...Chapter 5...

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Why is it so dark? Rosie thought as she sat by Emma's body, staring at the sky. It never got this dark in the city. There was always a light.

Since Emma had passed out, Rosie had dragged the two of them into an alcove in a hollow tree. She couldn't remember what had happened at the test--just what John and Emma told her. She couldn't remember a lot of things, but she was starting to come out of her haze. She knew something must've happened to her head. And she knew Emma thought she was permanently dumb. Who knew? Maybe she was.

Still, as she stared up at the foggy sky overhead, she tried to forget where they were and what they were up against. She eventually found a way to dose off.

Rosie awoke with a start as the sound of big vehicle came within earshot and stopped. It had to be a car of some kind, even though it was much louder than the ones in the city.

"Come on, they have to be somewhere near here. The path ends right up there."

"Copy that."

Rosie frantically tried to shake Emma awake. When Emma wouldn't wake up, she started to quietly cry. They made it so far, just to be killed by wild humans!

A flashlight briefly shined over her face. Very briefly like someone was turning around. Rosie froze, but she knew she'd been spotted.

It was a man. He was older, looked to be in his sixties. His hair was short and turning gray, but still had some dark roots and ends. He was relatively skinny and his face had a sort of rugged, worn-down appearance. He held himself in a respectable way. He started to reach towards Emma.

"Don't you dare touch her," Rosie gritted through her shivering teeth.

"I'm here to help. Is she alright?" He gestured at Emma.

"I don't know. She cut her arm and was bleeding, and then passed out," Rosemary looked down at Emma's expressionless body and then back up at the man.

"I'm here to help," he repeated, "I'm friends with John and Scott."

"Really?" Rose's voice filled with hope.

"Yes, now can you help me lift her up?" He asked gently. Rosie nodded and stood up, trying to drag Emma with her. The guy quickly went to Emma's left and lifted her. "My name's Wesley," he proceeded to talk disarmingly to Rosie. They trudged through the woods to a clearing. The blue paint that had been on the tree roots had stopped. A faded green car was parked a few feet ahead. Honda Civic it said on its back. Rosie was dragging the half of Emma she was helping lift.

"Hey, I'll help her from here," Wesley started to take Rosie's grip off of Emma.

"No. I'm not leaving her," Rosemary grunted trying to keep Emma up right.

"How about you hold her hand? I'm not gonna separate you two. I'm just gonna carry her. It will be quicker and relieve you from her weight. Trust me?"

"Okay, but I'm not letting go of her hand," Rose's voice was final. Wesley nodded and took Emma up with his large, gentle hands and carried her in his arms. Rosie squeezed Emma's hand, hoping Emma would wake up as they continued to the car. A lady with a kind face came rushing over to them. She was plump and had smile wrinkles in her face. Her gray rooted brown hair was wavy down to her elbows.

"Clara! I told you to stay in the car," Wesley rolled his eyes.

"Is she...?" Clara ignored the man.

"No, but if we don't treat her arm, she could be," he explained, laying Emma's body down in the car and allowing Rosie to climb in next to her. Wesley closed the door and turned to Clara. Rosie could see their mouths moving, but couldn't hear what they were saying. She looked down at Emma and let out a loud sigh.

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