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Y/n's I guess what you'd call an extroverted introvert. She had little to no trouble making friends but when she does make them, she never actually talks to them...

Sometimes people can be exhausting and sometimes people can be refreshing. It all depends on the environment and the people. If you didn't know her well you'd think she was rude or something along those lines. She doesn't try to be, it's just that she can tend to be pretty blunt, she says what's on her mind most of the time and her friends are used to this. If she sees someone in trouble she goes to help and can easily tell an assaulter off. She does have a very active social filter though. 

SOCIAL FILTER: That little voice thingy in your head that tells you not to say certain things because it can be offensive and or taken the wrong way. A conscience  basically. Younger children and or older more conservative people don't seem to have this. It's a common genetic mutation caused by lack of sympathy and empathy called "Asshole Syndrome". If your social filter is active that is a great thing.

In all reality she's just very socially awkwArd and has trouble finding people with the same interests.., and people that aren't annoying and know their boundaries. And that somehow comes of as being rude and antisocial. Somewhat adaptable in social situations if the mood calls for it and can read people like the open books. If you get to know her though, she's a pretty nice person to be around.

The people she did like being around, enjoyed her presence as much. The way she expressed her feelings was cute (she explained things like Hinata explaining volleyball) Her abrupt way of speaking made things she said funny even though that wasn't what was intended. The way she was honest and thought about everyone's view of a situation made people come to her for advice, solving disputes, or help with homework. To which she politely declined (because she didn't know there was any homework...) So she was overall generally liked but people tended to admire from afar because...well who knows?




Oh and did I mention she was a literal curvy GODDESS? One of the top ranked girls in her grade for her looks, (by the boys and half of the girls) She had people confessing their love to her left and right but...Let's see how things change (or stay exactly the same) When she gets some unexpected news from her mother, leaves her friends, and has a hard time from a certain setter...

(Courting) Kageyama x Curvy/Chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now