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Veronica's POV~

So I was grounded for a week, after halloween, and I couldn't see anyone for the rest of the weekend, not even Steve. When monday came, Steve dropped me off in the parking lot. I went to head into the school, when Steve stopped me, by putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey wait. You're early. Why don't we just hang out in the parking lot for a bit like we used to?" He asked, as he sat on the hood of his car.

I looked down at my watch, and saw that I had some time. I asked Steve to drop me off early so I could avoid Billy.

I sat down on Steve's car, next to him.

"So tell me exactly you were doing that side of town saturday morning?" Steve asked, but then made a flustered expression. "Wait! Never mind, don't tell me. I don't want to know!" He said, disgusted. I smacked his arm, and my face turned red.

"I didn't sleep with him. I was with his sister?" I said.

"With Max?!?" He exclaimed.

"No! Ugh she thought I would feel better with staying in her room, rather than Billy's" I shuddered at the last part of my sentence. Steve frowned.

"He didn't try anything did he?"He asked.

"No, but..." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"So what's the problem? What's so wrong with Hargrove?" Steve asked.

"Steve, he beat you up. And I know you said that you guys are cool now, but that doesn't mean that I'm okay with it!" I said annoyed that he kept asking that question. 

"If anything Ronnie, I should be pissed, not you. And he'd never hurt you." Steve said. I looked up at him.

"How do you know that he won't?" I asked.

"Because he likes you. A lot. He's always asking me questions about you." He said, and I looked away from him.

"People that like you can also hurt you." I mumbled before looking back at him. "You didn't give him any information about me right?" I asked. Steve hesitated.

"Uh.." he chuckled, and my eyes widened.

"Steve!" I yelled.

Then I heard the loud roar of a car, and knew exactly who it was.

I looked down at my watch and knew it was almost time for class, which is around the time Billy gets here. I have to get in the school now while he's still parking.

"Shit Steve. I'm gonna be late for class. I'll see you later." I said. taking off.

I could hear Steve behind me shout,

"You can't hide from your boyfriend!" He said, and I knew he was smirking.

I was fifteen feet from the doors, when I heard the car engine turn of and the opening and slamming shut of two car doors. 

I tried to quicken my walk, and I was almost to the door when someone grabbed my arm.  They looped my arm with theirs and turned me around. It was Max. 

"Oh hey Veronica!Where you going?"She asked way to energetically.

"Oh uh..class. I don't want to be late for class so I need to hurry to my locker to get my stuff, so..."

I tried to politely remove my arm from hers, but she held on.

"Oh,but you aren't late, you still have time. I just wanted to say that I had fun this weekend and we should do that again." She said with the same energy.

Suddenly Billy made it right beside me. He smiled at me and gave a'charming' hi, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder while Max smirked. I glared at her, realizing what she did. That little brat knew I was trying to avoid her brother so she stalled me,  so Billy could get to me.

"Hey Billy. Oh Veronica, you should hurry to your locker you don't want to be late for class." She said before walking off to the Hawkin's middle school. Billy looked down at me.

"I'll walk with you." He smirked. He knew Max's plan too! I was expecting that he would remove his arm from my shoulder, but he didn't. When we walked in, all the commotion stopped. Everyone looked our way, and started whispering to each other. I couldhear some people talking about what happened at the party while another whispered, "I guess their dating know." and that started a whole new set of whispers to arise.

Billy must have noticed this because his smirked widened, and he pulled me closer to him with his arm, causing more people to whisper. I felt just as embarrassed as I did friday night.

When we made it to my locker. I took out my books for class.Billy rested on the locker next to mine.

"So what class do you have now?" He asked.

"History." I mumbled so that he couldn't understand.

"Cool. I'll go with you." He said.

"But you don't even have that class." I said.

Billy leaned his face closer to mine.

"Well now I do." He said and kissed my forehead, before grabbing my books in one hand, and grabbing my hand in the other, and led me to class. I could feel the stares of the rest of the school on us.


Billy followed me for the rest of the morning, but during gym, I sneaked away and hid in the girls locker room until lunch, where I sneaked out with Robin under the bleachers.

The bell rang at last period, and I walked out of the school, but so did Billy, and he caught up to me.

"Wanna hang out somewhere?" Billy asked trying to direct me to his car.

"Can't. I'm grounded for the week."I said. 'Because of you!'is what I wanted to add.

Billy's smile dropped. 

"Oh. Well I can give you a ride home." He offered.

"No thanks.Steve is taking me home." I said pointing to Steve in his car, who looked at us smirking. I just glared back.

"Tell Steve to get lost. I'll bring you home." He said.

"Uh no. I better not, I'll probably get into more trouble with my parents if they see I'm with a boy that's not Steve." I said, thankful for once that my dad was strict so I didn't have to spend time with Billy. I didn't want him to know where I lived either.

"Okay.I guess I'll see you tomorrow, and when you're done being grounded." He said then whispered in my ear. " I can drive you home then." He gave that smile that made me sick to my stomach and kissed my temple, walking away.

Annnd of course everyone was watching.


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