Day 9: Guitar

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Yuki got off the train and walked towards the apartment his sister and Luna lived in now. It was a nice, modern and big building with 20 floors and, of course, they picked the 20th floor when applying for the building. Reaching it wasn't a challenge though since there was an elevator in the building and the view at night really made up for it. Seeing Inkopolis light up at night in all the bright colors was a truly beautiful view.

As the pink Octo rang the doorbell, he already heard excited steps closing in from the inside. It was Glace, running up to the door to let her brother in as quickly as she could. He figured since he was already in Inkopolis for a meeting with Marina and Pearl, he could visit his sister again and texted her immediately to let her know he would come over. 
"Yuki! Glad to see you again! Come in, come in!" She basically pulled her brother in as she was speaking and he really had to give it his all on order from preventing himself from tripping over his own two feet.

"Hey, sis. All on your own I see? No Luna today to bless us with her presence?" He said in a slight mocking tone. Glace just shook her head and smirked a little at her brother's comment. "No, she's out of town right now. Said she had something to do but wouldn't tell me no matter how much I annoyed her."
"And you're fine with that?" 
"Yeah. It's not the first time and I trust her. If it was something bad or important she would tell me." The cyan Octo said. She didn't sound as sure as she wanted to. Yuki put his hand on her shoulder and wanted to say something to cheer her up, but she put her hand on his and gave a little smile to tell him that she was fine.

Yuki nodded and started walking around the house while Glace went to get some drinks. The pink Octo stumbled upon some framed pictures on a drawer and picked them up to get a closer look.
"Isn't that us on your birthday?" He said as he showed her the picture. "Yeah! That was my 4th birthday!" As she said that with a smile on her face, it quickly faded when she looked at her brother, who had a sad look on his face now.

"Look at how happy we looked back then. We were only children, we couldn't have possibly known what would follow such a happy day only 5 months after."
Glace softened her voice as she remembered what had happened back then. "The separation of our family, huh. I remember that day well. The Octavia army stormed our home and took us all away and put us in different divisions. It took us 12 years to be reunited again.", she put her head on Yuki's shoulder and he returned the gesture, "I'm happy that we found each other again."
"Me too, Glace. Me too."

Yuki's expression changed as soon as he spotted something on the picture. He pointed at little Glace who had a guitar in her hands that was almost bigger than her body. "Hey, look at that! That's the present mom and I got you! Aahhh I remember how many times my ears used to bleed when you practiced."
"Hey! I was good at playing the guitar, okay!?" Glace responded with a fake angry tone and a pouting face, punching her brother's arm softly. Yuki chuckled at her expression and raised his hands in surrender. 
"Right, right, of course you were."

"Oh! That reminds me!" Glace put the picture down and quickly ran to a room in the back of the hallway. The pink Octo watched her fade into the dark hallway and picked up the picture to put it on the drawer again. He heard the footsteps getting louder and turned around to see Glace standing there with a new guitar in her hands that she was presenting in a proud stance. Yuki raised his eyebrows in surprise and excitement.
"Woah, that's a nice looking guitar! Where did you get it and also when?"
"Luna got it for me on my birthday last year! She was so excited that she couldn't wait until the party to give it to me! It's an acoustic guitar and I'm fiercely practicing to master it!" 

Yuki got closer and brushed over the nice wooden body of the guitar with his hands, admiring every single bit of it. Every little detail that was carved in. "And? How's practice going? Anything you can play yet?"
"No, not yet.", Glace looked down at the guitar with a slight disappointment expression but changed it to a smile as she returned to face her brother, "but that's no problem! I'll just practice some more! I'll just have to work really hard because not everyone can be as musically talented as you."
Yuki rolled his eyes and smiled. "Come on, but you're the better singer! Remember when we used to sing all the time? Your voice basically drowned me out every time! So I decided to back you up with instruments instead!"
"Haha, yeah, I know. That might have or have not been on purpose.", Glace said with a proud grin while handing the guitar over to her brother, "think we still got it?"
"Hah, keep in mind wo you're talking to!" 
They both sat down on the couch and prepared to sing all of the songs they loved when they were still young and still do in the present days.

Novelty November 2020Where stories live. Discover now