A Grudge From The Past

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 17

P.O.V/ Alex Porter:

Jane and Jesse told Nicole and I what they found out about that doctor Diana Williams, that she is Mason's biological mother who gave him up after she gave birth to him but nobody knows why she did maybe because she feared what he was gonna grow into a monster his biological father is unknown. Jane said that Diana has always hated her for some reason she doesn't know she said that she never done anything to her for the woman to hate her she is a mystery for now but I get the feeling that there is something very wrong with this woman she had sex with a werewolf and gave birth to one who is also half- vampire my two big questions are why did she give Mason up and why does she hate Jane so much she may be jealous of her that's what some women have problems with is jealously maybe she is jealous of the fact that Jane had a husband and a daughter and Diana is single with no children at least none that anyone know about cause nobody had a clue that Mason even existed. Riley and Sam's father Brandon is back in town and is not happy with the fact that Riley and Sam don't want anything to do with him and the fact that Jesse is dating Jane they said that after she told him that Riley and Sam didn't want to see him anymore that he got very angry and threw a mixed drink in Jesse's face then he slapped her which was so wrong he was thrown out of the bar.
Jesse's P.O.V/ It's been a few days since New years and since Brandon came back to town he showed up at the bar and acted like an asshole like he has always been I got coke and whiskey splashed in my face and I got slapped he hasn't changed a bit. some how he got my cell phone number he has call and texted begging to see the girls and telling me he's sorry for hitting me it's just the same stuff I've always heard it's a broken record I had to change my number I went ahead and changed Riley and Sam's cellphone numbers too. I'm at work today on January 4th I came in at 9:30am later than I usually come in it's almost noon Jane had to go to a meeting with other head nurses and doctors where Jane has worked here for a long time she is the head nurse on the second floor here I'm not at that rank yet I'm almost there I'm mostly an assistant nurse for the doctors and the head nurses and sometimes I end up being Diana's assistant which is awful. I'm working for her today I walk into the patient's room that I'm helping Diana with she is off running some tests I walk over to the computer I stand there and start typing the patient information in the computer he's an elderly black man in his early sixties who was having chest pains earlier but is better now and waiting for his results so he can be discharged.
I see him laying there in the hospital bed watching me type on the computer I can't help but notice he has had a sad look on his face ever since he got here He said " I'd give anything to be your age again.. when you are my age it's like you are invisible to everyone". I said " Yeah some people like to ignore the elderly which is wrong I'm not one of those people". He said " How old are you?" I said " I'm thirty-one I'll be thirty-two in August". He smiles softly and said " I remember being thirty-one.. it was fun my sons were just starting into their teens and when I looked in the mirror I didn't see this old man I've become my wife was still alive then but she passed away ten years ago.. do yourself a favor and enjoy being young while you can cause once it's over you can't flip that hour glass and start over". I smile at him cause he's right the door comes open and his facial expression changes when he sees Diana she looks at me as she walks up to the foot of the bed. she is reading the papers in her hand She said " Everything came back fine Mr. Elkins just watch out on your sugar and salt intake so you don't have any farther problems". He said not looking at her " I will". he gets up from the bed and grabs his jacket off the chair next to the bed Diana said to him " Just go up to the discharge desk and they will get started on getting you out of here".
He walks up to the door he looked over at me and said " Bye Miss Jesse you have a good day". I smiled and said " You too Mr. Elkins". He said " You can call me George". He walks out of the door and it closes behind him I'm finishing up putting his the rest of his information in the computer I get a strange feeling so I look up and Diana is staring at me when she sees me look at her she quickly looks back down at the clip board in her hand I roll my eyes with sarcasm and I continue to type I hear her foot steps and I look up she is standing there beside the computer stand she pulls the piece of paper off the clip board and lays it down beside the key board I look at it and She said " Do me a favor and put that in Mr. Elkins's file when you go down to the file room". I glare at her cause I'm still pissed about what she said she sees my look and said as she bent down at little to have better eye contact with me cause she is a lot taller than me she is 5"8 " Just do your job and look pretty". I glare at her and I watched as she ran her hand down my arm as she walked away to the door I cringe at the feeling of her touching me she leaves the room and I finally finish signing out of the computer I pick up with the file and walk out the room.
I walk past the front desk I see Kathy sitting there at the computer I look around Jane is still in her meeting I walk around the desk and past the lab all the way down to the very end of the hallway it's a very long hall way I walk up to the file room door and I pull out a set of keys I unlock the door I flip the light switch this room is filled with a lot of filing cabinets with thousands of patient's file past and present I walk up to the middle filing cabinet for the present patients and open it I find the file folder called Elkins and I put it in there with other papers. I hear the door shut and I close the file drawer I walk to the corner and the door is shut I go to open it and it want open like it's been locked the lights start flickering and the room goes dark I kept trying to open the door I hear something moving around in the dark I quickly pull out my white 4s iPhone and I turn on the flashlight I look up and see Diana smiling wickedly at me in the darkness it's kinda creeping me out. I said " I thought you didn't need to come in here?" I lowered the light down so I didn't blind her with it She said " I thought I didn't but I realized I forgot to give you the other paper for the file so I came down here just before you and put it in the file".
I said " I didn't see you when I came in". Diana said " I was in the office by the file cabinets the door was closed that's why you didn't see me" She said that with sarcasm I rolled my eyes then I said " Whatever we need to find a way out of here". I look at the bars on my phone there is no signal in this room so I can't call or text anyone I said " Damn no bars what about you?" She pulls out her phone and looked She said " Nope.. none". the lights come back on and I notice her standing very close to me I can feel her breathing on my neck I move over a little bit and kept trying to make a call but the call keeps failing I said " Fuck". Diana is just staring at me weirdly like she was earlier I said " Why do you keep looking at me like that?" She pulls her self out of her daze from looking at me then She said trying to play it off " I wasn't looking at you.. what do you see in Jane anyway?" I looked at her weird then I said " That's none of your business". Diana said " I'm just wondering why you picked her I mean you could of had someone younger and more successful someone who could keep up with you cause face it Jane isn't twenty anymore". that kinda pissed me off I walked up closer until she is looking down at me.
I said " Like it's any of your business but she keeps up with me just fine she is very healthy for her age and in a lot better shape than most people her age". Diana scoffs and said " Looks like you got Jennifer Aniston that woman is forty-two and still looks like she is in her thirties.. but people like her and Jane always get want they want in the end". I see envy in her eyes I said " Diana are you jealous of Jane?" She has anger in her eyes She scoffs and said " No.. what do I have to be jealous of?? I'm younger, more successful".. she stops talking cause she knows I can tell she's lying. I said " You are jealous of her.. you are jealous of the fact that she actually has a life unlike you Diana she has a family and everybody loves her I think that's why you don't like her cause even though she may not be a rich doctor like you.. people actually enjoy being around her". I turn around and She said " You're right I am jealous of that but that's not the only she has that I want.. she has you now doesn't she's always had you right where she wanted you"... that hit me weird I turned around and looked at her I said " What are you talking about??"
Lust fills her eyes and She said " I'm talking about this". she grabs me and pulls me into a deep passionate kiss and pushes me up against the wall pinning me against it with her weight I'm so stunned I'm trying to push her off of me but she's really strong I finally push her off but she still has a hold of me pinning me to the wall. I said " Stop it! Diana I'm not into you like that! I love Jane not you". She growls and her eyes turned red she grabs me by the throat choking me Diana said " Nobody turns me down". she grabs me between my legs with her free hand and I exclaim in surprise then She said " I'll be seeing you soon beautiful". she licks the side of my neck and I cringe she lets go of my throat and I gasp holding onto my throat trying to catch my breath I'm bend over a little I watch as she walks over to the door and jerks it open she winks at me as she walks out leaving me there feeling very violated. I walk out of the file room quickly and make my way down the hallway to the lab I walk in and close the door behind me Diana isn't human I now know because of her eyes turning red she's a vampire but I had no clue how she felt for me cause she never told me because she knew I liked Jane I'm shook up from what just happened she sexually assaulted me and that really bothers me.
I walked into the lab and closed the door behind me I peek out the blinds and see Kathy at the computer then I see Diana pass by the desk and close the blinds and walk over to the door and listen to make sure she isn't coming in here but she doesn't I slowly back away from the door and I put my back up against the wall beside the desk I'm in shock about what just happened I can't believe it happened I thought I knew Diana but it turns out I didn't know the real Diana who has been in love with me all these years and I never knew because I was too busy falling for Jane and that made Diana angry what made her even more angry was when I turned down her advances I see the door handle turn and I exclaim quietly in fear praying that it isn't Diana the door opens and it's Jane I sigh in relief she sees that I'm upset. Jane walks up to me and said " Jesse baby what's wrong??" I pull her into a hug and wrap my arms around her shoulders and I hold onto her we look at each other and I kiss her softly she kisses me back She said " Jesse what's wrong? is it Brandon?" I said " No.. it's.." I stop talking and then She said " What is it?" I said " It's Diana we got trapped in the file room and she.." I stopped talking cause I'm upset tears fall from my eyes and this worries Jane She said " What did she do to you?"
I said " She came onto to me". Jane's eyes filled with anger and jealously She said " I thought she was straight?" I said " No she's Bi and she isn't human.. Diana is a vampire and she confessed to me the reason why she didn't like you it's because she knew I was in love with you and she wanted me to love her and she still does.. but I turned her down and when I did her eyes turned red and she choked me against the wall then she.. she groped me saying that nobody turns her down and that she would be seeing me soon Jane she sexually assaulted me I think she was gonna try to rape me". Jane is so angry I've never seen her this mad She turned around and went for the door and I stood in front of her She said " I'm gonna go have a little chat with Diana.. teach her a lesson". I said " NO.. please don't not here you will be fired.. just don't worry about it let it go". Jane said " Jesse she assaulted you sexually she isn't gonna get away with it". I said " I don't have any proof it will my word against hers.. please just don't say anything it will be a big mess and Diana will get off scott free". Jane said " Fine but if she bothers you again I swear I'm gonna kill her".
I avoided Diana for the rest of the week until Friday I get off work at 7:00pm earlier than I usually do I can't stay at the hospital with Jane so I go home Riley and Lakein have went to stay the night with Dani and Cheyenne for the weekend So Sam went to stay the weekend with Valerie so I'm by myself which makes me nervous and Jane doesn't get off work until midnight and I'm always asleep by the time she does get off so she goes home. About 9:30pm I lay down for bed cause I'm tired from working I lay there for a bit and it's 10:00pm when I hear a strange noise I raise up quickly and look around the dark room I turn on the lamp on my night stand then I hear a voice whisper ominously" Jesse.... Jesse....." I recognize the voice it's Diana's I hear her say " Over here"... I look beside me in the bed cause that's where the voice is coming from. All the sudden I feel like I'm being pushed back onto the bed and I feel something straddling my waist then I feel a hand around my throat Diana appears on top of me with her hand around my throat I exclaim in surprise as I struggle to get her off of me but Diana isn't budging.
She tightens her grip around my throat her eyes turned gold I said " Get the fuck off me right now!" Diana smiles wickedly then said " Make me bitch!" I said " I will scream". Diana said " Go ahead nobody will be coming I cast a silence barrier around the house nobody can hear you scream". she grabs me between the legs feeling me through my black pajama pants. I exclaim in fear and start struggling with her trying to push her off of me but she's really strong and I can't use my powers cause she is holding me down by using her Telekinesis I finally raise up by alot of force but Diana growls and swings her fist punching me in the mouth hard I fell back down and she keeps her hand on my throat holding me down. white ropes start appearing in her free hand and she keeps me down using her Telekinesis and she ties my left wrist to the left wooden post then she ties my right wrist to the right wooden post I struggle with the ropes I feel my lip bleeding I'm scared I said " Diana please don't do this"... she gets off the bed and takes off all of her clothes I see a nine inch strap on around her waist She gets back on top of me and pulls off my black pajama pants along with my panties and throws them in the floor with her clothes.
She pulls the cover up around her lower back then She said " Why would I rape you when I can just hypnotize you and make you willing to have sex with me". I said " It's still considered rape.. that's what your piece of shit son Mason did to Jane I see he takes after his mother.. you're not gonna get away with this Diana".. She waves her hand in front of my face slowly then smiles wickedly She said " I already have.. now it's time I take what's mine". She wets the tip of the strap on with her saliva I want to protest and beg her to stop but I can't cause in my hypnotic state of mine she has made me willing so I don't say anything. I feel her push it inside me and I whimper at the pressure of the penetration as she pushes it deeper stretching me. I moan at the pressure She groans in pleasure feeling me around the strap on She said " Mmmmm".. she sees the blood on my lip from where she busted it and she licks it off I cringe at her licking the blood Diana groans in pleasure from tasting my blood she starts thrusting into me fast and hard making the skin slap I moan" Ahh!!" she growls in pleasure and grabs my throat. She said as she thrusted hard" You ignored me back then Jesse I done everything to get you to notice me and you never caught on!!" she started pounding into me making the skin slap together faster and faster.
I whimpered loudly" Ahhh!!!" she stopped thrusting into me before I climaxed and started pulling at the ropes freeing my wrists she flipped me over on my knees forced my arms behind my back she growls as she wraps the ropes around my wrists trapping them on my back she grabs the back of my neck and pushes my face down on the pillow I see my phone light up on my night stand it's a text from Jane I can't see what it says. I feel Diana push the strap on back inside me without warning and I whimper at the pressure as she pushes deeper she holds onto my hips and starts thrusting slow and deep I moan at the pressure Diana grabs the back of my hair with one hand and pulls my head back as she thrust into me slow and deep She said breathing heavily" Kiss me Jesse".. I whimper softly as she pulls my head back a little more so I can kiss her Diana moans softly as I kiss her and starts pounding into me again I moaned softly against her lips as she is kissing me heavily and passionately as she stops kissing me and pulls tighter on my hair I whimper as she increases her pace going faster I moaned loudly" Ahhhh!!!! oh god!!!".. I contract around the strap on and I climax hard Diana groans in pleasure and slowly stops thrusting into me until she stops.
I wake up that next morning laying on my stomach I feel like I have a hangover and my body is sore I turn over on my back and feel something that kinda burns on my shoulder blade I raise up and I put my hand on it feeling the claw marks I wince in pain as they sting I look over at my alarm clock it's 8:00am I'm an hour late for work I was suppose to be there at 7:00am I wrap the sheet around my body and I go into the bathroom in my room and I get in the shower I get out and get dressed I drive to the hospital that bitch done the same thing to me what Mason did to Jane not only is he is obsessed with her Diana has been obsessed with me for years. she is gonna pay big time her and Mason both we have to vanquish them for good if we don't they will end up killing us or worst hurting our kids and I can't let that happen Mason and Diana are so dead. I get off the elevator on the third floor and
I turn the corner to the front desk where Kathy is sitting at the computer like she always does She glances up and sees my split lip it's bruised a little She said in horror " Jesse what happened?? did you get into a fight??"
I lied " Yeah when I got off work yesterday these two young boys tried to steal my car at the gas station one of them clocked me pretty good in the mouth he was seeing stars afterwards though". Kathy said " Well I'm glad you are okay.. these kids today are insane". I hear the elevator ding and I look back and my throat tightens in fear it's Diana she sees me and smiles wickedly at her handy work She walks up to the front desk where Kathy is and hands her a piece of paper She said " Kathy could you please make a few copies of this for me?" Kathy doesn't say anything and gets up from the chair putting the papers in the copier she pushes the button and it beeps Diana looks over at me I'm standing at the end of the front desk that is a few inches away from where she is standing Diana pretends like she doesn't know how I got my lip busted She said " Yikes Jesse that looks painful.. how did that happen?" she smiles at me knowingly cause she knows that she was the one who did it I glare at her then I said " These two teenage boys tried to steal my car yesterday and one of them punched me". Diana keeps up with my cover up story so Kathy doesn't figure out what really happened that Diana broke into my house and more less raped me She said " Did they get your car?" I rolled my eyes and said " No".
Diana pretends to care She said " Well at least you are safe I mean anything could have happened". Kathy hands Diana the papers she copied and Diana said " Thank you Kathy.. see you around Jesse". she smiles evilly and winks at me before walking off Kathy can sense something isn't right but I don't want to drag her in the middle of it. I walk around the desk to the lab I open the door and go in I sit my back pack down in the chair beside the desk I walk up to the sink where there is a mirror above it I wash my hands and I hear the door open I look back and it's Jane she sees my busted lip and She said in shock " Jesse?! what happened?? why is your lip busted?!" I dried my hands with a paper towel and I started to cry I've been trying so hard not to I said " It was Diana.. she broke into my house last night and did the same thing to me what Mason did to you.. she used her powers on me and forced me to have sex with her I couldn't stop her I'm so sorry I feel like I cheated on you"... Jane starts to cry to cause she's extremely upset She said " That's it!!"
Jane's P.O.V/ I storm out the lab walking very fast with Jesse following behind me I look around the hospital searching for Diana I'm so angry I make my way towards the break room I open the door and I walk in I see Diana standing by the sink looking at her phone there are two other doctors standing on both sides of her. She sees me staring her down with anger in my eyes She said sarcastically " Look it's the work place cougar.. looking for that hot young girlfriend of yours?? maybe she out ran you.. those young ones are hard to catch aren't that??" she said that laughing hysterically and the two other female doctors started laughing and they left closing the door behind them Jesse still hasn't made to the break room cause I kinda ran here. I said " I know what you did to Jesse you fucking bitch". She smiles evilly then said sarcastically " I have no idea what you are talking about". she laughed wickedly then I said " Maybe this will refresh your memory!!" I drew my fist back and swung it at Diana punching her in the mouth hard her head flew back and blood started pouring from her mouth She smiles wickedly then said " That's a hell of a punch Jane.. didn't know you had it in you what's the matter?? mad because I fucked Jesse like you never could??"
I grab her by her white lab coat and sling her into the wall with force her back smacks the wall and she lunges at me swinging her fist but I duck and she misses and elbows me in the middle of my back hard I yell out in pain and hit the break room table on my stomach as I'm bent over the table she quickly gets behind me and pins my arms behind my back holding me down on the table she pins my hands down on my back with one hand and uses her other hand to grab the back of my hair she pulls my head back and said beside my ear " You want to know another reason why I fucking hate you so much??!! Jason killed Mason's father, Mason SR. he vanquished him and left me a single mother! Do you have any idea what that felt like?!! NO! you don't!! Jason took something from me that meant the most to me so I'm gonna take something from him!!!" I see a dagger appear in her hand it's a shadow on the table. the door to the break room flies open I look up and it's four police officers with their guns drew they have them pointed at Diana the first male cop said " Drop the knife now!!!" Diana pulls me up and holds the dagger to my throat the first male cop said " Drop the knife I'm not gonna tell you again!!!! we will shoot you!!!"
I see Jesse standing outside the break room she is crying hysterically as she is watching the scene unfold Diana presses the dagger to my throat and said " Just let me kill her!!! please just let me kill her!!" the first cop squeezes the trigger I feel her loosen her grip so I make a daring move I elbowed Diana hard in the ribs and she yells out in pain and let's me go as I'm diving out of the way and putting my back up against the wall where the cops are Diana growls and throws the dagger and it flies through the air and goes into my shoulder I yell out in agonizing pain and the four cops open fire on Diana shooting her several times bullets riddle into Diana's chest and blood fills the holes her back smacks up against the sink and she slides down the cabinets covering them with blood I watch as her blood starts to make a pool behind her two cops come over to her and to me Jesse is looking at Diana then Diana chokes out blood and says as she looks at Jesse " I'll..be..back..." her head falls down and the cop feels her pulse He said " She's dead". they sent me to the ER where they removed the dagger from my shoulder and the police questioned me and Jesse so we told them that Diana raped Jesse and that when I confronted her in the break room Diana tried to kill me they believed our story and let us go.

The Alex Porter Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now