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Izuku was there crying in an alleyway. His mother Inko and His father Toshinori abandoned him because they thought he had a "Villains quirk". His quirk is called Selflessness. he can manipulate minds in many ways. Mind control, Taking and giving consciousness, Reading minds and memories, Shifting and alternating memories, and giving dreams and nightmares. These are all abilities of his quirk.

As he is crying in an alley way a man named Tomura Shigaraki offers him a place to which he accepts. Tomura still being a man child tells Kurogiri to teach him and raise him. Kurogiri taught Izuku many things even things the average 7th grader wouldn't know. He would also teach him how to use his quirk.

One day at the age of 10. met All for One. "Hello Izuku ive have been eager to meet you. You quirk is fascinating and I would like you to join the league of villains." Izuku has turned cold over the years he is also extremely smart. "Yea not like I want to be a hero anymore being that my so called "Dad" thought my quirk was villainous." Izuku replied. "Okay then I will give you a quirk that would make you and even more valuable asset." All for one said he touched Izuku's head to give him the quirk.

The quirks name? Doll: basically it makes it so he cant bleed or die from anything. even if his head is cut right of he can reassemble it. it also slightly enhances all of his physical abilities without giving him muscle.

at age 12 he has lots almost all emotion which he wanted. He also started where glasses. He was told by his mother and father that the heart express emotions. though he still has a heart he wants to loose those emotions because he vowed. "If a emotions cause this much pain and suffering. then I don't want any emotions."

It was his first mission in the LOV and it was to exterminate the water hose heroes. He saw a villain that goes by muscular. He shot a pink light into his head and he passed out. The water hose hero's were about to thank the boy. But he punched them so hard that they crashed through the buildings and died from broken ribs and punctured lungs.

He was told to wear a villain costume during missions so no one could recognize him. His costume consisted of him wearing a face mask that covers the mouth and he changes his and hair color and shape from green to any other color during missions. Izuku started appearing more and more. People, Heroes and Villains alike started calling him. Mind Recon. He took a liking to the name and kept it like that.

At 14 in age he is about to succeed his goal in becoming emotionless. He found that some how his emotions slowly go away while listening to music. He entered a music store and started look for genres. He'd listen to rock at times but is was acoustic rock. He bumped into a girl and they fell over.

"I apologize, here take my hand. I need to watch where im going." He said in a plan tome that carried no emotion. The girl looked up at him. " Oh no don't worry about it dude. I wasn't paying attention much myself either." the girl responded as she took his hand. The girl had short purple hair with a bored look in her eyes. she had phone jacks for her earlobes. "Any way im Kyoka Jiro, what your name brussel sprout." Jiro questioned. "I am Izuku Midoriya. Not brussel sprout. brussel sprout is a plant is it not?" Izuku said with an emotionless tone. "I mean yea. Its just a nickname dude." "Oh ok I understand. Its a pleasure to meet you Jiro." Izuku said turning his attention to the music C'ds.

"What music do you like?" Jiro questioned. "I prefer rock it usually helps me loose my emotions." This response surprised Jiro. "Um why do you want to lose your emotions?" She said concerned and wanting to help. "I'd Prefer not to talk about this subject in public." He said in an emotionless tone. They paid for the music and went out and sat a bench at a park no one was at.

"So, why do you want to lose your emotions?" Jiro asked while looking at Izuku's emotionless face. "It happened at the age of four I believe when I got my quirk. My mother and father disliked my quirk and thought it was an evil quirk and abandoned me. After that day I vowed that if emotions caused that much suffering that I don't want any emotions." Jiro was surprised by this she felt a slight tear run down her eyes. But what she didn't expect is for him to still hold that emotionless face.

"Dude, look your old mom and dad are shameful I don't know why they would do that to their own son. But, Look just because two people thought like that about you doesn't mean you can shun your emotions. Suffering is a part of having emotions. Trust me I know my self." She said while placing her hand on him. "But, then those emotions can also express happiness. Happiness feels good. Having emotions is an important part of having a life." She looks Izuku in the eyes and he looked like he was in thought. "Midoriya, I will help you to bring your emotions back." She said in a caring voice which was made to bring at least a little emotion back. And it worked because she saw a small tear run down his eye. He still had his emotionless face. "Thank you, Jiro." He said still emotionless. Jiro gave a small smile. "Dont mention it. we will meet here to talk ok?" She said as she got up.

"Anyways I gotta go home. Wait are you going to U.A?" She questioned before she left. "Are you?" "Yea! I want to become a hero and help others like you." She responded. "I believe I am going as well." Izuku said getting up and cleaning his glasses. "Yea see you then. Meet here tomorrow?" Izuku looked at her. "If its not to much trouble." He responded as he walked away.

Izuku arrived at the LOV base aka the bar. "Izuku you are a lot later than usual something happen?" Kurogiri asked. "Yes I believe I met someone as a friend." He said while going behind the counter and sitting nest to Kurogiri. "So, who is this friend?" Kurogiri asked happy that Izuku finally made a friend. "Her identity is Kyoka Jiro. she is a kind girl about my age. I told her about the events a when I was four and she wanted to help get my emotions back." "Oh? and did you agree?" "I don't know yet. I know I still haven't lost all of my emotions. But for the first time I experienced a weird emotion that refuses me to tell her no. I don't know what it is but I think I like it." Izuku stated as Shigaraki started laughing.

"Idiot thats called love! you fell in love!" Shigaraki continues laughing at him. "Who would've thought you would 'fall in love'. What does she look like?" Shigaraki questioned. "That wouldn't be difficult being that I have identified her just like everyone else i meet. She had short purple hair with bored eyes and earjacks for earlobes. She says she is going to U.A and I might want to go just to see her."

"If thats the case then you can go. But, you have to be a spy that keeps in track of all current events that happens at the school. I hear that All Might is teaching this year. an If i remember correctly All Might is your traitorous father. You want revenge don't you i mean we all do." Shigaraki asked the emotionless boy. "Yes of course. I want him to feel the pain I felt that day. Betrayed."

ITS YO BOI AUTHOR CHAN WITH ANOTHER STORY YES ANOTHER STORY THAT MAKES 5 ON GOING......... wow..... I really have no life.........damn.

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