Class 1-ship *COUGH* Class 1-A

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Izuku was walking on campus of U.A a school for heroes although he is a villain. He was walking and he turned around because he heard a familiar voice. "Izuku!" He turned around to Kyoka. "Greetings, Kyoka." He said in his emotionless voice. "What you aren't happy I passed?!" Kyoka said pouting. "Do you not remember? I don't feel happiness. I am thankful you passed though." Izuku responded which made Kyoka keep pouting. "Yea,yea whatever. what class are you in?" She asked. "I believe it was class 1 dash A." Izuku responded which made Kyoka's eyes widen in excitement. "Yay! we are in the same class." Kyoka said trying to gain some emotion from Izuku which didn't work. "Thats good. It would be disappointing if we didn't." Izuku stated.

The two got to the door for their class and It was quite large. The two opened the smaller door just to see the blue haired boy yelling at a spike hair blonde. The blue hair boy noticed Izuku and walked up to him.

"Hello I am Tenya Iida an-." Iida was cut off my Izuku reading his memories. "Its nice to meet you Tenya Iida I am Izuku Midoriya. I apologize I tend to look in other peoples memories for everyone I meet I hope thats not a problem. I am good at keeping secrets." Izuku said with an emotionless tone. "It is alright. But you should really ask before you look through somebody's mind. And you it is nice to meet you to." Iida said as he turned to Kyoka. " Kyoka jiro. Nice to meet you." Kyoka said with her normal bored look. "If you are hear to make friends then leave." A man in a sleeping bag said as he took a sip of juice. Kyoka and Iida were freaked out but Izuku had is emotionless expression on. "Are over size caterpillar?" Izuku asked which made everyone in class start laughing. "im not joking."

"Yea Yea just take a seat." The man said while stepping out of his sleeping bag and stood in front of the class. "I am shota aizawa. Your teacher. Now put on your P.E uniform and meet me outside." Aizawa said while walking out.

Izuku and Kyoka were on their way to the locker rooms when Izuku decided to say something. "Kyoka. There is something i mean to tell you." Kyoka looked up at him when he said that. "what is it?" She responded. "I have...........two quirks." Izuku said while Kyoka's eyes widened. "W-why are you telling me this now?!" Kyoka semi yelled. "Its because i feared that you would see me differently........for the first time in years I was scared. Fear is an emotion right?" Izuku said still emotionless. Kyoka smiled she now knows that she is doing good. "Dont worry about it. No matter what you are still my best friend." She said as they arrived to the locker rooms.

When everyone got to the field Aizawa started to talk. "Your all here good. Now you will be doing quirk apprehension test. Last place gets expelled" which made everyone groan except for Izuku and a half hair colored guy. "Wait but isn't that unfair? you cant do that!" a brunette called out. "Actually yes I can. We U.A teachers teach our class as we see fit. Izuku Midoriya." Aizawa called out as Izuku looked at him. "What was your furthest throw in middle school with a soft ball." He questioned. "I believe 78 meters." Izuku responded. "You got first in the entrance exams you go first." Aizawa said while throwing him a soft ball that Izuku caught. "Stand in the circle you can use your quirk." "Ok"

Izuku stood in the middle of the circle. He threw the ball and it went pretty far but it looked like a normal throw. "788 meters." Aizawa said as he pulled up the phone to reveal the throwing distance. Everyone was in awe but then they noticed Izuku's hand trembling. Then it fell of. "DUDE ARE YOU OK!" Kyoka shouted as Izuku bent down and grabbing his hand and placed it back on his arm which it connected. "Yes all better now." Izuku said waving his reconnect hand but still having an emotionless expression.

"Midoriya is legendary. want to know why? he has two quirks." Aizawa said while everyone looked at Izuku with awe. The test went by and Izuku came at first at almost everything except ball throw and side jumps because yea you already know.

It was the end of the day and Izuku and Kyoka were walking in utter silence. "So, Izuku whats your second quirk? does it have to do with that hand falling off and coming back on?" Kyoka broke the silence with the question. "Yes. It is called doll...... Basically I dont bleed and anybody parts that fall of can be reattached. Even if i am decapitated I can just put my head back on also I do not feel any shocks of pain." Izuku states as Kyoka curiously jabs her jack into his side. Izuku has no reaction but confusion. "what was that for?" Izuku asked emotionless. "Huh, I guess you really don't feel pain huh." Kyoka said.

Izuku dropped Kyoka of at her house and went towards the league of villains base.

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