Part 1

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| IMAGINE for @tobihatake |

You pace your room, heart pounding, nerves on end. "What will he say?" You whisper hoarsely, touching your flat stomach. You take a deep breath and let it out in a rush. Your hands knot at your waist, your frown deepening. "Will Kili reject you?" You cry quietly, looking to your baby ridden stomach. "I don't think he wants a child so soon." You murmur. A knock sounds at your bedroom door and you jump, heart in your throat. "Come-come in." You say, trying to keep the shake out of your voice. Kili enters, smiling. You smile faintly and rush into his arms. "You don't need to knock, you know. We do share a room." You remind, laughing. "I know. I'm just getting used to it though. We've been married for less than four months." He says. You frown again, heart pounding fast. "You're trembling." Kili says, pulling back, a slight frown on his face. "Is something wrong?" He asks, concerned, holding your face in his hands. "N-no." You answer, shaking your head. "Are you sure?" He asks, softly. You're silent for a moment and then nod, showing him a reassuring smile. He looks a little unsure, but pulls you back into his arms, rubbing your back. You swallow, tears filling your eyes.
Two weeks later, you throw on your clothes, knowing in a few more weeks they'll be getting a little more snug around the waist. "Oh baby, how I eager I am to meet you." You say quietly as Kili sleeps on. You glance at your husband, rolling your lips. "It'll be okay." You whisper to yourself. "He'll take it fine." You add, scared. Kili stirs and moans softly, blinking open his eyes. "Good morning, love." You say, a smile coming to your lips, your hands dropping to your sides. He gets out of bed and smiles at you. "Good morning. You look lovely this morning. You're absolutely glowing." He compliments. Your gaze skitters to the ground, a flush hinting your cheeks. You take a deep breath and meet his eyes, a perfect opportunity to tell him about your baby. As you open your mouth, you abruptly close it and sniff, a strange stench filling the room. You blanch, your face turning sour. "What is that smell?" You ask. Kili looks to your open window and shuts it. "Some of the Dwarves were out late killing animals for the feast tonight. They're cleaning them." He explains. Your stomach lurches and you lunge for the chamber pot, spilling out bile from your mouth. You cough and more comes out, feeling sick to your stomach. Kili runs over to you and grabs your arm, holding your hair back. "What's wrong?" He asks, concerned.
You don't answer, but lift your head, breathless. You take in a shakey breath and place a hand on your stomach. "N-nothing. Just the smell of the blood from the animals makes me sick." You answer. Kili grabs an arm around your waist and leads you back to your bed. "I think you need to rest for a little while. You look very pale." He remarks, worry etched into his face. You grasp his hand. "Kili, I...there's...-" You start. Kili shushes and places a kiss on your forehead. "You need your rest. I'm going to bring you something to eat." He says, leaving the room. You groan and sigh.
Hours before the feast starts, Kili sits at the edge of your bed, taking your hand. "How do you feel? Any better?" He asks. You nod and push yourself up to a siting position. "Much better." You say. You take a deep breath. "You're going to make a great father one day." You say, nonchalantly. He grins. "I cannot wait till we have children!" He exclaims excitedly. Your shoulders lift and you feel a relief wracking your body. You place Kili's hand on your stomach. "Pretty soon, Kili, pretty soon." You whisper, eyes never leaving his. His mouth slips open and his eyes widen. "What-what are you saying?" He asks, barely audible. You swallow, panic rising in your body. "Do you-do you think Fili will enjoy being in uncle in about seven months?" You ask, quietly. "You're with child?" Kili gasps shocked. You hand shakes on top of his. "I am." You state.
Kili's face in unreadable as he takes a long moment trying to process this news. The next moments are agony as you wait to hear what he says. "Are you not happy?" You cry, frowning. He meets your eyes and you see the tears gathering in his. " most happiest Dwarf alive!" He exclaims, pulling you into his arms. You start crying and wrap your arms around him, relief flooding you. "Oh my goodness, I am so happy." You breathe. "I thought-I thought you were going to be upset about us getting pregnant so soon." You say. Kili shakes his head and pulls away. He takes your face in his hands, tears streaming down his face. He smiles so lovingly at you, it makes your heart beat faster. "No, never. This is the second best day of my life! The first one was when I married you." He says, giving you a wink. You grin and blush. Kili glances at your stomach. "Can this even be true?" He says, stroking your stomach lovingly. "My heart is so full right now. I feel like it's about to burst from my chest!" He exclaims, staring at you. "Mine too." You state, smiling. He leans forward and kisses you soundly on the lips. You kiss him back for a long moment and then he pulls away, his eyes alight. "I'm so excited!" He shrieks. You laugh and wrap your arms around him. He holds you protectively, one hand on your stomach.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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