Chapter One

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"Then, let's get married Aguero."

His closed eyes shot open revealing sparkling cobalt gems. They dimmed slightly before crinkling as the blue haired boy let out a loud laugh.

"Ahaha, don't joke about these things Bam! That's ridiculous!"

The brunettes smile faltered slightly and he pulled the slim body next to him closer, hiding his face in the crook of his partners pale neck he mumbled.

"What if I'm not joking..."

"Don't be silly, you're too young Bam. You're only twenty one years old, you don't want to commit yourself to m-, too early on."

Khun responded to Bams words, squeezing him tightly and smiling sadly though the brunette couldn't see his expression. Bam ignored that little stab of rejection that needled its way into his heart, biting down on Khuns shoulder instead teasing a painful exclamation out of the others lips. He laughed through it, joking and smiling as always.

"Mmm, but now you're twenty four years old. You need to be careful, you're getting past it. I'll love you even when you're old and grey."

"Ow! What the hell!?"

The older boy started to complain but was soon silenced by his boyfriends lips, by the hands sliding their way under the loose tshirt he had been sleeping in and removing it.

"Here's your first birthday present then..."

Bam mumbled, breaking away from the kiss to climb on top of his lover and remove Khuns pyjama bottoms. Running a hand along that smooth skin as Khun laced his arms around his partners neck, dragging him into a deep kiss once more.

After a morning in the sheets, snuggling into each others warmth, Bam whispered in his partners ear.

"Are you ready for your next present?"

"Is it round two?"

Khun smirked, letting his hands wander and Bam chuckled at him, catching and stopping his exploration.

"No but maybe that can be your third present."

The brunette pulled away from his pouting boyfriend, turning over to reach into his bedside drawer.

"I'll only forgive you if it's a toy."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you then."

Turning back around, Bam propped himself up on his elbow as he handed the small box to the birthday boy. Khun sat up in bed, intrigued by the little black box. He tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear before opening up the box. His blue eyes opened wide and glanced over at Bam who was smiling nervously.

"So what do you think?"

"What do I think? Bam... It's beautiful..."

Pulling the earring out of the box, Khun admired the single topaz jewel encased in platinum. Delicately unclipping it he raised it to his ear, Bam was beaming at his boyfriends delight.

"How does it look?"

"Gorgeous as always."

Responding immediately with a cheeky grin on his lips. Khun tutted and smiled at the reply before clambering out of bed to see it in the mirror. Bams eyes were also admiring something as his nude boyfriend walked to the mirror.

"It really is beautiful though."

Khun sighed as he marveled at the gem and felt a pair of arms snaking around him.

"How about a shower and that third present?"

The brunettes lips whispered into Khuns neck, pressing himself against the older boys bare back. Khun turned himself around, his hands reaching up for his lovers chest as he ghosted his lips over expectant ones.

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