening the straps tight I walked over to the other side of the bed and I layed down behind her back I wrapped my arm around her waist and she woke up turning over on her back looking at me She said" Alex what are you doing"? I put my hand on her chest and moved it down to her stomach running my fingers over her abs through her grey tank top I moved my hand to the hem of her black and white checkered pajama pants. I growled low in pleasure and slid my hand into her pajama pants and into her panties rubbing her clit softly she moaned softly and said" Alex... we can't do this again"... I said" Shhh... just relax".... I pushed two of my fingers inside her easily and she whimpered at the intrusion I groaned in pleasure feeling her around my fingers.
I said breathing heavily as I started thrusting my fingers inside of her " You feel so good around my fingers Baby"... Nicole moaned and whimpered as I was thrusting my fingers inside of her at a fast pace She moaned " Alex... Ahh!" I put my free hand over her mouth muffling her sexy moans so her mom couldn't hear her She continued to moan into my hand but it's muffled I stopped fingering her and I got up on my knees and I turned her over on her hands and knees. She seen the strap on around my waist I got behind her I pulled down her pajama pants along with her panties she's watching me over her shoulder I wet the tip of the strap on with my saliva and I easily pushed it inside of her and she whimpered putting her face in the pillow muffling her moans I got six inches in and I grabbed a hold of her hips and started thrusting into her slowly at first she is moaning quitely but I started thrusting faster and harder inside of her and She whimpered " Ahhh!!" I grabbed her hair pulling her head back making her back touch my chest she whimpered at my domination. I said breathing heavily in her ear " Are you mine"? I raised my hand as I'm still thrusting into her hard and fast and smacked her butt cheek a little hard She moaned loud" Yes!! Ahh!! right there don't stop".... I growled in pleasure and started thrusting even faster and harder with more force making our skin slap together Nicole moaned louder " Oh god!!!! Alex!!!!! Ahhhhh"!!!!!...
I put my hand over her mouth muffling her moans I kissed the back her neck softly I said breathing heavily in her ear as I was still pounding into her " You like it rough don't you.... Come on Baby".. Nicole moaned really loud into my hand but it's muffled she climaxed on the strap on I started slowing down thrusting into her until I stopped. I pulled it out of her and she is laying on her stomach breathing heavily I layed down beside her on my back watching her come down from her climax god she's so beautiful. About nineteen days later it is November 18th Nicole's sixteenth birthday I'm at my house sitting on the front steps of the porch I started sensing that Nicole is walking towards the football field she's about to walk in the gate on the right side of the football field where Peterson Hospital is I stood up and teleported behind the bleachers I saw Nicole walk through the gate I peeked my head out around the corner and said " Nicole"! she was on the track and she seen me when I said her name I got back behind the bleachers she walked under them with me. I said " Happy Birthday Beautiful". she smiled at me and said " Thank you Alex". I said " I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything for your birthday ". Nicole said " It's okay having you back in my life is the best present I could ever ask for ". I smiled at her when she said that then I said " I can give you this though ". I put my hand on the back of her head and I pulled her into a passionate kiss she kissed me back for a minute or two then she pulled away I said" Sorry I can't help myself".
She said" It's okay it just can't happen all the time remember I'm still with Riley". I said" I know I just wish I could kiss you all the time but I can't and it kills me every time I see Riley kiss you". Nicole said " I'm sorry but if Riley ever finds out she will lose it and I'm afraid she will try to hurt you". I said" She will never find out". Nicole said" You don't know Riley like I do she has a really bad temper she gets jealous when you are around me". I said" Well I'm jealous of her she's jealous of me so we are even". Nicole's phone made a noise from her front pocket she pulled it out sliding her thumb across the screen unlocking it She read the text and said" It's Riley she's waiting for me in the court yard I'm gonna go.. I'm having a small party at my house you can come if you want to". I said" Yeah I'd love to come I'll see you later". Nicole said" Bye Alex". I said" Bye Nicole". She walked around the front of the bleachers down the track headed towards the front entrance of the football field. Nicole's P.O.V./ I walked down the track headed towards the front gate of the football field I hate being confused I'm in love with two amazing and beautiful girls and I don't know who I really want to be with and it's tearing me apart I looked both ways before crossing the street I walked across the street and into the court yard I seen Riley sitting on the low brick wall that sits in front of the part where you go through a door to get to the lunch room and right behind that low brick wall is the stairwell that leads up to the enclosed catwalk.
Riley seen me coming and she stood up smiling at me I walked up to her and put both of my hands on her face kissing her softly and passionately she kissed me back we stood there kissing for a few minutes until we heard someone clear their throat getting our attention I looked back and there stood Carly, Dani, Jenny and Cheyenne they are all smiling Riley and I are blushing. Jenny smiled and said" Do you guys want to be alone"? She said that laughing Carly, Dani and Cheyenne are laughing too I said" Maybe later". I winked at Riley seductively Dani said" Happy Birthday Nicole". I'm standing next to Riley and I said" You can sense it can't you I've never told you my birthday". Dani said" Yeah I didn't want to be rude and not tell you happy birthday". I said" Thank you Dani". She said" Your welcome". Carly said" Yeah Happy Birthday". Jenny and Cheyenne said Happy Birthday at the same time and said" Thank you guys.. I'm having a small party later today at my house after school you guys are invited". Carly said" We'll be there". So later that day after school everybody is at my house Me, Riley, Alex, Carly, Dani, Jenny, Cheyenne, Sam, My Mom and Jesse, Riley and Sam's Mom.
After everybody ate cake and I opened a few presents we were all outside in the back yard hanging out and talking Mom and Jesse are sitting on the steps of the back porch talking Jenny and Cheyenne are sitting in chairs against the metal fence , Carly and Dani are sitting in chairs beside them , Alex is leaned up against the fence watching Riley and I talk at the tree that is in the middle of the back yard Riley has her back facing the fence I can see Alex watching us I can tell she is jealous but she's trying not to show it Sam is over there talking to my mom and her mom. I heard something moving around inside the tree then a knocking sound started coming from the tree Riley and I step back looking at the tree by that time our mom's are beside us we are standing back from the tree just a little bit when all the sudden Lakein's head pops out of the tree and half her body she grabbed Riley's face and pulls her into a surprise kiss Riley growled and shoved Lakein off of her it happened so fast I couldn't stop it she is still in the tree laughing evilly at us my eyes turned red I'm really pissed off I said to Lakein " You're so dead"!!! Lakein licked her lips winking at Riley I said" Kiss this bitch"!! I drew my fist back and swung it at Lakein but she went back into the tree like squirrel and I punched a hole in it. I said" Dammit where did she go"? We heard whistling by that time everyone is standing in the middle of the backyard we all turned around and there stood Lakein on the roof of my house she throws a glass vile into the air that has something blue in it.
while it was in the air she held out her hand and shot it using her power of Electrokinesis and it exploded raining down on us it felt like everything was spinning until it stopped. I saw myself and it freaked me out I looked at the window outside and I seen my reflection it's Sam I looked back at myself and said" Sam"? She said in my body " Nicole"? I looked at everybody I looked at Riley and said " Riley"? She answered from Alex's body She said " Oh hell I'm in Alex's body"?! I said in Sam's body " I'm in your sister's body and she's in mine"? Riley said in Alex's body " Eww I'm not kissing you until you're back in your body". Alex said sarcastically in Riley's body " Yay it's so much fun having your face". Riley held up Alex's middle finger flipping her off. Alex said in Riley's body " You're such an ass Riley". I'm watching them from Sam's body and I said " Of all people you two had to switch bodies". Sam said in my body " Nicole why do I feel like I'm about to pass out"? I said in her body " It's time for my dose of blood". Sam said from my body " Blood? like human blood"? I said in her body " No I'm a vegetarian vampire I drink animal blood as in wolves blood". Sam made my face looked grossed out I said in her body " Yeah it doesn't taste good... Mom do you have the vile"? She said in Jesse's body " Yeah but Jesse has it". Jesse pulled the vile from my mom's blue jean pocket and handed it to Sam who is in my body She said " Ewwww do I have to drink it"?
I said in her body " Yeah if you don't I'll start craving human blood". Sam looked at the vile she opened it She said before she put the vile to my lips " I'm gonna get sick". she turned the vile up and drank all the blood. Sam groaned in disgust " Ugh!! oh god that was awful". Lakein is standing up on the roof laughing her ass off Sam said in my body " You think that's funny? What's gonna be funny is when I rip your face off"! Lakein said " I'd like to see you try bitch". Sam said in my body " How do I use your powers"? I said in her body" Draw your hand back like your gonna throw a baseball and an energy ball will appear in your hand". Sam drew her (my) arm back and a high voltage energy ball appeared in her (my) hand and she slung it at Lakein but it hit the roof beside her. Lakein laughed evilly then said " Missed me.. missed me now you got to kiss me". Carly said in Jenny's body " let's see if I can get her". Carly flicked her (Jenny's) hands at Lakein and the blast hit her in the chest and knocked her off her feet she hit the roof on her back When that happened Peyton teleported on the roof and shot fire from her hand at Carly who is in Jenny's body and Jenny is standing right next to her in her body Jenny held up her (Carly's) hand and when the fire got right in front of them it shot back at them Jenny used Carly's power of Deviation to send the fire back at them. But they dodged it teleporting to the ground standing right in front of us Lakein snapped her fingers and Kevyn, Jade, Megan , Morgan, teleported in behind them Kevyn walked up beside Lakein she looked at us then She said " Who's body is Carly in"? Lakein said" She's in that bitch Jenny's body".
Cheyenne said in Dani's body" Don't call my girlfriend a bitch". Kevyn looked at Cheyenne who is in Dani's body then she smiled evily and said" Well traitor how does it feel to be a witch it doesn't matter how much good you do your still evil Cheyenne why hide such a great demon like Evan she needs to be free". Cheyenne said in Dani's body" Evan will never be free" Kevyn said" We'll see about that". Kevyn snapped her fingers when she did everything felt like it was spinning again until it stopped I looked in the window outside and I have my face back everybody else is back in their bodies too Kevyn said" This is far from over Cheyenne watch your back nobody double crosses me and gets away with". They all teleported away leaving us alone Jenny is looking at Cheyenne suspiciously. Jenny's P.O.V./ Cheyenne and I are walking down the sidewalk leaving Nicole's house and Cheyenne said " Why are you so quiet? You have said a word to me since Kevyn left". I said " What did Kevyn mean when she said that you double crossed her"? Cheyenne's facial expression turned worried then She said " When we first met in the seventh grade three years ago I was dating Peyton then and she introduce me to Kevyn right before I broke up with Peyton is when I realized that I fell in love with you well Kevyn and Peyton wanted me to vanquish you and I just couldn't do it so I told them no that I wasn't gonna do it and Kevyn has hated me since so has Peyton". I said as we walked up to the front door of my house " Why did you hide that from me too"? Cheyenne said" Cause I didn't want you to be scared of me".
I unlocked the front door with my key cause my aunt and uncle are at work we walked directly upstairs I said as we were walking up the stairs to my room " No I wouldn't have been and I'm not afraid of you I know you wouldn't hurt me". Cheyenne said " I wouldn't but Evan will that's what I'm afraid of is her coming out and hurting you". I said " That's not gonna happen you can control her". Cheyenne said " We don't know that for sure Jenny if that ever does happen"... I cut her off and said " No I know what you're gonna say and I can't do it.. I can't vanquish you Cheyenne". She said " If Evan comes out and I can't come back you'll have to cause she will kill everybody including you Jenny". I said" I will find another way to get rid of Evan if I have to without it hurting you if Evan gets vanquished so do you and I can't live with that losing you I've already lost my parents the two most important people in my life". Cheyenne said " I just want you to be prepared if it does happen". I said " Be prepared to kill you? No I can't ever be... Cheyenne I Love you so much I love you more than I love myself I can't live without you". She will lose control one day and Evan will come out and hurt you or worse vanquish you.
About three months later it's January 16th I'm sitting in my second period class Biology with Mr. Phillips Carly, Dani and Cheyenne are in this class with me so is Megan Helter and Morgan Karson Mr. Phillips is up at the front of the class teaching us a Biology lesson on the smart board a computerized white board he has his back turned and the lights are out so everyone can see the smart board more clearly he's writing something on the board and what he's writing starts moving down the board like he was touching the board while he was writing which his hand isn't on the board if your hand touches the board while your writing that will happen. Mr. Phillips said " That's strange my hand isn't even touching the board.. technology isn't as smart as everyone thinks it is". He tried to continue writing but it did it again I heard Megan and Morgan laughing quietly in the back of the room at the last black table in the back I looked back and Megan has her hand beside the table using her power of Telekinesis to make the writing mess up she went to do it again and Cheyenne is sitting beside me at the table and she put her hand down low behind her where nobody can see and when Megan went to use her power she flicked her hand at her using her power of Deviation to send the telekinesis back at Megan. It hit her making her flip backwards out of her chair hitting the concrete floor Mr. Phillips heard the loud crash and said " Miss Helter are you okay"? someone turned the lights on She is pissed off now She said " Yeah lost my balance leaning back".
Me, Cheyenne,Dani and Carly are laughing quietly Megan sat back down in the chair after picking it up and sitting it back down on the floor the lights went off again and Cheyenne looked back at them and flipped them off. I looked back at them and they are whispering to each other but I can't hear what they are saying the bell rung for classes to switch Mr. Phillips said" Okay make you all read chapter thirty tonight". Everybody got up from their tables exiting the class room as Mr. Phillips held the door open with his back. Cheyenne's P.O.V./ I walked Jenny to her third period class Language Arts I have Algebra class on the third floor so I have to go down one floor I gave her a kiss and she walked into her class I walked down the hallway and turned right going down the enclosed stairwell as I was walking down the steps I started sensing that I'm not alone in the stairwell which nobody else is here I looked back and nobody is there I got down the first set of steps and I went to turn the very sharp corner to go down the other set of stairs and when I did there stood Megan smiling evilly she punched me in the mouth as I went to turn the corner she hit me hard in the mouth and my back smacked up against the smooth concrete brick wall I dropped my binder and textbook when I hit the wall. Megan drew her fist back to punch me again she swung it towards me but I caught it in my open hand my eyes turned demonic red I twisted her arm to the side feeling the bone in her arm pop cause it's not suppose to bend that way Megan yelled out in pain as I continued to twist her arm.
until I heard the brutal sound of her arm snapping she screamed in agonizing pain I raised my foot up and kicked her in the stomach down the stairs she missed all of the steps smacking the concrete floor on her back I jumped down the set of stairs landing on my feet right in front of her the double metal doors are closed that behind her head they lead right on to the third floor Megan is laying there on her back holding her broken arm looking up at me. My eyes are still red Megan said " You can't vanquish me... you don't have the balls to do it". I held out my hand using my power of Telekinesis to lift her up off the ground and I'm choking her I said in Evan's voice " She doesn't but I do". I snapped out of Evan's control and I dropped Megan back on the ground I said " get out of here before Evan comes back". Megan stood up still holding onto her lifeless broken arm she took a deep breath and reset her arm back in place I heard the sound of her bone reconnecting to her shoulder her arm is still bent abnormally I watched as her arm slowly regenerated back to the way it was like it was never broken. She moved her shoulder socket around I had dislocated her shoulder but she used her power of Regeneration to heal her shoulder Megan said " You should just give up trying to be good Cheyenne it's not possible for any demon especially not for one that has Evan Davis inside her... embrace your evil destiny you can't keep Evan trapped inside you forever she will eventually break out and take control over your body". I said " It will be over my dead body before she ever comes out if I die she dies without me Evan doesn't exist".
Alex's P.O.V./ It's January 21st I'm at my safe house looking through the bay window watching the snow fall from the sky and land on the ground today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day so there is no school there is about three inches of snow on the ground the snow is so bright that it kinda blinds me I'm looking all over the front yard and I started seeing something or someone appear several feet away at the starting of the woods that surround my house like a circle I can't make out who it is I started sensing some one is in trouble I closed my eyes sensing their location it's Sam, Riley's twin sister she's on the football field at the school I teleported onto the field good thing nobody is out or someone could have seen me use my powers I teleported right in the middle of the field and looked to the right and there was Sam hanging from the goal post I took off running quickly using my power of Agility to get to her faster there is a rope wrapped around her neck and it's tied to the goal post she is choking and turning blue I held out my hand shooting Electricity at the rope making it snap. I caught Sam in my arms as she dropped from the tall goal post I put her down on the ground with her back against the goal post pole there is'nt any snow right here so she want be sitting in snow she's coughing and trying to catch her breath I said " Sam who did this to you"? She said hoarsely " Lakein and Peyton". Before I could ask her where they went Peyton teleports right behind the goal post staring me down evilly she holds out her hand and a red electrically charged energy ball forms in her hand and she slings it at me like a baseball it's flying towards me like a rocket
Right before it got to my face I held up my hand and a white light shield formed right in front of my face it sent the energy ball flying back at Peyton she caught it in her hand and squished it into smoke she jumped into the air high enough to jump over the goal post she landed on her feet directly in the middle of the field where I am standing. She looked back at Sam then She said " Why would you want to save her... She isn't anything special just let me put her out of misery". I said " I can't let you vanquish Sam I was assigned to protect her and that's what I'm gonna do". Peyton said " Your just protecting her to suck up to Nicole and Riley cause she's Riley's twin sister". I said " I'm not sucking up to anyone". Peyton looked back at Sam again and when she did I held out my hand at Sam putting that White light shield around like a protective bubble now Peyton can't hurt her She looked back at me when I done that and said " I told you to mind your own business but you damn Guardian-Angels don't know how to". Peyton looked to her right where there was some construction materials like rebar, metal and several other things She held out her hand at the rebar and it floated up off the ground it started flying towards me I teleported out of the way right as the rebar got right in front of me and it stuck in the ground where I was standing. I teleported right behind Peyton and I held out my hand and shot Electricity from my hand at her back it struck her in the back and sent her flying forward up into the air she flipped front wards and hit the ground flat on her back.
Right after I did that Lakein teleported on the other side of Peyton and slung her arm at me Dark lights started swirling on my body until I flew backwards hitting the ground on my back right next to Sam who is still in the White light bubble. I jumped up back up to my feet and they are standing beside each other staring me down evilly Lakein said " You can't take both of us on by yourself Alex so just give up and give us Sam we will leave you alone give me Riley and you'll have Nicole all to yourself". I said " That's not gonna happen". Lakein said " Fine I tried to be nice and make a deal with you but you want to be stubborn I guess I'm gonna have to pay Nicole a visit". I said" Leave her out of this.. You need to give up on Riley she will never love you cause she loves Nicole". Lakein said " You need to give up on Nicole". I said " Over my dead body". Peyton said " We can arrange that". Lakein held out her hand and Dark lights started appearing in her hand until that plastic gun with a poison dart in it she pointed it at me I went to Teleport out of the way and Peyton held out her hand at me and all the sudden I couldn't move from where I'm standing like I'm glued to the ground. I tried to teleport but I can't the white lights appear on me but they disappear cause I can't move I'm starting to panic Peyton laughed and said " How do you like that power? It's called Gorilla Glue your stuck bitch". Lakein has her finger on the trigger she pushed the trigger firing the gun the dart is flying towards me like a bullet right before it got to me red sparks started swirling in front of me until Nicole appeared with her back turned to me.
The dart hit her in the shoulder and bounced of her like her body was made of steel it fell to the ground beside her shoe the tip of the dart was bent Lakein growled then She said " Dammit Nicole "!!!! Peyton held out her hand and a plasma ball appeared in her hand and she slung it at Nicole She held out both of her hands and a powerful blast of energy came out of her hands and hit the plasma ball making it disappear into smoke and the energy blast hit Peyton and Lakein sending them flying backwards they hit the ground. Riley teleported right beside Nicole they both jumped to their feet and Lakein spotted Riley and smiled evilly Peyton drew her hand back and a energy ball formed in her hand and she threw it at Nicole before it got right in front of her she held out her hand and pure energy came out her hand it was red and it hit the energy ball making it disappear onto a cloud of smoke that power is called Energy Sparks it hit Peyton in the chest and sent her flying backwards to the left she landed on her back on the metal bleachers right in the middle she groaned in pain but not for too long cause she can only feel pain for a minute or two cause she has the power of Superhuman Durability you can shoot,stab or even hit Peyton with a car and she will not die or be seriously injured she heals herself after the trauma that only lasts for a minute or two.
Right after that happen Taryn teleported in beside Lakein and said " Ready for round two bitch? your not leaving this field alive". A red energy ball appeared in her hand she threw it up in the air over her head and when it got right in front of her face she drew her arm back using her her power of Telekinesis to hit it with extreme force like she had hit it with a baseball bat it came flying towards Nicole and Riley like a speeding bullet a big ball of White lights appeared in front of Riley I held out my hand at the ball of Combustive White lights using my power of Augmentation to amplify Riley's powers making her stronger. The ball of Combustive White light started flying towards the energy ball like a rocket it hit the energy ball and it exploded into millions of particles making sparks rain down across the field the explosion sent Taryn and Lakein flying in different directions Lakein flew to the right over the small fence hitting the track flat on her face and Taryn flew left into the metal bleachers at the top she hit the bleachers on her back I noticed

The Alex Porter Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now