Moving on & Starting over

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 7

P.O.V/ Riley Roberts:

Today is May 24th the last day of school next year I will be a junior things will never be the same now that I know it is over for good with me and Nicole and I know that a part of me will always love her cause she was my first she will always have a special place in my heart it still hurts cause it didn't work out between us but I now know that I must move on and let her go it's hard but they say if you love something you must set it free and that's what I'm doing I'm setting her free cause she is really does love Alex she has been through hell she thought she lost Alex forever she thought she was never coming back but she did and Nicole finally realized that she couldn't live without Alex. So I have to move on I have no choice Nicole is never gonna come back to me besides Lakein likes me a lot and now that she's good again we can date I no longer have to fear the evil inside her I just want her to know that I really like her too and that I want to see how far me and her can go that I'm not in love with Nicole anymore.
Since Lakein isn't evil anymore she doesn't have anywhere to live cause she lived with Kevyn plus she had custody of Lakein so My Mom is letting her stay with us and My Mom got guardianship over Lakein cause she made the courts see that Kevyn is unfit to be a parent so she also lost custody over Jade , Morgan , Megan and Taryn so they ended up in group homes. Now that Kevyn has lost all of them she is very pissed off and she is gonna be looking for a fight her plan has been ruined she can't add more people to her evil family she didn't get me or Sam or anybody else now she has no one Lakein and I are up getting ready for school she slept in my bed with me last night My Mom is okay with her being in my room with me number one reason why she is okay with it Lakein isn't a boy and she isn't evil anymore. I took a shower and I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom that is in my room I'm standing there with a towel on my body. Lakein is watching me while she is getting her school clothes on she had took one before me she trying not to let me catch her looking at me.
I watched her as I let my towel drop to the floor at my feet her face blushed as she watched me get dressed I got all of my clothes on except for my tank top and shirt so I'm standing there in a black bra and my blue jeans she saw that I caught her and she looked away quickly I smiled then She said " Sorry I'm not trying to be a pervert.. You are gorgeous it's hard for me to keep my eyes off of you". I said " It's Okay I feel the same about you". She put her plain navy blue T- shirt on and looked back at me. She said " I'm sorry for what I did to you when I was evil.. I couldn't control it I was vicious and mean". I put my plain navy blue shirt on and walked up to her looking down at her a little I said " That wasn't the real you.. I forgive you". She said " Thank you for not giving up on me.. If I wouldn't have told you that day in the bathroom you would have never known that I was good before Kevyn turned me". I said " Your Welcome.. I always sensed that you were good deep down inside and when you finally told me I knew I needed to save you". Lakein said " So do you still want to go out with me now that I'm good?"
I said " Yes I'd love to". She said " Are you sure? What about Nicole? Do you
still have feelings for her?" I said " I'm gonna be honest with you a part of me will always love Nicole but if you are wondering if I'm still in love with her I'm not.. you don't have to worry about that anymore I really like you alot and I want to make this work with you". Lakein said " I just still don't see how you can forgive me
after what I did to you". I said " I know that you didn't mean it". Lakein said " I tricked you into taking my virginity by glamouring into Nicole.. then I threaten to kill you with that gun then I chased you and shot you then I injected you with that serum I almost turned you evil forever I almost destroyed your life if it wasn't for Dani and Nicole you would be evil". I said " It's okay Lakein all of that is over it's in the past you are not evil anymore". Lakein said " Now that I'm not evil anymore Kevyn isn't gonna stop now that she has lost me and the others she will start a war.. you guys don't know her like I do when she has her mind set on something she doesn't stop".
I said " It's war she is gonna get.. she doesn't have you on her side anymore I promise Lakein you will never have to deal with that evil bitch anymore". there is a knock at my door I said " Come in". the door opened revealing Sam She said " Are you two ready?" I said " Yeah". We walked out of my room and down the stairs to the living room where My Mom is. She looked at Lakein then said " Okay I just got off the phone with the judge she said that I have full guardianship over you for a couple of weeks until the adoption process begins". That caught us off guard I said " Mom you are gonna adopt Lakein?" She said " Yes.. I know how well you two get along and it's the only way we can make sure she is safe from Kevyn". Sam said " Your not gonna change her last name to Roberts are you? that would be kinda weird cause her and Riley like each other". She said " Her last name will still be Melton.. I figured that would be weird so I told the courts not to change her last name". After we got done talking my Mom drove us to school.
My Mom pulled into the school going up the hill we got out of the car and walked into the courtyard there stood Cheyenne, Jenny, Dani, Carly and Nicole they are standing on the left side of the courtyard near the entrance to the cafeteria we were walking over to them Lakein is walking beside me then she stopped all the sudden I stopped with her. I said " What is it?" She said " Your friends hate me.. I know Nicole doesn't like me at all". I said " They don't anymore.. trust them they didn't like you because you were evil now that you aren't they are fine with you". We walked up to them and Dani said " Hey Riley.. Hey Lakein". We both said hey at the same time then Dani said " How are you doing Lakein?" She said " I'm doing good.. it feels better being good again.. feeling evil grow inside of you is something you can never forget it changes you". Cheyenne said " Yeah it is something you can't forget.. you want it to just go away cause you know you are good deep down inside.. you are afraid that the evil will make you hurt the people you love". Lakein looked at Nicole and Dani then said " I don't know how I can ever repay you two for saving me thank you so much for giving me my life back".
Nicole said " You can repay us by being good to Riley.. take good care of her she's one hell of a woman just don't hurt her if you do you will have to deal with me.. do I make myself clear?" Lakein said " Very clear.. I promise I will take good care of her". Nicole said " Good I'm glad that you will". the bell rung to go in the school we all walked to the front doors of the school I walked up to my locker while Lakein walked down to hers which is about five down from mine. I looked to the right and three lockers down is Nicole at hers she is cleaning it out after I cleaned mine out I walked over to her she smiled at me then said " So how is Lakein now that she is good?" I said " Great.. I knew she was good deep down inside she really is great girl.. Thank you again for saving me I know Alex didn't like the idea of you kissing me but if you wouldn't have I'd be evil right now". Nicole said " Your Welcome Riley.. I couldn't lose you I still care a lot about you as a friend you deserve the right girl to make you happy and I believe you found her she really likes you a lot I can sense it".
I said " Yeah I really like her a lot too.. I'm just glad that she isn't evil anymore and thank you for telling her that she better be good to me". Nicole said " Your Welcome.. she knows I will kick her ass if she hurts you". I laughed cause Nicole would beat her up if she ever did hurt me but I believe she want have to though I said " Well you and Alex have a good summer". She said " We will.. you and Lakein have a good summer too". We hugged and I walked over to Lakein she is still at her locker cleaning it out She smiled and said " It's good to see you and Nicole as friends she's a great friend for you". I said " She really is a great friend I'm glad to have her". After she got done cleaning out her locker we walked to our first period class together the one we will be staying in until noon today since it's the last day it's consider a half-day I have a wonderful feeling that this is gonna be the best summer ever.
Alex's P.O.V/ Three Months has passed by since school let out for the summer Nicole and I spent ever minute of it together we had so much fun I loved being with her every minute of the day it was kinda like we lived together and I really love the idea of her living with me maybe someday Jane will let her come live with me since she will be seventeen in four months I'll be seventeen in three months it's the last day of summer tomorrow is August 12th the first day back to school it's about eight o'clock at night Nicole is getting ready to go home we are standing in the living room talking I pulled something out of the pocket from my blue jeans and Nicole said " What is that?" I got down on one knee in front of her and she knew what I was doing She is surprised. I said as I held the beautiful diamond ring in my fingers " Taylor Nicole Henderson will you marry me?" tears of happiness fell from her eyes and She said " I thought we were gonna wait until we were older?" I said " I don't want to wait anymore.. Nicole I've been in love with you for almost seven years now you are the woman of my dreams.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you".
She is still crying happy tears then She said " Will you still love me when my hair turns grey?" I said " I promise Baby Girl I will still see you as I do now". She said " Yes I will marry you.." I smiled and slid the ring on her third finger on her left hand and it fit her perfect She said " How did you know what size my finger was?" I stood up and said " I guessed.. this was my Mom's engagement ring she wanted you to have it". Nicole is surprised then She said " But your Dad gave this to her".. I cut her off and said " She has her marriage one but she said she would love for you to be her daughter in law someday so she gave this to you as a present". She said " Wow that is so sweet tell her I said thank you so much". We hugged then I pulled her into a passionate kiss and she moaned into the kiss we stood there kissing for a few minutes. I started feeling aroused as I felt her hands traveling slowly to my belt she unbuckled my belt pulling the metal piece out of the hole she slid her hand into my panties rubbing me softly I moaned in pleasure.
I growled low in pleasure and picked her up off the ground and she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist I carried her over to my office desk before I put her down I pushed everything off of the desk except for my laptop. I sat her down and pushed her legs apart I unbuckled her belt and undone her blue jeans pulling them down to her knees I stepped in her legs I unzipped my blue jeans after I undone the button pulling out the eight inch strap on connected to my hips I used my power of Conjuration to make it appear. I wet the tip of it with my saliva and pushed it inside her slowly and easily She whimpered softly as I pushed it deeper I felt her nails scratch my shoulder blades I groaned at the feeling I started thrusting into her slow and easy holding onto her hips while she held onto my shoulders She moaned softly " Alex.."
I'm breathing heavily as I thrust into her a little fast and hard She moaned " Ahh!! oh god.. fuck".. I growled in pleasure and started thrusting faster and harder making our skin slap She moaned loud into my shoulder muffling it. I said breathing heavily " That's right.. take it Baby".. I kept thrusting into her at that pace as fast and as hard as I could without hurting her I felt her tighten around the strap on I grabbed her by the throat with my right hand as I pounded into her I tighten my hand on her throat just a little bit not enough to hurt her. I said " Who does this belong to!?" Nicole moaned loud " Ahhh!!! You!! Oh god!! Alex!!!" She climaxed hard on the strap on I groaned in pleasure hearing her. She is still holding onto my shoulders and I'm holding her with the strapon still inside her I looked her in the eyes. I watched as the gold in her eyes fades back to her beautiful brown eyes I pulled the strap on out of her and she got down off the desk pulling up her blue jeans along with her panties she fixed her button and zipper on her jeans and buckled her belt back.
The strap on disappeared and I fixed my blue jeans back to the way they were all the sudden Lightning strikes in the middle of the living room and Smoke starts swirling beside the lightning two teenage girls about our age appears Nicole said " Who the fuck are you two?" The one that teleported through lightning said " The Stiner Twins, I'm Ray and this is my twin sister Alexia". I said " I don't care who you are.. get the hell out of my house"! Ray smiled evilly then said " Make me witch". Nicole's eyes turned red then She said " She said get out"! Ray and Alexia laughed wickedly then Ray said " Is that suppose to scare us?" Nicole's face transformed into a vampire and her fangs came out they are not phased by Nicole's vampire form. Ray said " We can turn into something way more scary than a puny vampire.. Let's show them Sis". Their faces transformed into Demons their eyes are Demonic red their faces are distorted. Ray spoke in her demonic voice " Fear me witch".
Dark lights started swirling in the corner of the living room and another girl our age with blonde hair and blue eyes appeared with a Poison dart gun in her hand she fired it at me and the dart is flying towards me like a bullet Nicole drew her hand back and launched a red energy ball at the incoming dart and it disappeared in the air the girl growled in frustration and threw her hand out shooting electricity from her hand at us. I threw my hand out and shot electricity at the incoming attack when I did flames started swirling between us and the new Dark- Guardian Witch and another girl our age appeared the electricity got right to her on both sides and it stopped dead in it's tracks and started heading back in the direction they came from my electricity is headed for us and the other one is headed back towards the Dark- Guardian Witch We all ducked and the electricity hit the wall above. Ray said " Who is this Bitch?" the girl looked at Ray then all the sudden she started holding both sides of her head at the temples she yelled out in pain and the living room combusted in flames.
I quickly threw my hand up putting a white light shield around Nicole protecting her from the fire then I held out both of my hands shooting ice all over the flames extinguishing the blaze this power is called Cyrokinesis the Dark- Guardian Witch and the Twins Demons disappeared when the living room caught on fire after the fire was put out my white light shield went down and I said " Okay now who the hell are you?!" She said " My name is Valerie Graves and I was sent here to you so you can help me control my powers.. I'm a Fire Starter and a witch so I'm your new charge". I said " Okay I will help you.. just try not to set my house on fire again". So after all of that chaos Nicole had to go home so she could get up for her first day of school and I sat up for a while and talked with Valerie she is new in town and tomorrow is her first day of school at Finway High she is a junior this year like Nicole so I showed her how to control her powers some but it's difficult cause she is new to these kinda of powers and she's not an ordinary witch she's a fire starter/witch.
Nicole's P.O.V/ My Mom is driving me to school on my first day back I told her all about what happened last night at Alex's except for the part about me and her having sex My Mom doesn't need to know that she knows we do but She prefers not to know she knows that Alex proposed to me she was caught off guard but I told her that we aren't getting married until we were older she didn't like the idea of her sixteen year old daughter being engaged but she said that she will get use to Alex and I being engaged cause she knows how much we truly love each other she pulled in the school going up the hill and she stopped in front of the courtyard I got out of the car and walked into the courtyard and the car pulled off going left up the small hill where the senior and junior parking lot is exiting the school I have to wear a black polo shirt this year cause I'm a junior. I walked over on the left side of the courtyard and sat down on the low brick wall I started smelling new blood I looked over to the right and it's Valerie the fire starter/witch she walked over and sat down beside me.
She said " That was pretty cool how you sensed me like that.. you could smell my blood couldn't you?" I said " Yeah but you don't have to worry about me trying to get your blood.. I don't drink human blood". Valerie said " So you're like a vegetarian vampire? have you ever tasted human blood before?" I said " I have but only for a split second I did it to save someone though so she wouldn't die.. So you must be new here this year cause I've never seen you before". Valerie said " Yeah I moved here from California". I said " That's a long way.. let me guess you accidentally set something on fire with your new powers?" She said with sadness in her eyes " I set my house on fire by accident and my parents died in the fire that couldn't make it out and I couldn't save them". I said " Wow I'm so sorry I didn't know". Valerie said " It's okay.. you are the first person I've told that to well I told Alex too last night.. speaking of Alex she is really hot.. do you know if she's gay?" Jealously fills me a little and I said sarcastically " Yeah and she's engaged". Valerie said " To who?" I showed her the ring on my left hand and said " To me..". She said " I'm really sorry I didn't know".
I said " It's okay sorry if I was a bitch.. Alex and I have been through hell together she died in car wreck a year ago and I thought she was dead so I tried to move on with another girl her name is Riley but Alex came back and wanted to be with me and We couldn't be together cause I was dating Riley and I finally realized that Alex is the one I truly loved it was a huge mess but it's all over now". Valerie said " Wow I couldn't imagine what you went through thinking she was gone forever then she comes back". I said " Yeah it was the worst feeling in the world thinking the love of your life is dead then she comes back and sees you with another girl.. love triangles are messy don't ever let yourself be put in one". Valerie said " How is Riley after all of that?" I said " She took it very hard and what made it worse I ended up cheating on her with Alex.. Riley is a whole other story". I started picking up Riley's scent along with Lakein's I looked up and they are getting out of Jesse's car with Sam they walked over to us.
Riley looked at Valerie and said " Who's your new friend Nicole?" I said " This is Valerie she's new here this year.. and she is like us". Riley said " What she's a witch?" I said " She's a fire starter/witch". Riley said " What is a fire starter?" Lakein said " A fire starter is a very rare magical being she has the power of Advanced Pyrokinesis". Valerie said " How do you know so much about fire starters?" Riley and I looked at Lakein then Lakein said " Cause I was turned evil by a demon named Kevyn Davidson and she always talked about them". Valerie said " Who is Kevyn?" Lakein said " Someone you don't want to come across". Valerie noticed Sam standing beside Riley then She said as she looked at them both " You two look a lot alike.. are you sisters?" Riley said " Yeah this is my fraternal twin sister Sam and she's single". Sam blushed then Valerie said " It's okay I'm a lesbian too I haven't had a girlfriend for two years". Sam said " Yeah I haven't had one in quite awhile too can't seem to find the right girl". Valerie said " Well as pretty as you are I'm sure you will find the right one someday".
Sam's P.O.V/ The bell rung to go in the school everybody started walking towards the school Valerie is walking beside me she pulled out a piece of paper from her jacket pocket and said " Could you show me where my homeroom is? I have Mrs. Williamson". I said " Actually that's my homeroom so you can just follow me there". We walked up the stairs and into the open doors of the front of the school and instead of passing the office we turned left just right before you get to the office on the third floor hallway where the juniors that wear the black polos are this is considered the junior hallway the senior hallway is on the second floor they share it with some of the freshman and sophomores Carly, Dani, Cheyenne and Jenny are sophomores this year they still have to wear the navy blue polos. I walked up to my new locker Valerie is looking at her schedule she walked up to the one beside mine on the left She said " Cool my locker is beside yours". I looked over beside Valerie and there is a girl at a locker one down from hers she is staring at me and Valerie evilly.
I said to the girl " Is there a problem?" She smiled evilly then said in a low voice to where only we could here her " I hate witches". Valerie looked over at the mysterious girl then She said " You are the one from last night at Alex's house". The girl said " Yeah and your the one who starts fires better be careful with that power the police will think your an arsonist". Valerie said " I should have set you the other two girls on fire instead of Alex's living room". the girl laughed evilly then said " You can't hurt me or my sister witch.. you are too weak to fight us". I stepped in front of Valerie standing face to face with her then I said " I'm not too weak to fight you". She laughed wickedly then said " My powers are much stronger than a pathetic Guardian-Witch not to mention I have a fraternal twin sister named Alexia together we are unstoppable". I said " I have a fraternal twin named Riley don't underestimate the power of us Guardian- Witches we are much stronger than we look.. now go away and leave Valerie alone". The girl smiled evilly then said " You don't scare me Sam neither does Riley". I said " How do you know my name?" She said " Wouldn't you like to know".
Her sister Alexia walked up and stood behind her with her arms crossed staring me down evilly Ray said " Watch your back bitch.. you have no idea who you are dealing with". As she went pass me she smacked my textbook and binder out of my hand and they hit the floor Alexia went to walk pass me and she purposely kicked the textbook and the binder sliding them across the floor farther away. She said sarcastically " Oops my bad". I went to pick them up and Ray snatched them off the ground quickly I'm getting annoyed now I said " Give them to me now". Ray said " What's the magic word?" I said " Give me my fucking books now is the magic words". Ray smiled evilly then said " Wrong answer Bitch". She threw the textbook over me and Alexia caught it I turned around looking at her holding the book in her hand. Valerie said " Okay you two need to stop". Alexia said " Make us". I turned around and Ray has opened my binder looking at it She said " Looks like we have some classes together Samantha". I said " I don't give a fuck.. now give me back my books and leave us the hell alone". Ray shut the binder then handed it back to me She said " Remember watch your back". All the sudden I felt a sharp pain between my legs that made me hit the floor to my knees in agonizing pain.
Alexia had cheap shot me by kicking me in the vagina which hurts like hell now I know how a boy feels being kicked in the testicles but it hurts way more than being wacked in the vagina I'm groaning in pain holding myself Valerie said " Oh my god! Sam are you okay!? that was a real bitch move hitting her there!" She's down on her knees beside me I said " I'm fine.. just stand back I'll take care of them". Valerie got up and stood back a few feet and I slowly stood up as Alexia and Ray started walking away. I said " Alexia".. I grabbed her shoulder turning her around quickly facing me I drew my fist back quickly punching her in her vagina she groaned loudly in pain and hit the floor on her knees holding herself she looked up at me and I said " Hurts like hell doesn't it!" I drew my fist back and punched her dead square in the nose blood flew out and she hit the floor on her back with her nose gushing blood all over the floor and her black polo. Ray came charging at me with her shoulders pointed at my stomach her shoulders hit me in the stomach and my back smacked up against the lockers on the left side of the hallway I had my arms locked around her head in a head lock and she's trying to break free.
I dropped to the floor on my knees with her head still in the hold I let her go when we hit the floor and it barely phased her it kinda knocked her silly for a few seconds she got up off the floor and all the sudden someone grabs me from behind pinning my arms back Alexia said in my ear " You are gonna pay for what you did to me bitch". Ray drew her fist back and punched me in the mouth hard and blood flew out on the ground then she punched me in the stomach hard knocking the breath out of me I heard Riley's voice from behind " Hey you two get the fuck off of my sister!!" Alexia shoved me into Nicole's arms Riley got in Ray's face and said " Who the fuck do you two think you are messing with my sister?! get the fuck out of here before I kick both of your asses up down this hallway!!" a few teachers and three cops finally came to break it up the female cop said " Okay ladies break it up! all of you come with us to the office!" Riley said as she back up from Ray cause that female cop has Riley's arm pulling her back " This isn't over! if I catch you messing with my sister again your ass is mine!" The female cop said " That's enough young lady!" they lead all of us to the office including Valerie , Nicole and Riley.
I'm sitting in the principal's office that is on the third floor they have Ray and Alexia in the security office on the same floor I'm sitting there in a chair Valerie is sitting in a chair beside me Nicole and Riley are sitting on the couch behind us the female principal walks in she is an older mixed woman in her early forties she sat down in the chair at her desk in front of us. She looked at the computer screen and said " Okay Samantha you need to tell me exactly what happened.. Alexia Stiner has a broken nose". I said " Valerie and I were minding our on business when Ray walked up and started harassing us". The Principal said " Like what kind of harassment?" I have to kinda lie I said " She started calling us awful names then Ray smacked my textbook and binder out of my hands when I went to pick them up Alexia purposely kicked them farther away then Ray snatched them off the ground and threw my textbook to Alexia then she gave me my binder back while she was distracting me Alexia kicked me in my lady parts so I retaliated defending myself". She said " So they were bullying you and Valerie?" I said " Yes Ma'am". She said " Okay well they are gonna be suspended for three days and I'm gonna have to suspend you as well for fighting.. and Riley I will let you off the hook this time but the next time you use foul language in a threatening way I will suspend you do I make myself clear?"
Riley said " Yes Ma'am". So they sent me , Ray and Alexia home for fighting now I'm suspended for three days that's just great getting suspended on my first day back to school My Mom unlocked the door and we went inside I walked a little slowly across the living room into the kitchen I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a water bottle I walked back into the living room and My Mom took her sun glasses off and sat them down on the coffee table She is looking at me like she is kinda mad. I said " I'm sorry I got suspended on my first day but those two girls were being bitches and bullying Valerie and I and I didn't started it they did well Alexia did when she wacked me from behind in the vagina". My Mom said " I know you didn't start the fight Sam but it was your first day.. just promise me that you want get into another fight in school again". I said " I promise". She said " Your Dad said that you got into a few in Ohio". I said " I know and I was defending myself those Ohio schools are rough but I was only defending myself and taking up for Valerie". My Mom said " I'm glad that you were standing up for yourself and that girl but you can't fight in school but at least you didn't use your powers that would have been worse".
Three days later I'm back at school so is Ray and Alexia the school bus pulled in the school up the hill and stopped in front of the courtyard the bus driver pulled the handle opening the doors all the kids started exiting the bus I stepped off so did Riley she is standing beside me I see Valerie standing over by the low brick wall with Nicole, Carly, Dani , Cheyenne , Jenny and Lakein I smiled as she smiled back at me. Riley seen us smiling at each other then She said " See something you like Sis". I said " Maybe". Riley said as we are walking over to them " I believe she likes you too a lot". We walked up to them and Valerie wrapped her arms around my shoulders pulling me into a hug She said " I'm happy your back". I said " Me too". Riley is standing beside Lakein she winked at me while Valerie was hugging me I heard footsteps and looked back it's Ray and Alexia they are smiling at us evily Ray looked at Riley then said " Is that your real hair or a weave?" Riley rolled her eyes then said " It's my real hair". Ray said while she was giggling " Yeah right.. what is it made of?" Riley said " Your Mom's chest hair". We all started laughing hysterically.
Ray glared at her evilly Alexia is standing a little close to me She said " How's the vagina?" I said sarcastically " Still kinda sore thanks to you". Alexia smiled evilly and flirtatiously She said as she grabbed me between the legs " That's my way of showing someone I like them". She winked at me and I shoved her off of me and she let go. I said " Well I don't like you at all". Alexia said " You will grow to like me in time". I said " That's never gonna happen". She said as her eyes flashed from blue to red " We'll see". Valerie is annoyed at Alexia's sexual advances towards me She said " She said No so lay off". Alexia smiled pervertedly then said " She will be screaming yes by the time I'm done with her". Valerie said " If you lay one hand on her like that I will kill you". Riley, Nicole and Cheyenne surrounded them Riley is face to face with Alexia She said " Get the fuck away from my sister you perverted bitch". Ray said " Come Alexia let's go". She looked at me as they were walking away She said " I'll be seeing you around Sexy". She winked at me one last time and they walked down to the doors on the second hallway to go in the cafeteria.
After they were gone Valerie said " Are you okay Sam?". I said " Yeah I'm fine that girl is just a creep". Valerie said " Yeah she is.. I think you should watch out with her around she may do something really bad". Riley said " Come on Sam we are gonna go tell the principal what happened". I said " It's fine don't worry about it". Riley said " No it's not that bitch just sexually harassed you.. what if she tries to rape you?" I said " She's not going to do that". Riley said " You don't know that for sure". Dani said " Don't underestimate Demons if they want something they don't stop until they get it believe me I found out the hard way". I said " You were raped? by who?" Riley said " She was raped by Cheyenne's sister Adrian after Dani broke up with her cause Adrian was beating her while they were together". I said " That's horrible I didn't know I knew that she was the one who killed your Mom but I didn't know that". Dani said " I don't like to talk about Adrian that's why you didn't know.. but she is still around I haven't seen her in four months we have to watch out for her too". Riley said " I don't want you left alone with Alexia". I said " I'm not gonna be.. I know you all have my back". Valerie said " I definitely have your back.. I promise Riley I want let anything happen to Sam". Riley said " Good.. you better not".

The Alex Porter Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now