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It's been more than a year since Taehyung left his old life behind.

He was living in a small village, using his knowledge to treat people, while Jimin worked at the bakery.

Taehyung's baby was almost 8 months old now, he was a beautiful little boy.

He had eyes like Jeongguk

His lips and nose were like Taehyung's but he had a mole under his lips like his other father.

He reminded him of Jeongguk so much that he still cries some nights but he'll have to learn to live without him, the cruel man who left his heart in pieces. He will one day.

He had a beautiful son to take care of, and people to help too. He no longer needed someone to protect him, to do things for him. He was finally becoming independent.

And when the time comes, when his heart would heal and recover or when someone would make it pound again, he'll try to love again. But for now, he was terribly missing Jeongguk.

The sun was setting, and Taehyung was carrying his baby in his arms, close to his heart, trying to help the little boy fall asleep.

He hummed a lullaby but his precious baby turned his baby to only look at him and giggle, a teeny tiny finger was in his mouth as the other small hand gripped the cotton shirt and looked at his father, beaming. The sounds were coming from his Papa! The baby's fascination with his father's humming was reborn every day.

" You are giving Papa a hard time Iseul, please fall asleep my baby" Taehyung cooed at his little one who looked at him with stars in his eyes. He kept gently stroking his back to make him fall asleep.

Jimin had come back a few minutes ago and was taking a bath now. So he answered the knock on the door.

"Oh, how can I help you, Sana?"

-"Father found a man near yesterday's landslide, he is unconscious Tae, would you come and treat him?" The young girl asked worriedly.

Taehyung agreed before asking if it was an emergency, but it wasn't

" you can go, I'll be there soon,"

He had passed Iseul to Jimin when he came out of the bath and then hurried to Sana's house.

It had rained heavily yesterday night, and there was a landslide along a nearby mountain.

He had hoped that no one would get injured but it seems it wasn't the case. The ground was still slippery and muddy from the rain. Sana was waiting for him outside her house and led him into their cottage.

She led him to the man who was lying unconscious in her Grandfather's previously empty room.

"Would you go and bring a bowl of clean water while I check on him?" Taehyung asked,

-"Oh, okay," Sana said before she left to fetch what she had been asked.

He opened the door of the darkroom where the man was. Keeping his box of medicines to the side, he lit the lantern to lighten up the room and hung it up.

Taehyung's knees wobbled as he fell to the floor, tears streaming down his face.

Jeongguk was the injured man he had been called to treat.

Why? Why was the universe so cruel to him? Why does it always have to bring him back to where he had started, back to Jeongguk?

He wanted to scream.

But then he heard footsteps approaching.

He began to collect himself before anybody saw him like this. He can't let that happen.

He wiped his tears off in a hurry and stood up dusting his pants as Sana entered with a bowl of water. Taehyung excused himself as he went to wash his hands before he would start to treat Jeongguk.

He checked Jeongguk's temperature only to realize that he was running a fever as Taehyung had expected. He must have gotten caught in the rain.

He carefully unbuttoned Jeongguk's shirt that had been dirtied, grabbing a wet cloth he began to clean him and searched for any injuries that the fall must have caused.

He was glad that only minor injuries had occurred because of the accident. Jeongguk must have lost consciousness because of the fever.

He could see new scars that were added to Jeongguk's body, he didn't like the feeling that rose in his chest due to that.

Jeongguk had hit his head, and there were injuries in his right arm and leg too because of the fall.

He turned Jeongguk to the side to look for any injuries on the back. There weren't any injuries but to Taehyung's horror, there were innumerable new but already healed scars on his back as if he had been whipped a million times.

His hands were shaking as he cleaned his fresh wounds, and applied herbal medicine to help heal them. He was glad that the latter was still unconscious.

"That's all I can do right now," Taehyung told Sana,s father, " he has a fever, I'll give you some herbs, make him a soup out of it and make him drink it when he wakes up" he completed adjusting his hat before he left.

His feet halted to look at Jeongguk once again.

"and please don't tell him my name," he said before he left.

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