Entrance Exam

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Izuku woke up. It was the morning of the entrance exams. Izuku still had an emotionless face its been a month since He and Kyoka met. He told her his quirk which she said reminded her of Mind Recon villain but then she remembered he used a pink bow of light and Izuku had green light sparks. He never told her about doll.

He entered the walk way to the school. "Hey! Izuku!" Izuku turned to see Kyoka. After a month of being friends they have gotten to first name basis. "Greeting Kyoka." Izuku said still emotionless, Kyoka has made her best attempts to bring his emotions back but, she realizes that it takes time for something so strong to come back.

Izuku and Kyoka sat next to each-other in the auditorium. Present Mic was explaining the exam so the students can get into U.A. Until a blue haired boy stood up. "EXCUSE ME BUT THERE ARE FOUR ROBOTS AND YOU HAVEN'T EXPLAINED THE FOURTH ONE! IF THIS IS A MISTAKE FROM SUCH A PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOL THAN THIS IS SHAMEFUL! AND YOU!" The blue haired man pointed at Izuku who looked back with an emotionless face. "IF YOU ARE DAY DREAMING THEN THERE IS NO SPACE FOR YOU IN THIS SCHOOL LEAVE!" The blue haired boy with glasses said. "HEY CHILL THE FUCK OUT HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU! DAMN FOUR-EYES!" Kyoka defended Izuku. As the blue haired boy realized he was being disruptive and sat down.

The Izuku and Kyoka stood at the door large door. They were in the same section. The door opened and Izuku and Kyoka wasted no time. everyone was just waiting at the door until. "What are you doing?! A real fight has no countdown! GO!" Present Mic shouted. Everyone started dashing. Izuku came across 3 3-pointer. "Hijack." Izuku said emotionless as he gained control of the the three robots and made them fight each-other until they were destroyed.

10 minutes in and Izuku has around 86 points. He was about to keep going when he heard. "THE ZERO POINTER IS LOOSE!" Izuku turned to see the giant robot. Izuku then saw a couple people in the rocks about to be crushed by the robot. And saw others running but one. It was Kyoka. "Broadcast." Izuku said as he tapped his head and a light beamed from it and bounced of Kyoka's head and shot to the other people running. Broadcast is a move Izuku can us broadcast instructions into other peoples head. Everyone running turned around and dashed towards the Zero pointer all using their quirks while a few went over and tended to the ones under the rubble.

After the Zero pointer was destroyed and the people were saved. The observations room was overlooking the event. "He saw everyone running away and took charge and gave everyone instructions. He even told people who had more supportive quirks to help the people stuck instead of fighting" A hobo looking man said. "I like this kid I would like him in my class." He continued. "He most likely passed. As we are seeing his current resulta his name is Izuku midoriya and his quirk is called selflessness." A bear\mouse\possum said as he holds out paper that most likely have Izuku's info. "The quirk he has allows him to enter minds. He can change memories or look through them. He can also control nonliving animate objects and they follow his command." He says. "That kind of sounds like Mind Recon but I could be completely wrong. he uses green lights and Mind recon uses a pink light plus their hair styles and color are completely different." A man with a sheriff hat and a gas mask looking thing said.

Izuku was walking out of the exam with Kyoka next to him. There was an awkward silence. well to Kyoka it was awkward Izuku being Izuku doesn't feel awkwardness. Kyoka broke the silence. "So, you think you passed?" Kyoka questioned. "I believe we both passed. I calculated a 87% chance that there were other factors in the exam." Izuku stated. "Wow I never really thought of that." Kyoka said as they got closer to her house. "Ok, this is my place see you around Green bean." "Is that another nickname?" "Haha, yea." Kyoka said as she closed the door.

Izuku walked to the LoV base and opened the door and went inside to see 2 new faces. "Kurogiri, who are they? do you need me to put them out?" Izuku asked overthinking the scenario. "No, Izuku these are new members of the league. Dabi and Toga." Kurogiri stated. "Ah I see I apologize." Izuku said bowing down to Dabi and Toga in apology. "I am Izuku Midoriya, Villain name... Mind Recon." This made Dabi's eyes grow slightly more wide as Toga fangirled. " You seem almost emotionless kid. Guessing parent issues?" Dabi asked as Izuku pointed a finger an a light went through his head. "I see we have similar issues. Yes, my mother and father abandoned me because I have what they call a villains quirk. You have similar issues. You father looked down upon you because you didn't meet his standards." Izuku said after he saw Dabi's memories.

"The hell did you see my memories damn your strong kid." Dabi said impressed. "Yes though I am currently trying to gain my emotions back. Someone important told me that emotions are an important part in life. They made me feel something for the first time. Shigaraki said it was love." This made Dabi laugh. "Damn kid, Is she cute?" Izuku looked confused that the question. "what do you mean by cute?" Izuku asked. This question surprised Dabi. "Wow, kid how far did you take losing your emotions? Anywho I mean like does she look good in your eyes like you cant stop looking at her." Izuku understood the question and gave some thought. "If thats the case then yes I do believe she is 'cute'." The fact that Izuku is not blushing has really surprised Dabi. Anyone who would be asked about love would have a red face right now. 'He really went almost all the way. Honestly thank god that this girl is actually helping him right now.' Dabi thought as he went to the counter of the bar and took a shot.

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